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Washington State Gun Laws

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Aug 28, 2009
Can anyone give me a list of their gun laws? I'd also like a to know what it would rate on a scale of pro-gun states to anti-gun states and how likely it will be stay that way in the future. I may end up moving there in a year or so. Thanks in advance.
lived there for 7 yrs... gonna go back after school... easy to get carry permit... good for 5 yrs... no paper required on ftf private sales for pistols... not too friendly for places to shoot along I5 corridor but there are some spots...
moved there from NY so it was paradise relatively...
A- prolly.
Thanks. More information would be greatly appreciated ppl. Ooh and A- is horrible. F is actually the best. I heard Washington was a D+ but I also heard that most ppl in WA are liberal.
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I have found Washington state to be very gun friendly. I open carry all the time and have no problems. Can't have a loaded gun in your vehicle without a CPL, that's the biggest hassle, but a CPL is $55 with no training or residency requirement. Also a 5 day wait for handgun purchases without a CPL.

Here is a summary of most of the laws:

There is one mistake in the pamphlet - it is NOT required to have an unloaded handgun in a case when transporting it in a vehicle without a CPL; the handgun just cannot be concealed on the person is the only requirement.

Here are all of the actual statutes:

EXCEPT for the prohibition of any loaded rifle or shotgun in a vehicle (with or without a CPL) which is in the hunting regulations.

If you have any specific questions, please ask!
Thank you this is great news! I actually do have quite a few questions.
More about Washington than gun laws though.
I see that youre also in the military, I have a few questions about that as well.
I think I'll PM you tomorrow, Im gettin way too tired as is.
I've be looking through stuff about Washington, guns and military recruitment all day.
Its alot to think about, lol. I'll definitely send a PM tomorrow. Thanks again and have a good one.
NavyLT has given you the specifics and in good detail. WA is a very gun-friendly state, and next to VT the most friendly I've ever seen. In addition to the laws, the culture is pro-gun and the gun community large and active.

I also heard that most ppl in WA are liberal.

No, there are some pot-head retards and re-treads around Seattle, and that's about it. WA is basically two states - liberals in Seattle and Olympia and then the rest of the state. East of the Cascade range it is little different than Idaho or eastern Oregon.
Thats disappointing, I was thinking about moving to Olympia or Seattle. lol.
Guess I gotta rethink my game plan.
It ain't that bad in Seattle. It's mostly just the cops because mayor small change has put the cops against a wall requiring them to enforce illegal restrictions. Mayor small change dropped out of the race, though, so we don't have him to put up with for much longer.
But Olympia is bad? I really would like to live in Eastern Washington. I love the rain and all the green but if the ppl are bad...
Welcome, I am a moderate liberal living on the conservative east side :) You will like it here, rifle registration is practically non existent- The procedure requires a NICS check that only asks if you bought a handgun, long gun, or other. The 4473 paperwork stays with the FFL dealer- In the 25 years we have been in business those papers have never been checked- We shred them after 20 years.
Handguns require paperwork sent to the Department of Licensing- So the state knows whether you bought a Walther P-22 or whatever.

Cant have full auto but who really needs it :) let the flames begin-

Be careful about where in Eastern WA you put roots- areas from Yakima on south are economically depressed and the people not very bright or active in civic matters. Think, Kittitas County, Spokane
If anyone has suggestions on places that would be a MAJOR help.
Im looking for somewhere affordable for a guy just outta HS, lol.
I dont expect many options, anyways...

Im off topic in my own thread...lol.

cyclops, theres very little reason for automatic but there are reasons.
Number One-FUN.
Number Two-Killing zombies.
Number Three-Freedom.

Although I agree that for the most part automatic fire is useless for a civilian. Not allowing us to own one is stupid and limiting. We need all the advantages we can get when it comes to the government screwing us over.

Just give us our rights back already.
oops... forgot the whole brady scale thing... so prolly d minus...
Live on Whidbey Island for 4 yrs... everett for over 2.... whidbey amazing.... everett not so...
Lotsa crime in seattle.... all along corridor actually.... assuming from your handle maybe a mil background... NAS Whidbey Island is switching over to DOD/DON cops for security... my wife did it down in Everett and she liked it well enough... pay was good, and its better now that they got approved for "LE Pay", so starting is around 49K a yr plus... plus they are true fed LE...
If youre looking for a job too...
yes, but no.


i can't dissagree with your reasons, but:

NUMBER ONE- ammo burn. an AR swithced to rock-n-roll will burn a 40 round mag {that functions well} in less than four seconds. same are rated @ 11 rounds/second. military testing has found that their best shooters get about 4 rounds on target out of a 20 round mag at 100 yds. hence, the only scenario where a fully would be usefull is against an en masse charging attack of opponents. not a good time to run out of ammunition, or to be burdened with carrying enough rounds for say, one minute of trigger time. this presumes you have a particularly well ventilated barrel, that hasn't turned into a molten pool of metal at your feet. and in the total breakdown of society "zombie hordes" scenario, who is going to be selling ammo?

not anyone who may need it next week/month/year!!!

