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US agents shot at, tension mounts on Mexico border

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Dec 31, 2002
It's getting a little hotter down there.....yes peaceful immigrants looking for honest work


MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Border Patrol agents have come under fire twice along the Rio Grande in Texas in recent days amid rising tension on the frontier with Mexico, although no one was reported wounded, U.S. authorities said on Thursday.

A Border Patrol spokesman said unknown gunmen fired on agents on patrol in Brownsville, Texas, late on Wednesday. It was not immediately clear if the shots came from Mexico or from within the United States.

"Shots were fired, no one was injured and the FBI have taken the case over," Jose Rodriguez, a spokesman for the Border Patrol in McAllen, Texas, said by telephone.

Rodriguez said the shooting was the second along the same stretch of the Rio Grande in the past week, after agents patrolling the area in a launch on Friday came under a volley of gunfire from Mexico.

"On that occasion the shooters were hiding in brush on the Mexican side of the river ... The launch was struck by five bullets, although there were no injuries," he said.

That incident came on the same day a Border Patrol agent fatally shot a teenage Mexican immigrant as he crossed the border near San Diego on December 30, triggering widespread anger in Mexico and calls for a full investigation.

Speaking to Mexican diplomats late on Wednesday, President Vicente Fox reiterated calls by the Mexican government for clarification of the killing, and pledged to "ensure that total justice is done in the case."

The 2,000-mile (3,200-km) U.S.-Mexico border has always been dangerous, although violent attacks on Border Patrol agents have risen in recent months, especially in Arizona, where around half the 1.2 million undocumented immigrants nabbed crossing from Mexico were detained last year.

The Tucson sector Border Patrol said attacks on agents havroe almost doubled in recent months, and included cases in which officers have been shot at, rammed with cars and pelted with rocks by immigrants and smugglers.

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Speaking to Mexican diplomats late on Wednesday, President Vicente Fox reiterated calls by the Mexican government for clarification of the killing, and pledged to "ensure that total justice is done in the case."
:barf: A crimminal invader into a sovereign nation was dispatched to the back of the line. Justice HAS been done.

The more I hear and read about this kind of crud, the more convinced I am that its Heads on Pikes time. :fire:
Hopefully, once the Bush "guest worker" plan is put in place this violence will stop.
Hopefully, once the Bush "guest worker" plan is put in place this violence will stop.
Hopefully it wont go through bush will grow some or the next guy will have some cookies and put the damned military on the american boarder where it belongs isntead of the Iraqi boarder.
"Shots were fired, no one was injured and the FBI have taken the case over,"

Go back to sleep, the problem is solved.

The Mexicans are simply doing the shootings that Americans refuse to do...
the solution would be to defend one's self and not run. Law enforcement should not be on our borders to protect us from invaders. The military should, the LEO's could be there to aid americans in their legal movements across the border.
I have a feeling its drug runners doing the shooting. I dont see why regular folks would try and shoot the border patrol while crossing over for work. It just draws attention. I also dont see many Americans busting their ass in the sun all day picking oranges for $3 bushel. So someone better have a damned good plan before we push all the illegals back into Mexico and seal off the border.
I also dont see many Americans busting their ass in the sun all day picking oranges for $3 bushel. So someone better have a damned good plan before we push all the illegals back into Mexico and seal off the border.

Yes, it would be tragic if we had to pick our own oranges, clean bathrooms,
etc,fact is if we cannot do this work then we don't deserve to occupy this
country and should turn it over to those who will.:rolleyes:
Drugs, drugs, drugs and other illicit trades. People say putting up a harder border won't stop illegal immigration. I agree, it won't stop it. It will slow it down, and it will slow down and make it harder and more expensive for "raiding" parties to just drive on through unmolested as easily as they have. Maybe I am an idealist....:rolleyes:
I also dont see many Americans busting their ass in the sun all day picking oranges for $3 bushel. So someone better have a damned good plan before we push all the illegals back into Mexico and seal off the border.
It's probably because they can draw more money from unemployment or welfare and not have to bust their ass in the meantime.

BUBBA74 said:
I also dont see many Americans busting their ass in the sun all day picking oranges for $3 bushel. So someone better have a damned good plan before we push all the illegals back into Mexico and seal off the border.

Yeah, it's called LEGAL IMMIGRATION AND WORK VISA's. That's how we have been doin' it the USA way for years. That's how many hardworking people who took the risk to come here made their way. So your advocating illegal immigration? :scrutiny:
i don't know the story here,but human smugglers are called coyotes i think,and i am reasonably sure this type of individual has killed people in other smuggling activities,and is certainly not going to let one border patrolman interfere with his turnaround.
Just like the illegal drug trade, or the illegal alcohol trade (during prohibition), illegal immigration creates a market for only rats will exploit. Best way to solve that problem? Remove the "il" from "illegal". Tht way, we could pay someone to pick our oranges, clean bathrooms, etc. Like we're doing now, just without the black market economy to deal with.
Got this today from ALI-PAC. Day of protest planned.

Don't like whats occuring in this country with respet to illegal aliens? Make your voice heard.

