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US agents shot at, tension mounts on Mexico border

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gt3944's Challenge Met

gt3944 said:
One question all the people in here complaining;I really want to know....how many of you all, have been affected by the people crossing the border to come do the jobs none of you all want to do...well come on speak up let me hear it...

I live in:
State of Texas
City of Richardson
Dallas County
Richardson Independant School District

About half* of my property taxes (2.899960%/year) go to support illegal aliens and their employers. I have not made an estimate of state & local sales taxes (8.25%) that go to support illegals and their taxpayer-subsidized employers.

Parkland Hospital, Dallas County's public hospital:
15,300 surgeries per year.
Almost 16,000 babies delivered
150,000 total emergency room visits
883,000 outpatient visits
"...number will only grow with the continuing influx of Hispanic families, many of whom are uninsured." Many?!? How many illegals come over the border with health insurance?

40-60% of the births are anchor babies. I'd reckon similar stats for the other procedures.

Richardson ISD:
Asian/Pacific Islander--8.6%
Native American--0.5%

About 50% of that 25.7% are illegals (~12.5%)

Dallas ISD, just south of me:
* The district serves a 351-square-mile area and 11 municipalities.
* Almost 70 different languages are spoken in the homes of our students.
* About 161,000 students are enrolled for the 2003-2004 school year
Student Ethnic Composition (Districtwide):
African American--47,901--30.3%
American Indian--507--0.3%

Again, about 50% of the 63% (~32%) are illegals, who are usually more expensive to teach due to language problems.

* Some bureacracies do not give out illegal alien stats due to the fact that the illegals make the agencies fat & happy.


I do not hire illegals, period. While I was in high school & college, I dug ditches, installed sprinklers, installed landscaping, built fences, did tree removal, & more.

After buying my home, I have installed ~230' of wooden privacy fence, several landscape beds, mowed the lawn (nearly) every week during growing season, trimmed the trees back from the house and property lines, painted all but one room, installed appliances, installed 512sqft of pegboard on the garage walls, installed ~1000sqft of vinyl flooring, remodeled the guest bath (down to the studs & beams), installed tile surfacing on my kitchen countertops, and am in the process of installing 200' of picket fencing in the front yard.

So, tell me, gt3944, which of those jobs would YOU do? Or are tough, dirty jobs only for illegals and (fill_in_with_nasty_racial_term_of_your_choice)?
our eventual goal(many years hence) should be to have far more social and economic ties and binds to the rest of north america. it only makes sense. i understand that we have a long way to go to see eye to eye with both countries, both socially and economically, but we already have enough in common to make a start. it's a grave mistake to in ANY way isolate either country. canada is out of it's mind socially, and mexico is terribly violent and rather poor, but in 20 years time, after sincerely pursuing much closer relationships with each, i think you would see a power that no asian or european block could hold a candle to. mexico is VERY much open to a closer relationship with the US, and in time, with the right incentives, canada would come around as well. i even believe that their insanity when it comes to social issues could be massively tempered.
i have to agree greatly with you that is jsut the number of illegals at your hospital how many do you think there are in austin or san antonio or mabee waco, temple think of all of the time and money that we are paying to support them the grow it has even been proven in my area that whites are now a minority so if anything does go down then we are out numbered and to think that the mexicans in the armed services will not side with their own country is silly so we will need help
As I predicted, violence will increase at border!

