(VA) VA-Alert 1-15-03 (long)

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Dec 27, 2002
Richmond, VA
Hey, for those of you that live in VA, check this out. They are a good group of people



1. MASSIVE pressure from YOU crushes the "Gun show loophole" bill!
2. Richmond Chief of Police blames YOU for HIS inadequacies
3. Call for articles
4. Gun facts link to brush up for Lobby Day on Monday
5. VCDL member get Fairfax library to consider removing anti-gun book!
6. Another outrageous letter in the RTD
7. Gun shows and Norfolk City Council
8. ABC admits mistake - will provide letter


1. MASSIVE pressure from YOU crushes the "Gun show loophole" bill!!!

I was cc'ed on all the emails you sent to the Senate Courts of
Justice committee over the last two days. Ladies and gentlemen, it
was overwhelming. You simply buried them in emails! Your efforts
are continuing to make a huge difference and it IS being noticed by
all the powers-that-be. As always you were called to action and your

The committee met this afternoon and took up Senator Marsh's "Gun
show loophole" bill, SB698. The anti's had around 15 people there.
I don't know exactly how many we had, I know of 5 for sure. The
anti's got to go first.

Each one way exceeded their 2 minute allotment and was asked to wrap up.

Never a good idea to irritate the committee :)

Let's see - they had one, a doctor, say that guns were a disease and
we shouldn't have gun shows. Hmmm - there are studies that show that
doctors kill more people than guns. I guess we need to get rid of
medical conventions! ;)

A police officer (maybe the Chief) from Smithfield spoke FOR the
bill. Isle of Wight members, give the police a polite call and tell
them you don't agree with his policy on gun shows.

Oh, are you sitting down? Gail Horne, president of VAHV, said that
87% of you want stricter gun controls! If you do, that is not what I
have been hearing :)

When I finally had a chance to speak against the bill, I gave the
committee the U.S. Department of Justice study that showed only .7 of
1 percent of guns used in crimes come from a gun show. I asked the
committee why we were wasting our time with this bill. I pointed out
some of the obvious flaws in the bill, too.

I then told the committee that I would finish up before MY two
minutes were up so they could get on to other bills.


There were groans, laughs, and some eye-rolling from the committee.


They then voted on the bill. It died - 3 votes for and 11 votes
against! Even two normally anti-gun senators voted against the bill.
One of the 3 "for" votes was Marsh, himself. I think some of the
Democrats have been reading the gun tea leaves and decided that
voting against gun owners righs can be hard on your political health.

Here is a great quote from one of the normally anti-gun senators,
Saslaw: "Just because the NRA is against this bill does not make
them necessarily wrong."

You could have pushed me over with a feather!

After the vote, a teenage male anti-gunner came over to me, glaring,
and said, "You are responsible for people dying." It couldn't
possibly be the criminal's fault now could it? Nope, it is all MY

Note to Gail Horne - talk to your members and tell them to be
gracious, even in defeat. That is the SECOND such incident that I
have had with one of VAHV's members. The other one, a couple of
years ago, the guy was at least 40 years old. So what was his excuse?

One other bill that VCDL opposed, SB734, that would make a Class 1
misdemeanor punishable by up to two years in prison also came up. We
opposed it because it would take away the gun rights forever of any
convicted of such a crime. Basically it turns a misdemeanor into a

The patron, Reynolds, withdrew the bill, killing it. Another piece
of good news for us!


2. Richmond Chief of Police blames YOU for HIS inadequacies

Guess what? Richmond's crime rate (84 murders last year) is so high
because of gun shows. The Chief of Police said that last week's gun
show at the Showplace put lots of assault weapons on Richmond's

Hmmm. 84 murders in Richmond. But only a tiny fraction of that in
ALL of the surrounding counties (Chesterfield, Henrico, Prince
George, etc.) put together. Oh, and the Showplace show is held in
Henrico county! I think there were something like 8 murders in
Arlington, a city with about the same population as Richmond. That's
one-tenth the number.

How come gun shows didn't cause a large crime rate in those other localities?

It couldn't be a police chief that is doing a poor job. Oh, no. It
has to be gun shows.

If you would like to write Chief Parker, here is his email address
(Don't know what the "A" stands for in his name):

[email protected]


3. Call for articles

We are trying to get the next newsletter finished up sometime around
the end of February. If any of you would like to write an article,
please do so and submit it to me in the next 3 weeks. We have had
great responses to articles from members.

Each of you has knowledge or experience that should be shared with
your fellow gun owners.


