What advice for a new shooter?

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Jul 5, 2003
San Jose, CA
I'm a new shooter. I took the NRA handgun safety class a month ago. Since then, I've been to the range 6 or 7 times shooting primarily .22's, though I have shot larger calibers (9mm, .45, .38, etc.).

I enjoy shooting! My interest currently is target shooting, not self defence or tactical shooting. I'd like to continue improving my marksmanship, handgun skill, and safety, but I can see where punching little holes in a piece of paper could get old in the not too distant future.

I'm looking for advice on what sort of competition, classes, shooting courses, leagues, etc. would be good to take to "keep it fresh". What would you recommend?

Other facts:
50 years old.
Located in San Jose, CA.
Probably will buy a Ruger KMK 512 in the next month.

Bowling pin shooting is a lot of fun. Most shoots have you shoot five pins off a table or rack. Time starts with a blank shot, or a whistle and ends when all the pins are on the table. If it is available in your area you might try it. People think it is a speed shoot, but accuracy is very important too.

Some bowling pin shoots have .22 classes with the pins set at the rear of the table. You Ruger should work fine for that.
You have the right idea about classes. It will cut so much time off your improvement curve to get help from a good instructor. See what is in you area for instructers. Most people try to learn everything themselves. WHile this is possible it takes a lot longer. USPSA and IDPA are a lot of fun. Since you like target shooting then you could try pistol sihlouette or bullseye. You could do 22 sihlouette. The main organization for sihlouette is IHMSA. They have a website with a club finder I think. I think that the best way to improve is to compete.
Hi. The answer in one word is distance. Ok, and smaller targets. Then, if you can, move to pop cans as 100 yard targets. At least you'll know if you hit it. Then you can look into different types of shooting using different firearms. Plan 'B' is competiton.
Forget about placing. Shoot matches because it's a challenge, fun and you'll meet all kinds of great people. Shoot against yourself and because you like to shoot. And despite what you may think, target shooting is a geezer's sport. Most Olympic class pistol shooters are our age. I'm 49.
What firearm are you shooting? You could get a .45 and shoot a whole bunch of different types of matches. Pins, NRA, plates, IPSC/the other one(too much running about if you ask me).
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