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We are WINNING the battle against AWB (victory party will be inside!)

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Apr 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I do love good news. But this does not mean each state wont take it upon themselves to institute their own laws/bans.

Indeed, we need to keep the pressure up and support or fellow 2A supporters like NY, CA etc as they will need our help in the court battles.
Feinstein's bill is so non-sensical that I'm convinced it is just the kick-off of their rope-a-dope strategy.
I appreciate the good news. :) However, we need to be ever mindful of the Overton Window. Remain vigilant.
Wow, here's something I saw in the Huffington Post article you linked:

Joe Biden said:
“That’s why we need universal background checks. All information is sent to a national system,” he said. “It in no way impacts someone’s ability to own a gun. Zero. Zero.”

Now color me skeptical, but if he intends the background check to have zero impact on people owning a gun.........what's.....the.....point...???

Just say the words, you're trying to build a national register.
Except for a full faith and credit law.
We could use one of those.
Any license or permit granted in one state (Carry, Marriage, Hunting, Drivers) shall be valid in any other state, in accordance with the full faith and credit clause of the US Constitution.
Failure to recognize will result in a loss of federal funding for stuff and things.

And this is my favourite phrase ever:
Democrats are backing away from the proposed assault weapons ban like it is a burning dumptruck full of manure.

Thank you :D
Yes indeed, and as soon as all the western state dems can say they didn't support it, they'll drag in the "resonable restrictions". Ban magazines over 10 rounds, renewed AWB, etc. Then they can say they went with the most reasonable and least restrictive controls available.

Please folks, don't get suckered into believing the Feinstein version was ever intended to go anywhere. It was well known by anyone with a brain this couldn't even get a reading in the house and would not even get enough support formt he democratic controlled senate to pass there. They just want to have a completely unconstitutional ban to compare their "reasonable restrictions" to.
victory party will be inside!

That's premature.

Sens. Max Baucus (Mont.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Begich (Alaska), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Angus King (Maine), and Tim Johnson (S.D.) are key in making sure that there will be no restrictions on firearms, magazines or ammunition. They need a lot of support to resist pressure from senior elected and executive branch politicians. If we don't bulwark them they could decide to give into their party in exchange for a lot of party support in their next campaign for office. We need to assure them they don't need party support if they support us and remind them that the Senators that lost their seats in Congress after the AWB '94 was passed had plenty of support from their parties, but not from the constituents they had abandoned.

We also face numerous magazine and ammunition ban legislation separate from Sen. Feinstein's legislation that we have to defeat lest we die from a thousand cuts. Then there is the legislation for firearm registration that hangs over us. That's just at the Federal level. The various proposed state restrictions like the monstrous law passed in New York are out there as well. This sounds too much like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

No, this is no time to party.
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We have them on the run, now don't start to fade! We must continue the preassure, until they "get it". "No restrictions on our freedom"
We need an organized fact finding group to show Cuomo, how much this 7 round crap, is going to cost NY, with a loss of revenue from all the things that come with guns, like Manufacturing jobs and taxes, shows, ammo, and people who will leave.
I agree. News is saying that the AWB and mag limits has no traction. Arguing is now about background checks, gunshow/private party checks, and mental health issues.

I am glad the focus is turning to the mental health side of it. Most of these issues involve people with mental issues.

BTW, are there mag cap limits in Chicago? Thanks.

I want to add, I agree that the approach all along may have been to have the extreme AWB as an extreme position so they the gun control group could compromise into a position for extensive background checks, which still erodes rights. They would consider that a victory.
Keep vigilant and in contact with your reps, both federal and state.

MN introduced H.F. 241 yesterday that is every bit as draconian as NY's SAFE act.

We've been pummeling the house reps and committee members with email, letters, and calls hoping to kill this POS bill in committee.

It's up to everyone to be a good sheepdog and remain vigilant and of good character and ready to face the threats as they become visible.
But... but... the polls keep saying a clear majority of people WANT the ban. I don't get it. If most people want it, why doesn't it sail through the Congress? I mean, it almost seems like the polls are lying...?
Joe Biden said:
“That’s why we need universal background checks. All information is sent to a national system,” he said. “It in no way impacts someone’s ability to own a gun. Zero. Zero.”

Now color me skeptical, but if he intends the background check to have zero impact on people owning a gun.........what's.....the.....point...???

He's refering to people that are legally able to own a gun wont be impacted.
This shows what a radical Obama is, he can't even get the support of his own party.
Are the people calling this a victory the same folks that told me Romney will win the election? Not just by a little, but by a LANDSLIDE?

Confirmation bias. Don't pick and choose just the articles that happen to be pro-2A while dismissing all the anti-2A stuff. Look at the totality of what's going on and make an objective hypothesis.
I do love good news. But this does not mean each state wont take it upon themselves to institute their own laws/bans.
However, it does mean it is unlikely that such bogus laws will be foisted upon my state. Not that that frees me/us from any obligation, but we can focus our efforts and influence on the remaining regions that are somehow in favor of ridiculous legislation. I've a lot more energy to rally behind New Yorkers now, than I would be if I was having to pester my own Governor to resist unconstitutional laws (I'm in Texas :cool:)

Quote]" We must continue the preassure, until they "get it". "No restrictions on our freedom""

They DO "get it." They know exactly how the 2A reads. They just don't agree with it and they would like to see US stripped of our rights.
The Govt. has never liked the idea of Seperation of Powers. They have always wanted the citizens to be LESS well-armed than they are.
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