4. Gun facts link so you can brush up for Lobby Day on Monday

I hope that most of you who are off in Monday, will be coming to
VCDL's lobby day. Here is a link to some "gun facts" that you can
use to brush up before you meet your legislators (thanks to member
David Custer for the suggestion):


*** AND it looks like the Restaurant Ban Repeal is going to be heard
at 5:30 PM on Monday in the Militia and Police subcomittee. So if
you can be there later in the afternoon and hang around for the
meeting to either speak or show support that would be another big
plus! ***


5. VCDL member gets Fairfax library to consider removing anti-gun book!

As many of you know, an anti-gun professor, Michael Bellesisles,
wrote a book on gun ownership in America, where he showed that guns
were not a big part of our culture until just recently. Trouble was
he made up the data! The whole book is a fraud. And he got caught.
He was forced to resign from his university and to return award money
he had been given for his work.

Well one of our members, George Hoffman, contacted the Fairfax County
Library and has gotten them to agree to review the book to see if it
should be pulled from their shelves! VCDL members making a
difference yet again!

Here is the letter the library sent to George:

>Dear Mr. Hoffman:
>Your email was forwarded to me for response.
>Since the Fairfax County does not have a separate collection of
>controversial or discredited titles which are only available upon
>request, your request has initiated a reconsideration of the book
>Arming America by Michael Bellesisles.
>I am mailing you a copy of the Fairfax County Public Library s
>Collection Development policy, which describes the reconsideration
>policy and the procedure we follow.
>Thank you for your interest in the Fairfax County Public Library collection.
>Julie Pringle
>Coordinator, Collection Management & Acquisitions
>Fairfax County Public Library, Virginia
><mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]

Perhaps some of you in other jurisdictions might try the same thing.
That book deserves to be in the recycle bin where it can actually
contribute something to our future.


6. Another outrageous letter in the RTD

VCDL has a new Executive Member, Kay Stoen! Kay has done an
outstanding job in the Richmond area monitoring the press, arranging
VCDL meeting accommodations, etc. Be sure and congratulate her next
time you see her.

Kay writes:

Dear Folks,
Unfortunately, on Jan 13th, the RTD's Correspondent of the Day is "F. A.
Burls" of Urbanna, who criticizes the letters from former residents of
Great Britain, and quotes obsolete statistics to refute their more current
ones. Boo, hiss. If you look at this online, ignore the fact that this
letter is dated Jan 10th. It was printed today!


Laws Target Crime, Not Gun Owners' Pleasure

Editor, Times-Dispatch: One's heart bleeds on reading the hardship letters
from people who have left England and complain of their difficulties with
the English laws on obtaining gun licenses.
They apparently do not appreciate that the object of these regulations is
to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other irresponsible people,
and not to pacify gun owners.

Does it work? Well, in a somewhat self-serving report by the Bureau of
Justice Statistics, it is pointed out that the homicide rate in the U.S.
has declined from nine times the English rate in 1981 to a mere six times
the English murder rate in 1995. Gosh, only six times! It is also
mentioned, somewhat reluctantly I feel, that guns were used in 68 percent
of U.S. murders as compared with 7 percent of English murders.

The report also hastens to point out that, in the authors' opinion, the
reason for this startling improvement is tougher and longer prison
sentences. However, it should be noted that the U.S. already has a larger
percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country in the world.
The report also claims that the fact that the U.S. murder rate is on
average six times that of other industrial nations may be explained by
racial diversity - as though those involved are not all U.S. citizens!

I understand that 78 percent of Americans favor tougher gun-control laws
but, given the predilection of our representatives for more PAC money, they
are not likely to get them.

I doubt that the estimable James Brady gave much thought to gun control
before his tragic shooting. Now he and his wife are working hard for the
cause. Is this how Americans have to learn? F.A. Burls. Urbanna.


7. Gun shows and Norfolk City Council

Dennis O'Connor, gun show coordinator, writes:

This is a critical time of the year for VCDL, as we are in the middle of
the legislative session. We need funds for mailings, public exposure, and
membership support, and we get them all at gun shows.

There are a lot of gun shows we want to have tables at; the only thing
we lack is volunteers. Please do your part to help for just four hours.
If you've never done it before, it's easy and fun. We'll pair you with a
veteran, you'll have fun working and talking with like-minded people, get
into the gun show for free, and be proud to have made a significant
contribution to defending the right to bear arms. Here are the locations,
dates, and times:

1. FISHERVILLE, Jan 25-26 ( www.vcdl.org/odgs.htm ) for info and directions.
Only three volunteers have come forward; we've got to do better. Please
help if you can. To
volunteer at Fisherville, please contact Dennis O'Connor at
[email protected]

Saturday, Jan 25
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, Jan 26
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

2. SALEM, Feb 1-2 ( www.cegunshows.com ) for info and directions.
Schedule is empty so far, and we're getting nervous. If you live in the
area, we need you - WE REALLY NEED YOU! Contact Stephen Wren or Stephen
Ryan at [email protected] to help in Salem.