Watch the liberals blame this on Bush!

whoever said something about mexicans in the military siding with "their own country"....that is ridiculous and fanciful. first of all, do you even know many mexicans that are in this country? secondly, have you ever served with mexicans in the military, or served at all? generally, what sort of person do you think is drawn to the military that they would do such a thing. silly comments. the large majority of mexicans i know are hard-working, VERY family oriented, and enjoy simple lives. the mexican children in my school are some of the most well behaved, and easily the most well behaved of all the hispanic children. mexico's government is corrupt and is responsible for all of these misconceptions about the actual people. the reason the government is a mess, is because they are acting out in response to being the little red-headed stepchild to the US. our policies with mexico are ill concieved. we should be ignoring china and throwing all of our money and priviledged relationships toward mexico.

i'm not saying the US is responsible for the problems that mexico has, but we could easily, in time, erase many of those problems by bringing them up to speed. if any country deserves exclusive relations with us, it's mexico.
What weird challenge...
According to the US Government Bureau of Prisons http://www.bop.gov/ 28.8 percent of the Federal prison population is now illegal aliens.
Currently at the Plymouth Count House of Corrections, Massachusetts, over 40 percent of the inmates are in under the control of ICE. That is a huge burden on tax paying citizens and on legal immigrants.
whoever said something about mexicans in the military siding with "their own country"....that is ridiculous and fanciful. first of all, do you even know many mexicans that are in this country? secondly, have you ever served with mexicans in the military, or served at all? generally, what sort of person do you think is drawn to the military that they would do such a thing. silly comments. the large majority of mexicans i know are hard-working, VERY family oriented, and enjoy simple lives. the mexican children in my school are some of the most well behaved, and easily the most well behaved of all the hispanic children.
well i would like to know why they would not sie with thier own country i think that no matter what we say or do they are going to join mexico. that is why i am really weary about this it is jsut that they out number us in our own country ok. this scares me i dont know about yall but knowing that i cant walk down the street without a group or two of them staring at me and speaking their foreign languge. and you know that they are talking about you.

the mexican children in my school are some of the most well behaved, and easily the most well behaved of all the hispanic children
we around here they have done nothing but cause problems my 13 year old brother noticed this when one started to mess with him and guess what one is never a fair fight it is always 10 or 12 to one yeah. then they come by my house and start to throw rocks and next they start walking their pitbulls by my house. i dont know what town you live in but here they are caught up in the gangster life style
chaim said:
Umm, I don't know what article you just read but the one I read had Mexicans shooting at US Border Patrol agents, not Americans shooting at people illegally crossing the border. Also, I don't see where I, or anyone else here, has advocated shooting people crossing the border. :rolleyes:

"That incident came on the same day a Border Patrol agent fatally shot a teenage Mexican immigrant as he crossed the border near San Diego on December 30, triggering widespread anger in Mexico and calls for a full investigation."
gt3944 said:
"That incident came on the same day a Border Patrol agent fatally shot a teenage Mexican immigrant as he crossed the border near San Diego on December 30, triggering widespread anger in Mexico and calls for a full investigation."
Apparantly the deceased was threatening the BP agent with a rock. That is significant.
belton i'm not sure where you live, but i understand that things might be different there. i am from the philadelphia area, and we have a large mexican population as well, but they are far from hostile in the way you are describing. nonetheless, our policies are poor when it comes to mexico. we are at a point where we are attempting to forcibly contain the immigration problem, while still half-heartedly befriending the mexican government and people. it's like sending two completely different messages. we want their resources and trade, but we don't want to bring their economic and infrastructural development up to our own speed. until we set about doing that, we will have to deal with the reality that many mexicans would rather live in the states than in their own country. i believe if we did what i just mentioned, there would be a massive down-surge in the mexican populations in the states, and that the mexican portion of the immigration problem would dissipate. the same is true for all the latin-american countries, but mexico is our next-door neighbour, and our method of being neighbourly is confused and flawed.
well i dont know how many make their way up there but here in texas i can not turn my head without seeing one so i doubt there are s many up north as down here
I see that this is going nowhere...but you know what there are no such things or people as Americans except the AMERICAN INDIANS...oh for the dumb comment about mexican soldiers joining mexico during a war...well, im not mexican, but I am Colombian...a Colombian sargeant of the USMC..I swore oath to this country..and ill defend it with my life..not become a turncoat if war ever arises with colombia
i am talking about mexican immagrants not jsut plain ordanary people i have been talking to people about this topic and a local mexican man told me that if i thought they would not defend their mother country that i was stupid
so that is what i am going by and it does make sense
gt3944 said:
I see that this is going nowhere...but you know what there are no such things or people as Americans except the AMERICAN INDIANS...oh for the dumb comment about mexican soldiers joining mexico during a war...well, im not mexican, but I am Colombian...a Colombian sargeant of the USMC..I swore oath to this country..and ill defend it with my life..not become a turncoat if war ever arises with colombia
a) You're wrong about the Indians. America as a country didn't exist then, *We the citizens are Americans*.
b) Are you a Columbian or an American? An important distinction...
I could not betray a country were Ive been raised,taught,respected,and that I love and admire..if Im ever put in the position to choose, Im American...
the reason the government is a mess, is because they are acting out in response to being the little red-headed stepchild to the US. our policies with mexico are ill concieved.

BWAHAHHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! That is hysterical! It is our fault!
shermacman said:
BWAHAHHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! That is hysterical! It is our fault!

thanks for reading the rest of the post. i specifically said it was NOT the USs fault. the mexican govt is responsible for its own shortcomings. that however does not mean that our government has not contributed to the problem.
we are at a point where we are attempting to forcibly contain the immigration problem, while still half-heartedly befriending the mexican government and people. it's like sending two completely different messages. we want their resources and trade, but we don't want to bring their economic and infrastructural development up to our own speed. until we set about doing that, we will have to deal with the reality that many mexicans would rather live in the states than in their own country. i believe if we did what i just mentioned, there would be a massive down-surge in the mexican populations in the states, and that the mexican portion of the immigration problem would dissipate. the same is true for all the latin-american countries, but mexico is our next-door neighbour, and our method of being neighbourly is confused and flawed.

Maybe if the 47 Families would stop sending their money out of the country to offshore banks things would improve domestically in Mexico? Maybe if Mexico's economy weren't intimately entwined with the narcotics trade? Maybe if Mexico cared about educating its people?

It's not for a lack of money and resources. As always it comes back to values.
belton-deer-hunter said:
that seems to be the newest world wide policy iof it goes wrong blame america

just because that is the standard response of most other countries these days, i.e. canada blaming us for its gun violence, it doesn't mean that americans should adopt an equally brain dead attitude that holds that we are blameLESS. being critical of certain aspects of foreign policy, for instance, does not make someone unpatriotic, or place them in the camp of other countries that would rather blame others than look within.
longeyes said:
Maybe if the 47 Families would stop sending their money out of the country to offshore banks things would improve domestically in Mexico? Maybe if Mexico's economy weren't intimately entwined with the narcotics trade? Maybe if Mexico cared about educating its people?

It's not for a lack of money and resources. As always it comes back to values.

i agree with you. people, countries, govts whatever, are responsible for their own actions and the resulting consequences. but there are observable, not excusable, but observable reasons that they ended up that way. we can't fix the world, but we can help address the concerns of what should be our closest ally. drug traffic is bad. substandard education is bad. let's help. or are you of the opinion that we should just let friends flounder? if the idea of decency toward close neighbours doesn't appeal to you, consider what we stand to gain from an economically strong and socially stable country to the south, with whom we might have a sterling relationship.
carlrodd said:
i agree with you. people, countries, govts whatever, are responsible for their own actions and the resulting consequences. but there are observable, not excusable, but observable reasons that they ended up that way. we can't fix the world, but we can help address the concerns of what should be our closest ally. drug traffic is bad. substandard education is bad. let's help. or are you of the opinion that we should just let friends flounder? if the idea of decency toward close neighbours doesn't appeal to you, consider what we stand to gain from an economically strong and socially stable country to the south, with whom we might have a sterling relationship.
It's a thin line that seperates friends from parasites.
Biker said:
It's a thin line that seperates friends from parasites.

fair enough, but we've done more to treat that country like a natural resource than a friend. why would they do anything different in return?
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