++++++++++++++++++++++Begin Paste
Note: Due to the new high levels of web traffic, the ALIPAC website will be down for a few hours sometime over the next two days as we upgrade our capacity.

ALIPAC Supporters:

Sorry for the late notice, we have been swamped with demand.

There will be a national day of protest this Sat and we wanted you to have the details. Below you will find complete information. You may want to link up with a protest that is already arranged in your state or you may want to start your own with some friends. Please exercise caution in California, New Mexico, and Arizona as we have received word that the communists, socialists, and Aztlan separatist Goons will be out in some of those areas.

While ALIPAC's main focus is on the Congress, we like to provide you with events that you might want to support or participate in. Please forward this alert to your contacts.

Here are the details. For further guidance and info contact http://www.firecoalition.com/ or http://www.ctcitizensforimmigrationcontrol.com/

CT Citizens for Immigration Control has a list of groups participating.

So far there are protests planned in 19 states. Full details and contact info below. Perhaps you can add your state to the list!


The Federal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Coalition (FIRE Coalition) is
proud to support a National Day of Protest ("Stop the Invasion") on Saturday,
January 7, 2006, organized nationally by the Connecticut Citizens for
Immigration Reform. There will be a national demonstration at illegal worker
pick-up sites in 19 states across the country this weekend. At least 40 grass
roots organizations are participating in this effort.

Below is a list of scheduled events for January 7th for Arizona, California,
Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia. If an event is convenient for you, please participate! We need a strong show of support before the Senate begins considering various
guestworker/amnesty proposals.

For more information:
FIRE Coalition: http://firecoalition.com/
Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Reform: CTCitizensForImmigrationControl.com


Rally sponsored by Phoenix AZ Minutemen (MCDC) and Veterans For Secure Borders (part
of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
36th Street and Thomas Road
Phoenix, Arizona
(meet at 7:30 at Home Depot at 32nd and Thomas for caravan to location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Rally sponsored by Arizona Border Watch (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
(contact event organizer for time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Websites: AzBorderwatch.com; and Southwestprotection.com



Fire Dreier (2006) and Bad Employers Protest Rally (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
8118 Arrow Route, Across the street from Arrow & Grove Market
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
This rally is also to protest the un-American, open borders policies of Congressman
David Dreier, who has a long history of supporting guestworker/amnesty plans that
have displaced American workers and legal U.S. residents from many jobs.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest(s) Sponsored by California Coalition for Immigration Reform (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: To Be Announced (morning hours)
Multiple Possible Sites in Orange County, California (contact event organizer for
exact times and locations)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone (toll free): 1-877-NO-ILLEGALS (or 1-877-664-5534)

Protest sponsored by South Orange County Citizens for Immigration Reform (part of
the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
1765 Laguna Canyon Rd. (Highway 133), Laguna Beach (across street from Ganahl Lumber)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Bad Employers Protest, sponsored by Minutemen Making a Difference (part of the "Stop
the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
25262 Jeronimo Road (across from the Liquor Store; near the Jeronimo & El Toro pick
up site)
Lake Forest, California
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

Save Our State Day Labor Center Protest (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Greater Los Angeles Area, California (contact event organizer for exact location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6702

Minuteman Protest in Santa Monica (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
1636 11th Street (between Olympic and Colorado; across street from Bourget Brothers
Santa Monica
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://dolz.com/

Protest sponsored by Minutemen Patriots of So. Cal. (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: To Be Announced (morning hours)
Upland, California (contact event organizer for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Minuteman Protest in El Cajon (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 7 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
965 Arnele Avenue (Home Depot)
El Cajon, California
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest sponsored by USA Border Alert (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: To Be Announced (morning hours)
North San Diego County, California (contact event organizer for exact time and
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: USABorderAlert.com.

Protest sponsored by San Diego Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: To Be Announced (morning hours)
North San Diego County, California (contact event organizer for exact time and
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by Colorado Minutemen and Colorado Alliance for Immigration
Reform (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
"El Centro Humanitario" day labor site, 2260 California Street
Denver, Colorado 80205
Time: 7:30 a.m.- 11 a.m.
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: SovereigntyColorado.com



Protest Rally sponsored by Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Reform (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Danbury, Kennedy Park
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
WebSite: CTCitizensForImmigrationControl.com



Protest Rally sponsored by The Duntin Inman Society (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Atlanta, Georgia
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
WebSite: TheDustinInmanSociety.org



Protest Rally sponsored by Chicago Minuteman Project (CMP) and Indiana Federation
for Immigration Reform and Enforcement (IFIRE) (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Home Depot, 2600 Cicero Avenue South
Cicero, Illinois
Time: morning hours (contact event organizer for exact time)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
CMP E-mail: [email protected]
IFIRE E-mail: [email protected]
CMP Website: ChicagoMinutemanProject.com
IFIRE Website: IFIRE.org

continued in next post...
Continued from above.



