US agents shot at, tension mounts on Mexico border

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Yet Another Way Illegals Cost Us, gt3944

gt3944 wanted to know about folks who were taking it in the face due to the presence of illegal aliens.

Health Care Costs
Most the pro-socialized medicine/gov't insurance types trot out the "40 million without health insurance" statistic.

Well, given that there are an estimated 10-20 million illegals in this country, 1/4 to 1/2 of those uninsured folks are illegal aliens.

They cost taxpayers when they go to county hospitals and they cost all of us when they go to private hospitals. You can cut here, economize there, and streamline over there until the cows come home. But, if some significant group rolls in, consumes large amounts of health care, and doesn't pay, the costs are passed on to us (by way of higher insurance premiums if we don't pay cash).

How This Effects Real Families
We have a couple that my wife has known since high school. He has a BA in music & Ed, She has a MA in Ed. She is currently raising their three children. Unfortunately, his job's (public school teacher) health insurance is unaffordable, so it covers only him. They would like to have another child (they are terrific folks & parents by any measure, save marxist & anti-American measures--their three kids demonstrate this). They likely will not be ale to have that fourth child, even though she has never had a pregnancy-related complication.

So, we let in illegals who use up our healthcare dollars and birth their children on our dime at the same time those very illegals help make it harder for Americans to get health care and have kids.

No Emergency Rooms in Border Counties
Like the bold face says, try to find an ER in a border county in Texas. The closest labor & delivery dept is several hours north in Midland.

Emergency Room Triage
Given that:
1. ERs have a finite capacity
2. ERs perform triage when that capacity is exceeded
3. Illegals use our ERs out of proportion to their numbers

You can draw the conclusion that some Americans die during the triage process due to the presence of illegals.
If they would come and work and be productive members of society I wouldn't care, but they spray paint on our walls, steal from us, drive drunk ( and get away with it because they are not citizens ), throw ????ty diapers in our streets, abuse our system, and live like ????ing savages. I've watched my nice town go to ???? in the past 15 years. Come live in my town and tell me they should be able to come here.:fire:
Profanity is not acceptable here. . . and profanity caught by the forum software is not much better. Might as well moderate your tone; we're not having a fight here.
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