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We went to the range today.

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Jun 2, 2005
North Chesterfield, Virginia
My wife and I went to the range today. She shot about 50 rounds through her G-19, and a hundred or so through her Ruger Mk II, 22. I put a hundred or so through my Ruger MK III, 22/45. I couldn't hit the ground with my hat. :neener: There were a few fellows down on the rifle end of the range shooting, and another fellow beside me, shooting a PT-1911. He was also coaching a young woman on how to shoot.

I know. You're thinking, "So what? You went to the range today. Big deal."

Well it was a big deal for me. You see, this was the first time I'd been to the range since I had heart bypass surgery a couple of months ago. Not feeling up to doing something really makes you appreciate it when you finally get a chance to do it again. Just going through the motions of loading and firing was great. I got tired a bit, and pulled a stool over, and shot off a rest a little. Still couldn't hit anything but man it was fun.

Take care of yourselves boys and girls. We need all the pro 2A people we got. :D
Glad your surgery worked Cajunbass. I hope you soon get your "stroke" back. We do need 2A supporters especially helpful ones. I still remember when you helped me with the MarkIII.

CajunBass ~

Congratulations ... enjoy every minute of every day. :cool:

good luck and good shooting. I am recovering from abdominal surgery and looking at 2-6 months before anything more serious than gun cleaning. Hang in there bud
Mr CajunBass, i get so jealous when i read this kind of post. I get jealous because you actually was at the range shooting with your wife. I am not marry yet but i am in a very long term relationship. My girl friend is not a big supporter of gun. We argue over it all the time. We are at a point where we might break up because i like gun and i like shooting it. I think what get me going today was that she admit she is a damn Nacy Pelosi supporter and if we do have kid together they will not be near any gun. I dont know what to do with this girl. Happy shooting Mr CajunBass!!!
Free Advice from a two-time loser in the wife game.

Run away at the first crack in the relationship compatability wise. Much cheaper in the long run than divorce court. After the second one, I swore never again, but five years later I truely met my soul-mate and the past seven years have been the greatest. Third times a charm, I guess. We've no secrets, share everything, and do accept our individual differences. For example, she doesn't eat meat, would vote to ban hunting, has a CHL, but cooks me steak. I've completely redone the house to meet her standards except for the garage and my man-cave back room :)

So hang in there and continue to socialize untill you do find Mrs Right.

Glad to hear you're doing good man. Don't worry, I'm 20 and can't hit a thing and I don't have an excuse like you :banghead:

keep it up and have fun, my father inlaw had double heart buypass surgery and the artery on one side of his neck done all at once, took a little while to get rolling, now you cannot slow him down, fills better than he has in a long time, :)


Congrats on a successful surgery! I seem to remember that you got your C&R a while back, have you picked up any guns yet?
Cajun you should make range visits a common occurance. I know that activities are probably limited because of how fast you lose your wind, but shooting maybe just what the doctor ordered. Well, maybe not specifically. It is an excersise that increases your heart rate while not over working yourself. It is also easy to take a load off and rest if you start feeling tired. Most excersises increase heart rate, because your body is demanding more oxygen due to increased muscle metabolism as you work. Shooting on the other hand uses minimal muscle strength, depending on positioning and what not. Your heart rate will increase, but it will mostly be due to sympathetic stimulation, or the adrenaline and pure joy of shooting, but will not create a situation where your body is demanding a huge load of oxygen to keep up.


+1 for taking your wife too.
I seem to remember that you got your C&R a while back, have you picked up any guns yet?

Sure have Matt. I got a couple of Yugo SKS's, and a couple of Type 53 Chinese Mosin's.

+1 for taking your wife too.

No "taking" her. She takes me. She got me back into shooting after I quit a number of years ago. She's turned into quite a "gunny." Her guns are her guns. My guns are "our" guns. :D

Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I have been doing some walking for exercise. I've got an air rifle I carry along. Cheap to shoot, and doesn't make any noise, and gives me something to carry along. I plink away at logs, stumps, leaves, and such. I don't hit much, it's still fun. Shooting the 22 was different. Different muscles, more concentration required. I had a tendency to jerk the trigger at least once per magazine. I'll work on that the next time. This time it was just good to hear the crack and feel the recoil (even the slight recoil of a 22).

Congrats on your dsuccessful CABG surgery:). Back in November of 2001, I had a 4 way CABG surgery. In December, I shot a Whitetail 8 point buck and a doe. My surgeon would only let me use a 223 because he was concerned about having to do a rewire. It was a great year because I did not have to field dress or skin any deer. My hunting buddies did all that:D.
There is life after Coronary Arterial Bypass Graft surgery. Keep exercising and watching your diet and you can live a normal life:cool:.

I think the insurance co. should buy your ammo and let you go to the range for physical therapy !!!!!!!!!!! How's that for an idea??????? Keep on keeping on....:)
After my surgery it took me 3 months to get back to the range.
I couldn't hit a thing but it sure felt good.
I lasted about 30 minutes and had to pack up.
I'm pretty much back to where I was before a knife opened me.
So, now I know I'll be fine.

Cajunbass glad to know you are doing good and I really know what you mean, I had my valve replacement surgery back in may and still hurts sometimes. It was hard to get back to shooting but now I'll say I'm still as bad as before :D the surgery, lol

Keep on walking......have fun
I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well Cajunbass. I'm having a tumor removed later this year & I hope I can bounce back as quickly as you have.
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