Protest Rally sponsored by Mid-American Immigration Reform Coalition (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Westside Community Action Network, 2136 Jefferson
Kansas City, Missouri
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by New England Minuteman Association (part of the "Stop the
Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Framingham, Massachusetts
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally sponsored by Mass. Coalition for Immigration Reform (part of the "Stop
the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Framingham, Massachusetts
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally by Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law
Enforcement (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Framingham, Massachusetts
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by Mid-American Immigration Reform Coalition (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Westside Community Action Network, 2136 Jefferson
Kansas City, Missouri
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by Nevada Minutemen and Wake Up America Foundation (part of
the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Henderson, Nevada
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: UniteToFight.org

Protest Rally sponsored by Secured Borders U.S.A. (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: SecuredBordersUSA.com



Protest Rally sponsored by United Patriots of America (part of the "Stop the
Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Bergen County
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rallys sponsored by New York Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Freeport Home Depot on Sunrise Highway,
Farmingville, New York
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally sponsored by Citizens Civil Defense (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Rockland County, Spring Valley / Nanuet Rt. 59 - New York
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally sponsored by Greater Farmingville Community Association (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Meet at Farmingville Video Mart between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. - New York
(contact event organizers for additional information)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Oklahoma City Protest by Immigration Reform for Oklahoma Now (OKIRON) (part of the
"Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 2:30 P.M.
South side of the state Capitol building
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
WebSite: okiron.org

Tulsa Protest by Immigration Reform for Oklahoma Now (OKIRON) (part of the "Stop the
Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: to be announced
Tulsa, Oklahoma (contact organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
WebSite: okiron.org



Protest Rally sponsored by Citizen Caucus (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Location: to be decided
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]
Website: CitizenCaucus.org



Protest Rally sponsored by Pennsylvania Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
In front of Pennsylvania Attorney General's Regional Office, Philadelphia,
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by American Minutemen of Tennessee (part of the "Stop the
Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Location: To be announced
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by Lone Star Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Location: Denton, Texas (at a day labor center)
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally sponsored by Texans for Immigration Reform (part of the "Stop the
Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time / Location: (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]

Protest Rally sponsored by The Confederacy of Texas (part of the "Stop the Invasion"
National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Location: Austin, Texas
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest Rally sponsored by Utah Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National
Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Location: to be decided
Time: morning hours (contact event organizers for exact time and location)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this event, please contact the below:
Email: [email protected]



Protest by Herndon Minutemen (part of the "Stop the Invasion" National Protest Day)
Saturday, January 7th, 2006
Time: 7 a.m. -- 10 a.m.
Herndon, Virginia (at the day labor site)
Protest law breaking employers that create the incentive for illegal immigrants to
come to the U.S. by attending a rally at an illegal worker pick-up location.
If you are interested in joining in this particular listed event, please contact the
Email: [email protected]


FIRE Coalition
URL: http://FIRECoalition.com/
General inquiries: [email protected]

Replies to this e-mail: [email protected]

Not an ALIPAC Contributor Yet? We are having to upgrade our server again to handle the new demands on us. Please chip in if you can at....

===============End Paste
BUBBA74 said:
I have a feeling its drug runners doing the shooting. I dont see why regular folks would try and shoot the border patrol while crossing over for work. It just draws attention.
Which is precisely why drug runners or anyone smuggling anything else would not do it. Unless they happen to be their own best customers.

My own guess is paid agent provocateurs - possibly Mexican army, agents or police on whom suspicion by their own agencies is not likely to fall or be investigated, or whom in all likelyhood would part of the official responders in the response and investigation south of the border.

Or it could be common thugs or gangbangers doing what might be expected of them.

One question all the people in here complaining;I really want to know....how many of you all, have been affected by the people crossing the border to come do the jobs none of you all want to do...well come on speak up let me hear it...
gt3944 said:
One question all the people in here complaining;I really want to know....how many of you all, have been affected by the people crossing the border to come do the jobs none of you all want to do...well come on speak up let me hear it...

Actually, more people than you would expect are effected, and these immigrants don't only do jobs that "none of you all want to do".

There is a huge number of illegal immigrants in the Washington area and they have also moved up to Baltimore. There aren't exactly a lot of farming jobs around here. Where do they work? In restaraunts, hotels, factories, construction, retail establishments, bars, as maids, as nannies, etc. A few years ago, I worked a second job in a pizza place as a delivery driver. I was one of two citizens, and almost all of the non-citizens were here in the US illegally. Guess what I was paid, the same as I was when I delivered pizza 15 years ago.

If you work in the service industry, in manual labor, in construction, as a domestic (nanny or maid), etc. you are effected even if you have a job. How? Lower wages. It is basic economics- when you have a large pool of people willing to work for next to nothing it will drive down wages as a whole (even in employers unwilling to hire illegals since they will only pay the "prevailing wage" and that wage is effected by illegals).
thats another story which you have to take up with the people hiring them so that they can lower wages(mainly the money hungry employers)...but to say its ok to shoot them when crossing the border, I dont think is right....
gt3944 said:
thats another story which you have to take up with the people hiring them so that they can lower wages(mainly the money hungry employers)...but to say its ok to shoot them when crossing the border, I dont think is right....
Umm, I don't know what article you just read but the one I read had Mexicans shooting at US Border Patrol agents, not Americans shooting at people illegally crossing the border. Also, I don't see where I, or anyone else here, has advocated shooting people crossing the border. :rolleyes:
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