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Sep 26, 2006
trying to stay focused on the righteous path

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Van Cleave
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 1:22 PM
Subject: VA-ALERT: Norfolk PD DOES IT AGAIN!!!

VCDL's meeting schedule:

You're not going to believe what happened again last night, but please
read on.

Last night over 60 VCDL members showed up at the Norfolk City Council
meeting to protest the Norfolk PD harassing a VCDL member, Danladi
Moore, who was open carrying on a bus.

A link to coverage by the Virginian-Pilot, along with video, is at the
end of this alert.

After the meeting, a dozen of us, including Danladi Moore, went to a
restaurant in the Waterside Mall. We had a great time - good company
and good conversation. All of us were open carrying as the restaurant
sold alcoholic beverages.

As I left the restaurant I said goodnight to Danladi as he and a
friend were heading up an escalator to the second floor.

Little did I know what was about to transpire in the next 50 seconds...

Upon reaching the second floor and stepping off the escalator, a
Norfolk police officer approached Danladi and his friend and told him
that he couldn't have a gun in a public building.

NOTE: It is my understanding that they Waterside Mall is actually
owned or partially owned by the City of Norfolk. If so, they CANNOT
ban guns there, of course.

Danladi said that, especially as public property, he most certainly
could carry there.

The officer the handcuffed Danladi, who is black, and issued a him
summons with a charge of trespass at that point and released him. His
friend, who is white and also open carrying, was escorted off the
premises and not handcuffed or charged. Hmmmm.

Boy, Norfolk PD just seems to be digging themselves in deeper and
deeper. I know that Dennis O'Connor, John Fenter, Richard Popkin,
and I walked past several officers while open carrying at that mall
and not a word was said to us.

On top of all this, I was approached by a 20ish black man after the
meeting, who said he had been open carrying as he walked down a street
in his neighborhood in Norfolk and an officer stopped him and asked
him about his openly carried handgun. The officer ask him for ID,
which he wasn't carrying (no need for a driver's license if you are
not driving). The gun owner did give his name and social security
number to the officer.

He said the officer told him that since he couldn't show proof that he
owned the handgun he was carrying, the officer was going to confiscate
the gun and charge him. Of course there is NO requirement to show
that you own the gun you're carrying. So, not surprisingly, the
actual charge was (are you sitting down?) carrying a CONCEALED
handgun!!! I saw the summons that the gun owner had with him.

Unbelievable. The officer sees the gun and then charges him with
having a concealed handgun.

An attorney was there and I hooked the two up.

Of course, keep in mind there are two sides to each story and I have
not heard the officer's side. Hopefully, whatever the truth is, it
will come out in court.

Finally, the City is requiring anyone who enters the Norfolk City
Council building to sign in and show ID. If you don't show photo ID,
they photograph you! Both requirements and the photograph are illegal
under Virginia's Freedom of Information law. That is because they can
be viewed as intimidation or road blocks to entry.

VCDL members were refusing to show ID and, at first, the guards were
blocking admission to them. Then, all of a sudden, the guards let
everybody in without any interference at all. The guards just stood
there shaking their heads.

The word must have come down from on-high to back off.

Here is coverage of VCDL at the City Council meeting (with video):

Gun advocates say rights are violated by police officers

By Debbie Messina
The Virginian-Pilot
(c) October 8, 2008

More than 50 gun-rights advocates descended on the City Council on
Tuesday night to complain that their rights have been violated by
Norfolk police. Many wore pistols on their hips.

They were spurred by a police confrontation involving a man carrying
an unconcealed weapon, which is legal in Virginia.

Members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League claim that Danladi
Moore, a Peninsula resident, was recently harassed three times, the
last time in September while attempting to ride an HRT bus with a gun.

That was after the city paid Moore $10,000 in July to prevent what
could have been long and costly litigation after he had been stopped
by police the first two times.

"We simply want the city to educate the police so they don't continue
to do this," said Philip Van Cleave, a Midlothian resident who heads
the group.

Councilman Paul Riddick responded: "If our police need to learn more
about the laws, I think they're willing to."

