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"Weapons of war" and hunters

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

Print version
I like it. If you want to make it seem more sinister, have the guy standing at attention, glaring and looking evil. This guy strikes me as more of a "I don't really care, but I got drafted" type. Maybe that's more sinister in and of itself.
Oleg, how about one that says the Brady Campaign wants to ban firearms larger than 50 caliber.

And show a nice old wood and blue 12 gauge.
Great idea Oleg!
"For Brady Campaign to Disarm Americans."
is a tough read, perhaps" "For 'The Brady Campaign to Disarm Americans',"
would flow a bit better. I found myself re-reading that line about 4 times until I made sense of it (then again, perhaps it is just me:p ).
I like the concept, but suggestion would be, provided you have the right costumes, a German soldier holding the Mauser, a Russian soldier holding the Nagant, and maybe a US soldier holding an 03 Springfield.
I don't like it.

I don't care about history, because I don't want to have to think when I see it. So it doesn't matter that the guy's holding a Mauser, probably the most-copied bolt action in history.

Instead, when I see it, I see a Nazi.

And that's the image that sticks.

Make it a WWI or WWII American soldier. Otherwise, it's going to alienate a LARGE percentage of shooters, and virtually every "Fudd" over age 50...
I'd say use an American with an M1903 or a Tommy with an Enfield. People not well versed or into history see a Wehrmacht or Luftwaffe guy tend to think concentration camps and Hitler. This may sour them and distract from the message you are trying to send. My 0.02 anyhow.
I like it...but I also think that it may send a better message by using a vintage American soldier. :)

Also +1 on changing the 3rd line of text to "For 'The Brady Campaign to Disarm Americans',"
Nice adea but of all the uniforms to pick, it won't sell with a NAZI.:barf:

A series of American soldier: A Minute Man with a muzzleloader, a Civil War soldeir with a Spencer, a WWI doughboy with a Springfield, a WWII GI with his Garand, todays Marine with a M-16 variant. All of these arms were assualt rifles before they were taken to the field for hunting.
I dont want to be critical, but maybe centering the words? Although I got the impression that the way you had arranged it already was deliberate. It distracted my eye though.
The idea is a great one, but I think, as several others have said, that American soldiers would really hit home.
I like it, but I have to agree with those who said make it an American Soldier. Maybe a Doughboy with a 1903. Or maybe a really squared away Marine from the WWI era. Even a WWII era soldier/marine with a 1903 if you wanted.

While those of us who have a clue see what you are saying, those on the fence or those infected by PCness will only see a Nazi. It's sad, but true.

Artistically though, I like it.
Ditch the Nazi - I would read this as:

1. Nazis use these
2. Hunters use these
3. I don't like Nazis and Hunters
4. Ban them all.

Give us an American with a Springfield and a young girl and boy with their dad hunting and/or on the range.

Heart's in the right place, Oleg but it primes to wrong ideation - IMO.

Just trying to be constructive.:)
Here's another way to try it, Oleg:

1. The solder in pre-WWII US Army dress.

2. Two rifles: a) 1903 Springfield, and b) sporterized Springfield--this one with good wood, scope, etc. etc.

Do variants on this--Garand, sporterized Garand, M-16 / Colt Sporter, etc.

Dress the soldier as appropriate--WWII / Korean War, Viet Nam, Gulf, etc., etc. Work on the earliest ones first.

The one most relevant for today's "hunters" might well be the Remington 700, etc.--the military model and the sports model, of course.

Finally, find the EXACT QUOTE WE NEED from the Brady Bunch, Josh Sugarman, whoever, and use that, c/w reference to the original context in fine print. IMO, it must be one about "high-powered" sniper rifles, and the context in which it was originally made by the gun-grabber should refer to the rifle used in this poster.

Some of us will help you find the quote, I'm sure.

Set this up so it can be printed in a standard photo printer--and can be made into a 24x36 poster.

Version TWO: do this with shotguns.

Jim H.
Im going to second the Doughboy idea. Still identifiable, less threatening and easier to identify with as a good guy.
Agreed ditch the German Uniform.
Here is my rational,
The Nazi's were a Facist regime. During the tenure of this regime millions died for no reason other than Religious Beliefs, Millions More Died defeating them. The negative conotation that Firearms owners can be Nazi's permeates, regardless of your intention.
Second We recently ended a mans Carreer for equating certain gun owners with Terrorists, Now you unintentionally equate us with Nazi's.
What would happen if someone misused that image?
I like it as is.

Don't toss out the Nazi.

The point is that this is a military weapon. That's what the Brady campaign says about your "traditional" hunting rifle.

That a Nazi in the picture simply makes the point more powerfully -- your hunting rifle was used by our enemies against American soldiers. How evil!
Ban it!

The hunter who sees that is going to go, "But, but, but, but --" and he will be right. That is exactly the response Oleg is trying to solicit here, I think.

It isn't about preaching to the folks who already get the point. It's about giving a wake up call to the ones that don't.

Pax, I think you think too deeply on this and overestimate the gut reaction of folks.

Folks will simply associate the use and position of military style or military derivative weapons with one of the now archetypal horrors and set of monster of our time.

A person would have to get beyond the initial revulsion to the image. That probably won't happen.

I respectfully disagree. If one wants to bring up associations that the hunting rifle and military derivative are closely related, you don't need to cloud the picture with other associations that taint both.
No disrespect to Oleg, the idea is a good one.
But you won't win the hearts and minds of Americans trying to illustrate a point about thr Right to keep and bear arms with a NAZI soldier. That has nothing to do with it except that alot of still alive Americans remember him as the enemy who killed alot of Americans. I
I'll try and send you some old pictures I have if your interested.
Oleg, that is a great photo.

I'd go one further than ID's idea and try it with a modern touch.

1) Russian Soldier with an AK variant
2) American Soldier with an M4/M16
3) German Soldier with an H&K G3
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