Vicious dog attacks family pet

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Dec 13, 2003
Twice in two weeks!!!
My dog was attacked by a neighbors mutt twice in two weeks, It ended up costing my $250 in vet bills!!!
The neighbors mutt was usually on a chain out in the woods behind his house...I am guessing they took it off the chain and let it roam the neighborhood to get it to stop barking. This dog has shown signs of agression by chasing after vehicles numerous times and now has attacked my dog twice!!!!
This is the first attack. note the drain tubes put in by the vet(one above the ear and one below)

The second attack can see where the wound from the first attack was opened up again(near my finger) and there are more puncture wounds on his neck and inside his ear.

Time to call animal control and file a complaint. Once, maybe, twice is time to get rid of the other dog.

Also, go after the neighbors in small claims court. Save all the vet bills from both instances. Fileing will cost $50-75. Forms may be on-line.

Best wishes for your pup.
Agree with Wiley. Time for small claims court. Hit em in the wallet.

As to the attack, I would view an attack on my pet as the same as an attack on myself and would use any means necessary to stop the assault, up to and including death of the attacker.
Don't know what your carry situation is, or where your home is located, but if you are semi rural, I would think that dog might, just might, threaten you.

On your property.

Where it will threaten no more.

If it is being let go by its owner for the reason you suspect, the owner is negligent and could KMA. Small claims court is a hassle. If the neighbor is negligent about their dog, they probably won't show to court and you will get a default judgement which you can't enforce unless you file a garnishment.

If it is a halfway good neighbor, I would warn them. Otherwise I would not. I don't want to kill a kid's pet, but the kid has to learn responsibliity as well. If the same neighbor arrived at your home with a knife or gun and threatened you, would you not take action? I would. If a member of his family did, would you take action? I would. The dog is a member of his family who attacked a member of yours. Payback is due.

If you are in the city, animal control is your only solution.
NC statutes are on your side. Get a paper trail going -- call animal control to report the attacks AND any time you see the dog out.
§ 67‑4.2. Precautions against attacks by dangerous dogs.

(a) It is unlawful for an owner to:

(1) Leave a dangerous dog unattended on the owner's real property unless the dog is confined indoors, in a securely enclosed and locked pen, or in another structure designed to restrain the dog;

(2) Permit a dangerous dog to go beyond the owner's real property unless the dog is leashed and muzzled or is otherwise securely restrained and muzzled.
§ 67‑4.4. Strict liability.

The owner of a dangerous dog shall be strictly liable in civil damages for any injuries or property damage the dog inflicts upon a person, his property, or another animal. (1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1023, s. 1.)
Ditto to begining the 'paper trail'. Documentation is the first step, no matter what method of final resolution you choose.

Also think that the Small Claims Court route has merit, especially if the "neighbor" has refused to reimburse you voluntarily when asked. While "Mongo" 's observation about the potential "hassle" has some basis, some states and municipalities allow for means to recoup filing, service, and various recovery-related fees (even your time) associated with default. Some even allow for asset seizure in the event of default on judgement. You've likely got enough of a lever; it's up to you whether or not you use it.

Don't know what your CCW status might be or what local/state law concerning justifiable use of lethal force in defense of your pet might be. I've heard anecdotal instances where pets have been considered "property", and therefore may not be defended forcefully except in strictly defined circumstances. Devoutly hope that yours is not such a jurisdiction.

In my state and locality, a free-running dog or other animal who attacks, or even demonstrates threatening behavior toward me, other persons, my pet(s), or livestock on my property may be dealt with as I see fit. The "Strict Liability" lies with the owner of the offending animal.

I have as yet not been forced to test this, but I've come within a few ounces of doing so on one occasion where a neighbor's dog attacked one of our cats while I had him on his harness and leash in our yard. The dog's owner was "kind" enough to call the local police for me, although she reported it as my being about to shoot her dog. Fortunately, the facts were obvious to the responding officers and she received two misdemeanor citations. The look on her face when she was informed that, if I chose to file the complaint, she could be arrested and charged with Reckless Endangerment, plus filing a false report and obstruction for her belligerant conduct toward them, was priceless.

IIWY, I wouldn't let this slide. It could be someone's child next.
I can sympathize.

A pit bull attacked my dog, a much smaller breed, and was shaking him from the neck. I nailed the pit bull and choked it until it released my dog.

I thought that animal control would take the pit bull away and euthanize it but, when they arrived ,and for some time after, the dog was unconcious or unable to move and they wouldn't take it seriously.

They eventually released it to its owner and their decision was made upon the fact that the dog did not present any danger when they arrived.

That doesn't make any sense to me. The dog attacked without warning and endangered the life of a smaller animal but they let it go because it was disabled. Do we start releasing dangerous criminals because they have been disabled?
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