Wayne at CPAC

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Random Guy
Jan 14, 2009
Heart of Dixie (Ala)
I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but if I just missed it.......sorry for a repost.

I just finished watching Wayne LaPirre's speech at CPAC, and I know there are a good many people around here who aren't big Wayne fans but that was an excellent speech. One of the best in recent memory, IMO.

If you haven't seen or heard it you need to. I feel sure I will get a NRA email linking to it soon and when I do I'll be forwarding it to everyone I know.

I found it via google search so I know nothing about the site.

Here is a link to watch it.

Posted via iPad so forgive spelling.
I also saw it and agree it was well poised. I love how he picked apart Joe Biden's "empty your shotgun into the air" advice. He made too much sense on all points to be refuted.

Great Speech

Wow, that was a great speech by Wayne! I did note a Freudian slip at about 17:30 where he called Colorado "CALIrado".
That was great. Keep it up Wayne! I like the snippet videos too, inspiring... I dare say... Chuck Norris approved. :)
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