Weird thing happened with my CZ P-09 while ejecting live round.

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Very good, armoredman. I think that is a good choice. And I absolutely will enjoy it as well as the "Canadian Compliant" P-07 I will pick up soon.
Keep in mind, too, that the original CZ-75 (and I would think most subsequent CZs in 9mm) was designed to use the Sellier & Bellot 124 gr. round. That is the original design round, and you can't go wrong sticking with that.

I have never tried 147 gr. rounds in any of my 9mm guns, but find that 115 and 124 seem to shoot about the same in any CZ I've tried them in. (I was expecting more obvious differences in points of impact, but never saw that...)
I picked up the Canadian compliant P-07 after work today. I had no issues with the "offensive rounds". They cycled fine in that gun.

So as I said, I'll just use 124gr in the P-09 and call it a day.

Thanks again for all the input, guys! :D
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