We've got Saddam, so now what?

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Dec 24, 2002
Southern NH
We've go Saddam, so now what?

I wonder how this is going to play out, will it be a huge boost for Bush, though maybe too late for election time?

Will the peaceniks shut up finally or will they just whine even louder?

I was hoping that Bush would have angered so many within his voter base due to his nonsense that he would need the support of the gun lobby and not sign the AWB if it came to his desk, but I'm wondering if this will be enough of a boost for his to sign it anyway without fear that many run of the mill gun owners wold vote for his regardless.

What do you think?
I have been watching FOX News, but not the left-leaning news. FOX has been very favorable. I am sure the angry left will twist this into another quagmire. After all, they have had months to develop talking points and an action plan


Will this give Bush bigger cajones? I sure hope so. The timing is good. Even the angry left will be proud for a moment.
Book publishers and Hollyweird will make great offers for his life story; he making millions (to pay his legal expenses). Ultimately, his trial will be televised (more millions), sentenced passed, and during one night his lights will go out due to a benevelant party (guard, now with millions).

The whiney, leftist variety of liberals (to distinguish them from the moderate, pro gun liberals) have never been one to admit they were wrong. As a lot of people have commented, Lt. General Sanchez's remarks that this probably will not completely stop the attacks on coalition forces are already being trumpted by liberals as an indication that this really isn't a success at all. :banghead:

But we know the truth. Chalk another one up for the good guys. My hat goes off to all the coalition forces who made this possible.
Here's a couple examples:


The anti-war left has mixed feelings about a murderous dictator’s arrest:

"I had a horrible feeling in my stomach when I saw that Hussein had been captured."

By “mixedâ€, I mean a combination of loathing and idiocy.

Via reader Greg T. By the way, for excellent linkage on SaddamFest 2003, check out The Command Post.

UPDATE. Howard Dean’s supporters are distraught:

"Sigh. All I can think about is the effect of Saddam's capture on the Dean campaign! ... Somebody cheer me up, please!"

I'd love to, but I'm not licensed to prescribe psychotropic medication. Next:

"It is hard to believe this adminstration about Saddam when they are prone to lying about Thanksgiving TURKEYS...and what was that about BA pilots see Airforce One which was also a lie."

It was a plastic Saddam! Canada can evidently expect an influx of peace *****:

"todays events makes me pity our country even more....not that I like Hussein,but that now his capture seems to make us righteous in our invasion to somehow.....I feel the US will sink to newer lows and unprecedented actions globally....and makes Canada even more attractive to me."

And my favourite, which may or may not be satire:

"Damn it, CNN is again showing Iraqi citizens celebrating Saddam's capture. This is not good! Dean shouldn't say anything for now. He should immediately contact Paul Krugman of the NY Times for advice on how to put a negative spin on this."

Via contributor Zsa Zsa, who has never contacted Paul Krugman


AWB and Sadaam are two different issue. Bush will sign a new and improved AWB IF HE AND KARL ROVE BELIEVE IT WILL PICK UP A VOTING BLOCK. Bush // Rove are in the process of sticking their heads into a hornet's nest over illegal alient amnesty. Why do it? Because it represents a voting block they can move over to the republican column.

Bush is not interested in principaled stand. He is interested in power and is building it one voting block at a time. IF Bush // Rove think they can pick up more votes by screwing over pro-RKBA types than they will lose, then it is a done deal. Any man that will willingly attack part of the first amendment will have no qualms about taking a swing at the second amendment.
Thanks, Greyhound:

I had no idea to the depths of the depravity

:mad: for the angry left. Their first thought is "how will it affect Howard Dean?" Talk about self-centered. A better question would be How will it effect the Iraqi people?" being that they are supposed to be for human rights, and all that . Their second reaction is "With successes like this, now the US will continue its imperialist aggression!" Wow, what can you say to that?
Americans have short memories - there's a lot of stuff that could happen between now and November. Hopefully between the Congressmen who believe in RKBA and the ones who are scared of the gun lobby the bill will not get out of committee.

don't forget about proposed state level assault weapons bans in Ohio and Maryland.
It's very telling when great news for the United States and the entire world becomes bad news for the leftists.

And they have the audacity to proclaim themselves patriotic Americans?:barf:
I'm still not sure why Saddam's capture is a "victory for America." When I heard about it, my first thought was, "So what?" So far as I can tell, Saddam being captured isn't going to improve my quality of life one bit.

What I predict - a two-to-three-hundred point jump in the Dow tomorrow. A handful of casualties from Iraqi idiots firing their guns into the air. A steady increase in the frequency of attacks against American forces in the ME, as well as local collaborators. More of the same.

- Chris
Saddam no longer looming in the background as a (admittedly more theoretical than real) threat is a positive development for everyone not cheering for the failure of the mission in Iraq. For Howard Dean et. al. it is a considerable failure, right up there with the strong GDP growth in the past quarter.
Now is the time to treat Saddam with a decent amount of kindness. I for one want to know everyone he dealt with and everything he obtained. I don't care what country, if he received goods that were agreed not to be sold to him I want to know. I want every worthless dollar chasing bastard exposed. I want the people who stay in the background in the dark to have sunlight shining brightly upon them. This is as good a time as any for a world wide clean up.
I'm still not sure why Saddam's capture is a "victory for America."

A victory for the troops' morale & political capital. Plus this legitimizes the new Iraqi government. Attacks will continue, but they'll be less organized or focused. Imagine if Hitler had been captured before WWII ended.

Bet it's pretty morbid over on Democratic Underground...:evil:
I'm still not sure why Saddam's capture is a "victory for America." When I heard about it, my first thought was, "So what?" So far as I can tell, Saddam being captured isn't going to improve my quality of life one bit.

So it all about ME, ME, ME.

Think about the whole picture, moral of the troops and such.

It is a GOOD thing.
So it all about ME, ME, ME.

Well, yeah, pretty much.

- Chris

Atleast your honest:D
You can always guage the degree of good news by the sour pusses on the Anarchists and the Libs...

Two really diverse groups with one thing in common: They can't seem to purchase a clue.

Have you been by DU today? Funny...so out of touch...
Mmmmm, something I almost forgot to address...

Will the peaceniks shut up finally or will they just whine even louder?
Why would you think that the capture of Saddam would occasion us peaceniks to shut up? If one has a moral objection to the military occupation of Iraq, having Saddam in a prison cell won't change that.

- Chris
Check out this kid who doesn't agree with Chris' "moral objection."


Finger off the trigger, little man. :D
Chris Rhines---
Me thinks you are so right on this. Saddam was down and out, looking for a way out of the country so, what does capturing him bring us?
Nothing. Will it end the "Patriot Act", nope. Will it bring back some of the rights I have lost as a result of the "Patriot Act", nope. It brings the "intelligencia" some more fodder to use as they wish.
Same as capturing the former leader of Panama.
Propaganda for the sheeple, that's all.

However, job well done, U.S. troops, who I still support 100%.
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