Saturday, Feb. 1
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 2
10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

3. Dale City, Feb 8-9 ( http://www.vcdl.org/odgs.htm ) for info and

Saturday, Feb 8
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb 9
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Contact Matt Tracey at [email protected] to help in Dale City

4. HAMPTON COLISEUM, Feb. 22-23 ( www.guns-knives.com ) for info and
directions. Please contact Ron Lilly at [email protected] to let
him know you can help. Here are the shifts:

Saturday, Feb 22
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb 23
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

5. BEALETON, Feb 22-23 ( http://www.vcdl.org/odgs.htm ) for info and

Sat Feb 22
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, Feb 23
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Please contact Matt Tracey at [email protected] to help in Bealeton.

VCDL is planning one last rally before the anti-rights Norfolk City Council
before our support of a legislative remedy to their gun ban in city parks.
Fourteen of us went before them in September; twenty-four in November.
This one last time we want to overwhelm them and give them something to
remember us by when we win their parks in the legislature during the
present session. Please join us at the Norfolk City Council meeting on
Tuesday, Jan. 28th at 7:30 p.m., 810 Union Street, in Norfolk.

If you are willing to speak (It can be as simple as just saying "Please
repeal the ban on firearms in city parks") call the city clerk at (757)
664-4253 to get on the agenda.
It is especially important for Norfolk residents to come and speak, as the
and local newspaper give much more credence to resident speakers. But all
are welcome and encouraged, as we'll have orange "guns save lives" pocket
cards for everyone, and we want them to see a lot of us! Numbers count.
So far only two gun-rights supporters have said they were coming. Please
set aside a few hours for this extremely important area activism. Send a
note to Dennis O'Connor at [email protected] to let him know you can support
us, and let him know also if you'll call the clerk to speak.


8. ABC admits mistake - will provide letter

Monday an ABC agent told a restaurant manager that he could lose his
license if permit holders brought guns into the establishment. It
turns out that the agent misunderstood and thought that the guns were
concealed and not openly carried!

The manager has been now given the correct information.

I talked to the Director of ABC, Chris Curtis. He was very
professional and pleasant. He agreed to provide VCDL with a letter
stating that open carry in a restaurant is legal and it does NOT
jeopardize the liquor license of the establishment. As soon as I get
the letter (maybe a few weeks), I will see that it is put up on
VCDL's site so that you can print a copy and carry it in your car,
just in case! I will be seeing him on Friday at the Militia and
Police full committee hearing (where the bills returned out of
subcommittee on Monday will be heard - cross your fingers).



OK, here we go and I need all of you to help. The Restaurant Ban
Repeal is coming up this Monday in the Militia and Police
subcommittee. We all want to solve this problem badly, but...

The bill has some problems and we need to make sure they make the
necessary changes.

So let's start those e-mails and phone calls (do both if you can) now!

Again, VCDL has setup a reflector so that you only have to send your
e-mail to one address and your message will be automatically sent to
all key members of the Militia and Police committee. It will also be
cc'ed to me, so you don't have to do that either.

Here is a sample e-mail:

Dear Delegate,

The Virginia Restaurant Association crafted bill, HB1997, partially
repeals the ban on concealed handgun permit holders carrying handguns
in restaurants that serve alcohol. However it has some serious
problems and shortcomings for gun owners that MUST be overcome. The
bill is not only complex, but has loopholes that would keep too many
restaurants off limits. Please follow VCDL's suggestions for
IMPROVING HB1997 by changing the problem language. Protect the lives
of the good people of Virginia - REPEAL THE RESTAURANT BAN, but see
that it is done right!


The reflector for the committee is:

[email protected]

Here is the members of the subcommittee with phone numbers (we'll
worry about calling the full committee members later, depending on
what the subcommittee does):

Morgan Griffith (Chair) (804) 698-1008
Benjamin Cline (804) 698-1024
Scott Lingamfelter (804) 698-1031
Chapman Petersen (804) 698-1037
James Shuler (804) 698-1012
Thomas Wright (804) 698-1061


VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the civil rights of all Virginians. The membership considers the right to keep and bear arms an essential human right.

VCDL web page: http://www.vcdl.org

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