What do guns mean to you?

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Guns mean that I can walk around in the woods and mountains with less worries about being lunch for Ma Griz and her 2 kids.
Guns put meat on my table that isn't full of growth hormones, antibiotics, and strange biological-warfare-type diseases.
Guns let my Canadian government know that I ain't bowing down to their bullsh*t laws.
Guns are a social event, going out with the boys (and girls) and shooting gym bags full of ammo, having a good time.
Guns are my right, and is what seperates me from the sheep...
Freedom-for myself and my countrymen.

Independence- I can defend myself and my family if necessary.

Acceptance of responsibility. I am responsible for, and able to, defend the Homeland if needed.

A physical and spiritual link to those who came before me, and those who will come after me.

I've had several people ask me that... it's like... deja vu.
So I tell 'em...

"When i was a kid, I liked fireworks. Loud & bright...dangerous... but cool."

"I liked to throw rocks. I did it a lot and got in trouble for it. I got good at it. I got a slingshot so I could get gooder."

"Then my Dad took me shooting with my uncles (Marines, circa'62-65)"...

"I was hooked. The best of both. Boom...Rock...targets...you were in total personal control. you know what I mean"

"Responsibility lesson. "

"Big consequences. "

"You possess and control power."

I blame Dad.

Two phrases come to mind.
"God made man, Sam Colt made them equal."
Another phrase from another board, "It's better die on your feet than live on your knees."
What do guns mean to me? Liberty.

Guns afford me the ability to become self-sufficient, to establish my basic human right to self defense, to secure my domicile from unauthorized intrusion and most importantly, to affirm my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Remember, an unarmed man is a slave, but an armed man is a citizen.

It means we bow down to no one, no ruler, no criminal, no bully, ..NO ONE.....

It means we can defend and maintain what so many who came before us fought and died for.

Should we relenquish this power to defend than surely all is lost.

What it means is I am an AMERICAN citizen!

Don't tread on me!
I say read our constitution and read the real History of our great country and you would understand . I am not a sheep . I am a thinking human being with a right to live . and responsible for my own well being .
I still can not read "Metal and Wood" without tears coming to my eyes.

Tell your buddy to read this.

For those who have served, are serving, and will serve;
And, for each and every citizen of this great Nation.

This we'll defend--to the last gasp of our breath, to the last light of day, with every ounce of our being.

To those who still don't understand--you probably never will.

And to those who would take our freedoms--be warned. Remember the birth of this Nation, in bloody Revolution.

We will not go quietly.
For me it's a variety of things- the concentration and discipline that shooting teaches- exercising my brain when reloading, in the search for the perfect round of ammunition- the security of knowing that I have at my disposal the means to protect my family and possessions- and deep down the knowledge that if my country ever becomes so despotic as to attempt to remove me from the roles of free men and turn me into a slave of the beurocratic state, I can fall into line with my forefathers and once more STAND AT THE BRIDGE and say NO! to the REDCOATS!
Well - it's all been said ....... but yeah .. it is a freedom thing but most of all it reflects what I consider an innate right of every individual ..... to defend him/herself. The cops sure can't do it for ya.

The deterrant effect, IMO, of CCW is inestimable .... the opposite of course would be Oz and Uk for example .. there might as well be notices on homes ''Owner unarmed and vulnerable''.!

With firearms comes however great and necessary responsibity ... once that is grasped and followed then in essense I will always claim ... ''an armed society - is a polite society''..... plus.. the other old saying .... '' if guns are outlawed - then only outlaws have guns''.
I can't say it any better than Roscoe Benson once said on another message board (TFL or 1911, I can't remember which):

The weapon is a delight because it is simultaneously a tool, an artifact, and a symbol of a willingness to resist others who would, by unjust and injudicious force, attempt to impose their will on us.

Those words rang true to me to such an extent that I wrote them down.
I started a similar thread, and got many wonderful replies. Here you go: http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?s=&postid=66043#post66043

I still stand by what I said in that thread:

The other day I was at a local store checking out some lever-action rifles, and while holding it I just felt, well, "Free" for lack of a better word.

I love weapons of all sorts because to me they symbolize freedom, self-reliance, and independence, just to name a few.

And of course the fact that slaves, subjects, peasants and serfs do not own guns. Free men do.
No big philosophical thing. Firearms are a pleasant form of recreation requiring hand eye coordination and involving an aspect of meditation. Firearms are interesting examples of (sometimes) skilled craftsmanship and ingenious mechanical design. Very interesting, intellectually.

If freedom is involved it is freedom from bigotry that suggest my interest is something evil or suspect. Freedom of being involved in a self policing sport where (except in Australia) guards and police are not required--unlike soccer and other major sport events.

I do understand that police monitor Australian firearms events, which is typical of the bigotry rampant in the remnants of the Commonwealth. Since my wife is Australian my exposure to her family and others has helped me realize the degree of bigotry that exists Down Under, though not to understand it.

There are Aussies that understand the simple joy of working with shooting skills and are bigotry free. Some of them compete in the International Revolver Championship each year here in California. Unfortuantely the one Aussie I took to the range (my wife's nephew) did not want the photos of him sent to others Down Under. By the way, he was shooting 1" holes with over 100 rounds freehand at 7 yards in less than 2 hours at the range.
The meaning has evolved over the years. Guns were a way of putting the food on the table when I was a kid. Later they were a challenge and skill to be mastered. Now they are a chosen way of life. I choose to be responsible for MY own life rather than leave it to others. I choose to defend my freedom and my life and my family. Yes, my guns mean freedom to me. If they were outlawed today call me an outlaw till I die.
The best answer is the answer already given countless times. A firearm means freedom in a hundred different ways.

However, having a firearm and not having the will to learn how to properly use it is about as useful as not having a firearm. I was raised in a family of hunters and quickly saw that the rifles and shotguns in the family put food on the table. We didn't think of them as "home-defense" weapons to repel a break-in, and I wonder if we could have gotten them into action if we had needed to.

Today, things are different. I carry my sidearm for protection and the need for that has really had an impact on my thinking. I needed to learn how to use the handful of power and came to these forums to learn all that I could. That small decision in turn led to even greater changes in my thinking.

The firearms, and my willingness to learn how to use them properly, are symbolic of my willingness to stand on my own two feet. My firearms are my talismans - they say that I will put food on the table for my family - that I will take my responsibilities seriously and guard carefully the power I hold. My firearms, and my willingness to use them, are totemic symbols, saying that I will not go quietly into that dark night

My firearms are signs of my freedom.
I let my old aussie buddy see all of your replies and only an antigun aussie would have said such a thing. "But thats just the opinions of a progun message board""What does the rest of your country think about firearms?" My reply "20 million gun owners cant be wrong!" "We all own them for "FREEDOM." And then I ask him out the door:) :what:
I think the original question was something like "why do Americans own so many guns?". So where else except a forum of gun owners could you get the answer to that question? Anti gun types don't have guns so they wouldn't have a clue.

I know from dealing with my Aussie wife's friends that there is rampant bigotry in that portion of the Commonwealth, but I thought they did have at least a passing acquaintance with logic.

Hmmm, come to think of it the two (bigotry and logic) ARE mutually exclusive.

Oh, by the way you might check out your numbers on the gun owners. Other numbers have been much higher.


Our opinions are worthless, right?

Who cares what the redneck gun nuts think, eh?

I hope you permanently showed him the door.

Don't want him stealing any more of your precious oxygen.
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