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We Won! US Most Heavily Armed Nation (merged)

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Sounds like we need to get another 27 million firearms to bring the ratio up to 1:1.

damn straight. Sounds like a group buy needs to happen around here. I am proud to know we are on top of the world in firearms ownership. Now the question is how to get thos other 10 people armed.

I currently own 15 firearms. I think by the end of the year I might have another 5 or so.

After reading this and hoping all the stats are true and correct I am giddy with joy.
Awesome! We are the most heavily armed society on Earth...yet there are other countries with fewer civilian guns, but much, much higher rates of murder and violent crime. Hmmmm...

I need to buy more actual new guns to do my part. All I own are milsurps except for my 10/22.
El Tejon said:
Alright, O.K., who are the slackers here? Let me see your hands if you own fewer than 61 firearms. *writes names down*

Ummm, you lazy bones, get to work buying those guns. Let's get that ratio over 1:1 next year. Buy 'em cheap and stack them deep.

I'm pulling MY weight ET. :neener:
We are the most heavily armed society on Earth...yet there are other countries with fewer civilian guns, but much, much higher rates of murder and violent crime. Hmmmm...
It'd be interesting to compare the guns per capita in a country to the number of gun crimes that country has. The US and it's 'high' gun crime rate might be seen in a different light.
Aftermarket and blackmarket sales in third world countries? Statistics are only as reliable as the vacuum they are produced in.
Okay, maybe we have enough guns, or close anyways... What we need though is more readily disposable ammo for cheaper to ward off the totalitarian world that is closing in around us!!! (Not Kidding)

My tin foil hat needs adjusting I guess.
At this time I would like to formally apologize to the rest of THR crew. I have been slacking on gun ownership and thusly must take some of the blame for the less than 1:1 ratio.
Besides the fact that these numbers are educated guesses based on sample siezures, and weapons that present themselves and known legal sales to determine a number of privately possessed arms...

I think it is quite telling that after the USA, which is predominantly legal guns, several nations are listed with the highest totals where legal onwership is all but non-existant. Mexico has less than 5,000 legal weapon owners, it has ranged from around 2,000-4,000 for years, and the types are very limited and restricted. Yet they have tons of small arms illegaly possessed, meaning it is mainly criminals that have them.

China ranked 3rd yet has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, even giving the death penalty with ease to criminals with a firearm, or selling or providing such arms to people. So we are safe to assume all those guns making it the third highest in the world are held by criminals.
"A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie." Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

In China, where the government controls some media outlets as government agencies and the media in general must operate within strict guidlines concurrent with government views, events like Virginia Tech are heavily broadcast repeatedly and discussed in a way to support existing arms laws. CCTV (China Central Telivison) an agency of the Chinese government for example gave it a lot of air time.

India ranked second has a serious martial history, self defense culture, etc, in fact carrying arms in the form of knives and swords is a part of the culture dating far back(before guns even existed). Yet it has rather draconian gun laws dating back to its British rulers, and later government distrust of its people, so it is safe to assume most of those are illegaly possessed.

So the study is interesting in more than one way.
All I hear about Mexico is how nobody can own anything but a .22 or you head to the slammer. Is that true?

Mexico's gun laws don't allow civilians to own guns in military calibers (9mm para., .45ACP, etc.) This is why the .38 super is very popular as a semi cartridge there. This law is very similiar to many other countries.

Mexico has only around 5,000 registered gun owners (All legal arms are registered). Most are illegaly possessed. In fact it is not even legal to transport a firearm in any manner, not on foot or in a car, no matter what it is locked in etc unless one first obtains permission from the police.
So picture that many people. Its not very many. A highschool has close to that many students many places. That is your amount of legal gun owners in Mexico.
Long ago,@ mid to late 90's, American Rifleman had a piece
about Delaware County,NY. They said we had 7 guns per person
in the county. I felt "not up to par",so that set the base line.
Many years later,"we" are WAY above average.
This new number doesn't shock me one bit.
WE ARE "FREE",so they say!!????
Something to thing about I guess!!!!!!

Did you hear that, my fellow Americans? Some guy from Yemen, yes, Yemen, says that they have 3 guns for every citizen. And a Finn had to point it out to us!

Are you just going to sit there reloading ammo and thinking about which gun for bear, or are you going to do something about that?

.30 cal slob, *points at self* I'm *points at eyes* watching *points at .30 cal slob* you.:neener:
Damn guys, cut me some slack...I just started last December and it's been >1 gun per month, usually new. I do have some cheap mil-surps but they're not the bulk of the collection.

Isn't it the thought that counts?:eek:
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