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We Won! US Most Heavily Armed Nation (merged)

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I don't know if these stats are correct. I had always heard there are more guns than people here. Between my Neighbor and I we could arm the Subdivision. Honestly I could do it myself but they may need a backup weapon. I know guys that have a 1,000 plus guns. Are their really that many unarmed folks out there to throw us off. Not very many gun owners have just one. I would guess average among gun owners would be 3-5.
This story should probably be retitled "U.S. Has most LEGAL guns"
Nah, most privately owned guns suits the point more. Legal status is decided by the stroke of a pen and makes little difference when comparing totals. I would hope our number was still the highest even if they were all outlawed.
China, ranked third with 40 million privately held guns, had 3 firearms per 100 people.
I found this very surprising at first, but after thinking about it, I remembered that the few policemen in Beijing that I was able to talk to all had their own guns. A police sergeant I chatted with waxed on about how much he liked his Glock 17 and his "45". As far as I know, Glocks are NOT government-issue in mainland China, nor are any .45s. It would seem that police in China are able to own private handguns. That would account for the 40 million privately held guns in China, there are easily double that number of police there :what:

That would work together with the demonizing of gun ownership in other countries in the state-run news media. The message is clear in China: only police should have guns :uhoh:
Saw this on Digg.com and Fark.com, two sites that post popular as well as off-beat news. I was encouraged to see lots of pro-gun participation on those sites in the comment sections regarding the study.
Yahoo News: U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people

Didn't see this posted yet.
Intersting they do not mention that the poor war torn countries are flooded with illegal guns.


By Laura MacInnis
Tue Aug 28, 1:25 PM ET

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said.


U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies.

About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said.

"There is roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. Without the United States, though, this drops to about one firearm per 10 people," it said.

India had the world's second-largest civilian gun arsenal, with an estimated 46 million firearms outside law enforcement and the military, though this represented just four guns per 100 people there. China, ranked third with 40 million privately held guns, had 3 firearms per 100 people.

Germany, France, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil and Russia were next in the ranking of country's overall civilian gun arsenals.

On a per-capita basis, Yemen had the second most heavily armed citizenry behind the United States, with 61 guns per 100 people, followed by Finland with 56, Switzerland with 46, Iraq with 39 and Serbia with 38.

France, Canada, Sweden, Austria and Germany were next, each with about 30 guns per 100 people, while many poorer countries often associated with violence ranked much lower. Nigeria, for instance, had just one gun per 100 people.

"Firearms are very unevenly distributed around the world. The image we have of certain regions such as Africa or Latin America being awash with weapons -- these images are certainly misleading," Small Arms Survey director Keith Krause said.

"Weapons ownership may be correlated with rising levels of wealth, and that means we need to think about future demand in parts of the world where economic growth is giving people larger disposable income," he told a Geneva news conference.

The report, which relied on government data, surveys and media reports to estimate the size of world arsenals, estimated there were 650 million civilian firearms worldwide, and 225 million held by law enforcement and military forces.

Five years ago, the Small Arms Survey had estimated there were a total of just 640 million firearms globally.

"Civilian holdings of weapons worldwide are much larger than we previously believed," Krause said, attributing the increase largely to better research and more data on weapon distribution networks.

Only about 12 percent of civilian weapons are thought to be registered with authorities.
articles like this just make me want to go out and buy some more guns. maybe to share with friends and family. we have to do our part to put a gun in the hands of every man, woman, and child

Here's Neal Boortz's take on it:


A recent report says that in the US there are 90 guns for every 100 citizens. This makes America the most heavily armed society in the world.

Poor anti-gun moonbats, this is really going to get their thongs in a wad. Shame, really. I just hate it when that happens, even if they are dumber than a box of hair.

But let's take a quick look at something. Switzerland ranks 5th on a per capita scale of gun ownership. In Switzerland there are 46 guns for every 100 citizens. In fact, they give all males assault rifles for militia service, and they keep them at home. And yet Switzerland is one of the safest places to be. Why is that? Culture. It's America's gangster, drug-dealing urban culture that brings us these deaths, not the guns.

There's also a problem with the numbers. This report relied on government data to estimate civilian firearms. Are you telling me that Nigeria has just as comprehensive a system to monitor civilian gun usage as the United States? Do you think that governments would want to brag about the number of guns their civilians have? No. So relying on government data from each country is fruitless because it is collected completely differently, if at all. And definitely cannot be considered consistent and accurate.

By the way ... see if you can get our local ant-gun moonbat to explain why crime rates inevitably go down when people are allowed to carry concealed weapons. Ask the question .. their stammering is really awfully fun to watch.
Alright, O.K., who are the slackers here? Let me see your hands if you own fewer than 61 firearms. *writes names down*

Ummm, you lazy bones, get to work buying those guns. Let's get that ratio over 1:1 next year. Buy 'em cheap and stack them deep.

LMAO! That was a great laugh.

France, Canada, Sweden, Austria and Germany were next, each with about 30 guns per 100 people, while many poorer countries often associated with violence ranked much lower. Nigeria, for instance, had just one gun per 100 people.

No real trick eh?
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