We need to be BOMBARDING the media on the VT shootings!

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Green Lantern

Aug 16, 2006
I've already sent off letters to my local papers, and am thinking of what else I can do.

It's bad enough that this tragedy happened, but worse still is that the "bliss-ninnies" are crying for MORE gun control (victim disarming, self-defense-free zones) as the ANSWER to this! :banghead:

When what any THINKING person can see is a catastrophic faliure of the system! The broken promise of "if you give up liberty, you'll gain safety!"

This NEEDS to be our LINE IN THE SAND.

Please, contact your local paper, news station...tell a freind. Do SOMEthing to spread the word that this is ROCK SOLID PROOF that gun control is a farce!

I'm encouraged by a LOT of like-minded people posting letters and like minded feedback in one local-ish paper in particular (the city is VERY VERY liberal).

People are thinking "DEFENSE" which is understandable, but I say it's time to work on "OFFENSE" more! I think that this surely should be more than enough justification to show that "gun-free" zones are nothing but an empty promise of safety built on the "good faith" of EVIL people to follow such "policies!"
Agreed, now for the Activisim forum, let's keep this practical.

Post your letters so others may learn.

Hammer them.

No commentary, +1, or attaboys needed.

Focus like a fricking laser beam.
what are you talking about? I want to put your posters up in my office!
Do you know where I can get one printed in a 24x36 format?

I'll even put them up at my local gun shops and the grocery store. They'll love them!
Not the place for discussion, this if for action only, float ideas in L&P.
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Focus hard on the message - progressive common sense reform of ill-conceived gun laws and regulations.

Get the word out there. That means that more than a couple of people have to do it. WE NEED THOUSANDS.
My letter, published in two local papers! Got quite a bit of praise from co-workers, even some customers! "That was kick-A," a woman told me (using the full last word to boot!) :D :D

Dear Editor,

Thirty-two innocent people lost their lives at Virginia Tech. The latest additions to the growing tally of lives lost due to victim disarmament. That is, prohibiting people from carrying tools for self-defense under the empty promise that the "authorities" will protect them.

I'm not just talking guns either. Knives, pepper spray - anything that could even be considered a weapon is forbidden in countless "self-defense-free" zones by decree of law or policy. Making such areas prime targets for massacres such as the one at Virginia Tech.

Even as we see firsthand the catastrophic failure of the "authorities" in this case, the usual irrational fools are already calling for more restrictions on self-defense as a solution to make us all "safer."

I say, NO MORE! How many more people have to die before some people will admit that "self-defense-free" zones not only don't work, they invite such tragedies as this? Everyone with an ounce of common sense needs to take a stand, now. The assertion that we "still" have our God-given right to self defense is an empty one as long as we are denied being able to carry the tools with which to do so!
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