What do my fellow gun enthusiasts do for a living?

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Nuclear power plant electrician (but in my mind, I'm a pirate).

OMG, You too!!

I'm an electrician at disneyland, altho some nights I do sneak over to PotC and practice saying "Arrrrr".
Surveyor\Cartographer currently traveling to different Navy bases around the US.

And yes I brought a copy of my C&R with me :D
Children's Librarian in deep South Texas for the last ten years.

Before that: teacher, welder, postal worker, architectural and mechanical drafter, roofer, remodelling contractor, fry cook, security guard, potter, cat choker setter, street sweeper operator, and whatever else it took to feed the bulldog.
I left a railroad job for a while. Worked in retail while going to school at the same time. Got really tired and pissed at retail. I am about to go back to the railroad for good.
I write novels, what else? :)

Actually, retired phone company (took the 25 year gold watch and ran). In my "spare" time, CEO of a computer security consulting firm specializing in Unix security audit software.

Or... is that full time and I write in my spare time?
ShunZu, writing is as much of an addiction as shooting is. Careful, you might find yourself getting up in the wee hours of the morning and clacking away at the keyboard while the spouse yells at you to turn of that damn light!
I own a Real Estate Agency in Northern Maine. Great place to live, retire, or raise a family. Ex produce broker, and Commercial Pilot. Life Is Great!!!
What do my fellow gun enthusiasts do for a living?

Retired in one piece July 2005 at the age of 40 :D from my career as a sworn Law Enforcement Officer.

Now I just relax and, I might add, am very good at it.
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