NUMBER TWO- ever wonder how much fun it could be to have your buds from the ATF drop by, unannounced @ 2:00 AM for coffee and small talk? a friend of mine in alaska had just that happen, multiple times. he had gotten into a urinating match with them and the "spot checks" started. there is an avenue of recourse in these situations, if one is independently wealthy and not within ten or so years of retirement. read the fine print on class III forms... their actions were not illegal unless harassment could be proved.

NUMBER THREE- practice/play. assuming you wanna be one of the high-speed-low-drag shooters who CAN hit the target 4 times @ 100yds, WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO DO SO? even the most firearm friendly people in the country will have serious second thoughts about class III conventions next door in rural america. so any informal plinking is likely out of the question unless one lives near open expanses of desert. how many ranges near you allow full auto weapons?

just some items to consider.


PS---AHOY, LT. heard you guys got some stupid hot weather up that way recently! do you miss arifjail now?
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Hey Gunnie!

Yeah we did get stupid hot weather, still did not make me miss the dessert though!

I can't comment on Olympia. I haven't lived nor carried there. I will agree to stay away from the Yakima area because of the crime.
If you move to the Olympia/Seattle area take a close look at any commute to work you may need to make. Because of the geography and road layout in the Seattle/Olympia commutes are horrible.

The rest of the State is great.As soon as you get out of the Seattle/Olympia area its pretty, low population and near to nature. You can choose almost any climate you prefer in OR/WA with a little bit of research.
Thanks, guys. I guess the Olympia area is out the window.

Rogers, what if I really liked rainy/cloudy weather?
Lots of green and light to medium snow in the winter.
A small town with a pretty low population.
Keep in mind that Im only 20 and I dont have too much pocket change.
What would you suggest?
What would you suggest?

A possibility: go to Bellingham north of Seattle/Everett.

Not too large a town, and it's a college town (WWU). You could work there and then also continue your education if you chose to. Not many places on the west side get any regular snow at all except some spots exposed to the Pacific and/or water-effect snow, like on the western OP and the northern Islands (ask NavyLT, he lives up there). Persistent snow cover in winter is pretty rare until you get into or over the higher western Cascade foothills.

Thanks, guys. I guess the Olympia area is out the window.

There are good communities within 20 to 30 minutes of downtown Olympia. But they are not inexpensive, and in the path of future development and California.
Thanks, Im looking into it. Im also looking into AK as well though. If I do join the CG which is a great possibility then I most likely wont get to pick where I choose to live within those two states.
Sad news, I just realised that Im probably not eligible for any branch of military because of past problems with the law. Boy, was a dumb azz at 17. lol.
GIMakarov said:
Thanks, Im looking into it. Im also looking into AK as well though. If I do join the CG which is a great possibility then I most likely wont get to pick where I choose to live within those two states.
NavyLT said:
Come on! Don't settle for the Coast Guard! Go Navy!

Maybe, he got brainwashed into becoming a coastie by watching that Kevin Costner/Ashton Kutcher Coast Guard movie "The Guardian". :p

Food for thought between AK v WA...

In regards to Title 2 firearms...
In WA, you can own are AOWs and Noise Suppressors. But, WA law prohibits the use of a Noise Suppressor.
In AK, you can own are AOWs, MGs, SBRs, SBSs and Noise Suppressors.

Both AK and WA are shall issue CCW states.
But, legally don't need to get a CCW permit to conceal carry in AK. Just need it if you want to carry in states that honors AK's permit.

In WA, you'll end up having to deal with liberals, hippies, hackers and rednecks.
In AK, (if you qualify) you get a yearly payment of $3269 from the government and that'll help offset dealing with any treehuggers you run into.
You might be surprised, GIMakarov. It doesn't hurt to apply so long as you tell the truth about everything. The Army is really hurting for people, so they will be more willing to waive certain things.
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