user names?

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May 20, 2008
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but there are some interesting names in thehighroad. Tell us how you came up with them. How I got mine was from my girlfriend at the time. I have an ultra classic Harley and I was a medic in the army. So hence ultradoc.
John being the rather uncommon name that it is, I still wanted to differentiate myself a little further just in case there happened to be another John on the internet. To further that end, I added 828 to the end of my rare name.
For a while I made a living building engines.
Crate em up and stamp the crate as to what the engine was.
I had a sideline doing hi performance ford engines... had one of the FOMOCO stamps altered to say FOMOGO... go = fast.
A few friends started calling these "FOMOGO Specials".
After a while people figured my name must be Fomogo.
So... I inadvertently named myself. :p

I spent years as a Health & Safety Officer for mixed waste investigations and clean up operations at haz waste sites contaminated with anything from biological to chemical to explosive to pyrophoric to nuclear contaminants, so hso seemed like a reasonable handle.

My very first job when I was fifteen was similar to that. I pumped gas at a full service station. On Sat and Sun mornings, my job was to get the bathrooms back into useable condition. I might not have been to any fancy nuclear installations, but I probably needed to the same bunny suits nonetheless.
I originally joined after escaping Massachusetts to the friendly hills of NH.

I have since had to move back to the People's Republic of Mass.

Maybe I should have it changed it to just Flatlander
Mine came from Texas hold em. It seems that I often get 3 pairs which isn't even a real hand. The 12 just felt like adding to the end.
Obviously a reference to the famous subgun, an iconic American firearm, with an extra "n" at the end. In the '60s there was a TV series about a PI called "Peter Gunn." I decided to be a bit unusual and added the extra "n" to the name of the ol' iconic subgun.
It's short for "Bo's Bar and Automotive". (most forums I'm on, I have to use Bosbar) It's actually a joke. Now and then I"ll do a friend a favor and put brakes on their car, truck whatever and I would write in their maintenance log under "work performed by" Bo's Bar and Automotive. If they ever sell their vehicle and the person looks at the maintenance record they"ll have some explaining to do. (sick, sure but, that's just me. If you can't laugh at everybody else then who can you laugh at, or was that, if you can't laugh at yourself....?)
MM1 Active duty rate
UT1 Reserve rate
Actually it would be MM1(SW)UT1(SCWS) if you wanted to be formal....
I read Heinlein's Waldo when I was a kid. As a joke, I signed "Waldo Strauss" onto all of the roll sheets on the first day in a new junior high, which caused a lot of fuss and head-scratching among the teachers and administrators for the quarter. After that I got dubbed Waldo by some weird kid. It didn't stick, but I thought that it was funny. Used it as a pseudonym for a while when roadying, but when I tried to use it online it was usually taken. Thus: theotherwaldo.
An old offroad rig of mine had a 108" whip antenna on a honeycomb mount, for my CB radio, mounted on the bumper. A buddy of mine asked why "I had that big 'ole Floppy Donkey ****" on the back of my truck. I had to be careful not to turn sharp in traffic, as it would take a swat at other cars. Floppy D became the truck's nickname, and subsequently my handle. It is not a reference to erectile disfunction.
When I was in the Order Of The Arrow, a Boy Scout orginization, I had to pick an Indian name. I loved hiking and spent many hours walking along in the woods and fields in the country, most every day I could, just me and nature, thus Walkalong.
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