Urban Shooter

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Jan 8, 2003
I've had a lot to think about during my absence from THR and the pro-gun fight. I'm trying to see the interest in starting a new organization called the Urban Shooter.

Why? Because its time. More and more, I see the world changing around us and the people we think should have the solutions are more concerned with survival than helping. I think I can do better with a little help from friends like you. I think we can work this thing into cells that are autonomous but connected. Gun owners have the same needs but not the same cultures. I believe the only way to fight an enemy like that is guerilla warfare. There’s a war going in politics, at home, in our schools and in our communities.

We don’t have the backyards or large lots to shoot in anymore. We are becoming urban whether you like it or not. New shooters don’t have time to learn any traditions because things keep changing. So like any living thing that wants to survive, we must evolve or perish.

My intention is to use the internet for global meetings, seminars and training but it will cost. Help me share my knowledge by investing in this effort. The internet allows us to communicate in some amazing ways but they are not free. I can’t make it happen without you. Your gift will be coordinated and recorded so that you will be credited for it respectfully so that every dollar you provide is discounted on all future events. Do I have all the answers? No--- but with the right people we can do something fun.

Anyone want do better than just surviving? Help me resurrect an idea whose time has come. Pass this on to a friend and family.

The revolution will not be televised.

This is my invitation to idyllic innovation and transformation. Thinkers wanted. Dreamers wanted. Freedom fighters wanted. Dare to be different. Become an Urban Shooter supporter today.

Urban Shooters. Globally connected, locally protected©.


All that join the Urbanshooters members list on blackmanwithagun.com will receive a free copy of my first e-book, "Black Man With A Gun, People Fear What They Do Not Understand". 137 page PDF format

Thanks for considering it.

Your move.
I've read your web site and some of your writings in the past with great interest. It's refreshing to come across an urban viewpoint that's grounded in common sense.

Good to see you here,

Thankfully I'm not an "Urban Shooter" but I support your cause. Donation just made to your organization.

Keep up the good fight!!

For those who don’t know, my name is Kenneth Vincent Ford Blanchard, internationally known as the Black Man With A Gun. Just want to give you a few things about myself. I am a trainer of law enforcement, security and intelligence types. I wrote a book by the same name to help more people understand the right to keep and bear arms with my own flavor added to it. It is a wonder the book made it because of how careful I had to be at my day job to publish anything. Seven years ago, I birthed the website of the same name (blackmanwithagun.net) and then eventually blackmanwithagun.com to introduce myself to other patriots. Hindered by my federal employers about saying too much, sharing where I received my training or who I trained by, was a major marketing obstacle. I used to fight terrorist before it was well known. I am blessed enough to still be alive.

I created the Tenth Cavalry Gun Club, a nationally recognized sport shooting organization for African Americans and the thing went crazy on me. Without a clue, I got involved in a sociology experiment. I learned some valuable lessons about people, culture and group dynamics. Luckily, the club survived its growing pains and I let it go to grow and be free.

I worked with the NRA and LEAA to pass concealed carry in several states. Traveling as the spokesman for all law-abiding pro-gun people of color was a high honor. The job was open so I took it. I know there are many more qualified than I but I am damn glad I got the shot.

Funny thing though, I was not prepared for attention I received. The internet taught me that black gun means something special for some whose curiosity is sexual. Thirty seconds after launching my site, I received an instant message that asked “hey big boy, what color is your gun?” It was soon followed by quite a few of varying degrees of orientation, fetishes and pleasure seekers. Now, if I had wanted to attract that kind of attention, it wouldn’t have worked.

I've spoken on talk radio all over the country back when it was free. Had a couple of interviews in local news. Been the oddity more often than not, because after I didn't start spouting crazy talk, I wasn't fun to listen to. It may come to that soon. I'm bored. I was recently featured on Larry Elders' documentary, Michael and Me. If you get a chance check that out. Oh, yeah, and even hit the BBC on a documentary about Charles Dickens with actor Miriam Margolies. How a brother got on that one is a miracle in itself. But I have friends now in all the former British colonies. I am really BIG in Papau New Guinea.

Then there was the attacks at church. I am a devout Christian, have been for most of my adult life though I have some long periods where all of that was questionable. Well now, I am minister of the Gospel; a product of God’s forgiveness, mercy and grace. Unfortunately, to some you can’t be pro-gun and godly. I am probably the only African American minister that gets a holy brotherly hug and a pat down on Sundays. “I know you’re packing preacha. Where’s it at?” And then there is the motorcycle riding and fishing aspect, but that is another website.(www.itwm.org)

So here I be, not proper English, perhaps borderline Ebonics but among friends I don't have to be proper all the time, right?. I'm trying to start another organization on a grander scale, called the Urban Shooter. I can use all the help you have to give. That's the Readers Digest version, the juicy stuff, I have to save till we meet. thanks for reading.

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