Was no one ever killed before the invention of the gun?

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Sep 20, 2009
Was no one ever killed before the invention of the gun?

That is what I ask those who say that firearms are the cause of so many deaths.

As for the 30 round magazine issue, I ask them, what if your mother or sister were home alone and some unknown number of thugs broke into the house. What would you want her to have to defend herself with? How many rounds should she have?


Was no one ever killed before the invention of the gun?

That is what I ask those who say that firearms are the cause of so many deaths.

And do they respond with "are you actually saying that it makes no difference how many people die if any die"?

There are valid pro-gun arguments but "some people will still die without guns" is not one of them. That's like saying why have seatbelts because some people will still die in car wrecks.
People forget the crusades, or the rise and fall of the Roman Empire....I used to not think much about it, but as I grow older I think of what George Santayana said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."...
Justin, you can look at places that have banned guns, and see the number of gun deaths go down and the number of knife deaths go up, so that "gun violence" is reduced but murder rates remain the same. THAT to me is a case for the idea that banning guns doesn't stop killing.

Another is that arsons are generally worse than mass shootings, and are impossible to prevent (what are you going to do, regulate gasoline?).
The difference is that unless guns are involved, nobody cares. On the average, swimming pools kill about 700 children each year in the US alone, but nobody cares because a swimming pool is not a gun. Even Obama apparently finds this high level of attrition quite tolerable as long as guns aren't involved. It's called discrimination, not just against certain objects but those who support the right to own such objects, as well. This hardly surprises me, given examples like "Gates Gate"--remember that? The government, media, discrimination, and prejudice all go hand-in-hand these days, and they'll use any means available to manipulate the public emotionally to achieve their ends. 700 drowned children each year are completely ignored as worthless, but 20 murdered children--now that's a useful tool! :rolleyes:
Skribs, i was addressing the logic of the argument. Saying that gun restrictions do not impact murder rates or violent crime is a different point. However, like most things statistics regarding crime and gun control can be manipulated and are regularly. Causes of crime are numerous with constantly changing variables so one can not point to one thing, such as gun control, and conclude that new gun laws are or aren't the cause.

Another is that arsons are generally worse than mass shootings, and are impossible to prevent (what are you going to do, regulate gasoline?).

There are actually countless steps that have been taken to reduce fatalities from fire such as newer building materials, fire codes, permitting, etc. To successfully kill many people by arson is far more difficult today than most seem to realize. If it were so easy and effective why would it not be far more frequent than it is? Regardless, we as a society must have housing and buildings and nobody would argue that the risk of death by fire warrants eliminating structures just as nobody would argue that the benefit derived from automobiles is not worth the cost of having gasoline available.
That's why I generally ignore statistics. I just like to point out where the stats are manipulated.

My favorite is my coworker showing me crime in Britain, and it went from something like 400 murders with guns and 300 murders with knives pre-ban to 500 murders with knives and 200 murders with guns post-ban, per so many thousand people. I was like "but...just as many people were killed" and she goes "BUT NOT WITH GUNS!"
The world of man has never existed without violence. Why would anyone think they could ban a certain type of weapons and violence will come to an end? It is arrogant and stupid to believe so. Only a moron would think like that.....oh yeah...I forgot.
Machete's are used to disastrous effect in Africa. I'm willing to bet villagers would like to have something more than harsh words to protect themselves with.
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