Riddick also said that in light of increasing gun violence in the
city, police have a responsibility to respond to calls involving

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page:
I love how local authorities think that they don't have to pay attention to state laws. I lived in VA at one time and thought about how they are holding up with MD and DC surrounding them and this makes me proud as a gun owner to see them hang tough!

LMAO @ Assault Lawyers

Yeah, this is all to common amongst many Police, of course ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless of course you are hired to enforce the law then its ok! :scrutiny:
Felony Deprivation...

The officer then handcuffed Danladi, who is black, and issued a him
summons with a charge of trespass at that point and released him. His
friend, who is white and also open carrying, was escorted off the
premises and not handcuffed or charged. Hmmmm.

Textbook felony deprivation of rights under color of law.

18 USC 242

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such inhabitant being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life

Someone please have this thug arrested and you tube it when it happens.

the norfolk police? the same force that will hire you as long a you haven't smoked pot in the last 90 days. real high standards organization
and one more tidbit of food for thought:

18 USC 241

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured -

They shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results, they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.

Sounds like the whole police force may be guilty of conspiracy. Someone should ask the chief what color he wants his cell. Not that any federal prosecutors would have the integrity, honesty, or courage to do whats right here and frog march them away...

Just curious, what does VA law saw about OCing a long gun?

That might be fun to try!!
Elizabeth this is the big one!! (grips chest)

Wow did I see somebody, in particular, take the side of the individual against the thin blue line for a change?? :evil:;)

Yeah must agree Norfolk PD is a little bit of a joke. When I briefly stayed there, I was glad they recognized my SC CWP so I didn't have to go through this and be harrassed... But always smiled at the passersby that did open carry. I might choose not to do it (even if I could because of the usual makes-me-a-target argument) but I sure do like the sight of rights being properly excercised when people so choose.
right on Tiny!

Of course it sounds like you must be of the proper "flavor" for the PD to like you for harrassment... Sigh... Bigots and Hoplophobes? Makes for a real hanging curve ball of a case in court. I hope his stimulus package is rather large and includes a stint in the unemployment line for these "officers".

I know I say it all the time but where is Andy Griffith?? I wish more officers would emulate him rather than TV swat shows and "cops"
This appears to be a "pattern of conduct" by the Norfolk PD.

They are obviously furthering a criminal enterprise by refusing to reconize peoples rights and violating them. I find it hard to believe they are still ignorant after one lawsuit has already been settled.

I think the VCDL needs to sue and after they win, the public needs to push the DA to file criminal charges against the officers. Time for a judgement not a settlement this time.
If our police need to learn more
about the laws, I think they're willing to

God forbid the police should know the laws they are charged to uphold and enforce.

Since Moore's first check was paid with either tax payer or insurance dollars, it didn't sink in.

His next check should come right out of the pocket of the cop. If the cop don't have it handy, cash in his pension fund.

It won't stop until they start making the cops personaly responsible for their actions.

Stop penilizing the people for the stupid actions of a few.
It sounds like walking while black is going to be a very profitable activity for Mr Moore and his lawyer. I wonder how many more citations they need before it becomes a federal civil rights lawsuit. Too bad for the taxpayers that the city hires idiots.

Guys, here's the part that this VCDL didn't re-publish in this update on Moore....

Danladi Moore has already won a $10,000 case from another open carry incident with Norfolk Police last year.

This is the third time I'm reading about him getting harassed, the second time he's going to collect from the city, and the first time they were caught red-handed doing some racial profiling.

If I was black, I'd be driving down to Norfolk every weekend... seems like OCing there can get you the money for quite a collection of new guns.
For the next few months, Dan probably should never be left alone in public anymore without at least one person videotaping him, lest he get himself involved in some sort of 'accident'
You'd think Norfolk PD would all know him by now, there is no way he will be settling this one for less than a very large sum, they JUST had to settle with him less than a year ago and they are at it again already? I hope he makes out like a bandit. Isn't Virginia in sort of a budget crisis right now because of lwoer than expected tax income? What are they going to do about their officers spreading around settlements for behaving like racist buffoons?
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