What are your opinions of this situation?

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I advocate being American about it. That means this:

You both have rights. Telling him to 'pound sand' or punching him in the face is denying his right to express his opinion. That's wrong.

So if you expect tolerance, you have to practice it yourself. Be responsible.
And another thought...

Take him to an Appleseed shoot. Use 22 rimfire. He'll love it.
Let him think he's won you over to his communist way of thinking.....then borrow everything you can from him, reminding him it's the communist way. Sharing for the good of the common man....once he has experienced the stupidity of his philosophy I'm sure a lesson will be learned.
Because he owns the big screen and pays half the rent and utilities. :banghead: It would be a lot easier if he didn't pay $500 worth of rent and utilities a month.
"Land of Oz"

Does that mean you're in Australia or just referring to the state of unreality?

If the former, you need the advice of someone with experience with Australian law.

If the latter, and in the US, simply inform him that he's welcome to his opinions, but they're not going to take precedence over your's. He's welcome to stay or he's welcome to go, but your guns are your property and he has no say on the matter.
"punching him in the face is denying his right to express his opinion. That's wrong."

I disagree, I think it's fully embracing his opinion to show him why I think it's a flawed and ridiculous one.
You knew of his extreme opinions before you invited him to share half the cost of the apartment, now you complain about his extreme opinions?
If you are in Oz, I have no idea.

To be honest, I want to be cleaning it on the kitchen table one day when he gets home from school.
Keep it on the "DL" is the best bet. As other have said you can't fix stupid. I've known and met his type before.

My main concern at this point would be when the cops/sheriff come busting down the door because they have been investigating your neo-hippie roommate for dealing drugs....But I digress, I don't know the guy and the bulk of that ought to be taken in jest.
"He says that the idea of property is relative, and that no one really owns anything--that it is a societal taught invention, therefore no one has the right to own anything and things such as guns should be able to be taken away since we don't have a right to own anything."

Perfect. Take his cash, pawn his I-pod, sell his vespa & buy all the surplus firepower you can afford. Tell him you're thankful for his admission it was never his money & stuff anyway, and you are simply doing what's needed to serve the greater good. If he protests, remind him what they do to protesters in the motherland.
I agree that if you knew of his extreme positions beforehand it's tough to demand he accept your gun but you can are allowed to change your mind. I would still use my example of why the "property is a societal created idea" is idiotic. Granted the statement about wishing he had a gun is a jab at his apparent belief that the strong will naturally accept treating the weaker as equals but the whole my jaw, girlfriend, and ATM card is valid, gun or not.
It's your apartment as much as his, and as long as it's legal for you to have the shotgun, he can't do anything about it.

But I would make sure I stored it where he cannot damage or remove it and dispose of it.

Never and I mean NEVER allow an anti-gun fool unrestricted access to your guns!
It's your apartment as much as his, and as long as it's legal for you to have the shotgun, he can't do anything about it.

True, but sadly not always reality. He lives there, too. If he really is a barking loon, he could call the police and demand they take the gun away - in some places they might tell him to pound sand, but in some places they WILL do this regardless of the owner's rights. This would be a huge headache for you. I would NOT bring a gun into the apartment as it sounds, from your description, that his behavior could be unpredictable, and could cause you some serious problems.

Your best option is to move at the end of the four months and get another roommate, or live someplace more frugal on your own.

The really disturbing thing is that he would not let you tell him about your pleasure at your birthday present .30-06. This is a very disturbing sign that his personal reference frame is really skewed - he should have at least acknowledged that you were happy about something, instead of shifting the discussion to reflect his political views and philosophy. This on the surface may just be insensitive and rude, but it can also be a sign of a more clinical pathology and problem. Frankly, it sounds to me like I would want to observe him carefully for more serious personality disorders and be open minded about the possible need to get him out of your life before something bad happens. There is no way to diagnose someone like that flippantly, but I think you should give some thought to what positive things he does for you (good friendship otherwise, generous and kind person, etc.), or whether it's only the convenience of a rent payment each month. The latter can be provided by any warm body and without the negatives.
Youve tried to take him shooting and talking to him. Try to get him to register here on this forum and get him to read for himself about our gun rights and the other good stuff on here. If that dont work finish the year on the DL and move on. (If he registers here you better hide this thread) lol!
The Land of Oz = Kansas, well, kind of.

In response to Ants, yes, I knew his views. You gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to money. I sure as hell wasn't living in the dorms again, so I'd rather deal with his little bit of lunacy and have a nice apartment to come home to, especially because he only seems to occupy it half the time. I'm digressing from the original point of the thread though.
Sounds like a predicament. I had the EXACT same problem when I moved into my apartment my sophomore year of college with my roommate (and 2 others, but only he cared). His parents freaked out about it even more than he did. Thankfully we had individual leases for each room so he couldn't just dip out on the rent. I, therefore, kindly told him and his parents to f**k off in no uncertain terms. It was kind of fun to do that.

Now that I think about it, I actually added to my collection while I was there. Which was a leap from 1 gun to 2 guns. That whole issue with him and his parents was over a Savage .22 bolt.
You inform your roomate that within one month he needs to find another roommate to replace him and to agree to the terms of the lease, unless of course he plans on paying his part of the rent for the time he plans on not living there.
Tell him that your law abiding rights are more important than his screwed up views.
Examine your lease. Are you both on it? If so,does it prohibit firearms?[I have been a landlord for years and have NEVER seen such a provision] If not go to the landlord/manager. You are within your rights,he is not.
Keep Quiet

His mind is made up and he doesn't want to be confused by facts. So just live with this for now. . I believe you will have a pro gun roomie next year, right?

Take "The High Road" when moving out and keep your gun out of his sight.

I would tell him to pound sand and show him the door.


As long as you have to stay in the situation I would make sure that your gun is well hidden. Im wondering what he would do if he found it and you werent there?
I'm currently in college and have a very VERY antigun, self proclaimed communist roommate. He has basically told me, if I ever bring any of my guns to the apartment, he is moving out.

I'd tell him not to let the door hit him on the ass on the way out.
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