What do my fellow gun enthusiasts do for a living?

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Assembly worker at Volvo Trucks Plant Umeå.

Graduated as History teacher at college level after my time in the Army, but found no job because of serious cut downs in the Swedish school system.
I mack Drumsticks for a living
I have also raised beef milked dairy cow, picked hen fruit, worked in the woods,worked in sawmills and planer mills, done masonry , fundraising. and wrestled and broken full grown steers and breeding bulls, It is at times like that when a good sixgun comes in handy. Now that I think of it the first real job I had was pounding fence post for ten hours a day with a fifty pound sledge hammer
I grew up on a farm. Went to college to learn how to do something else but ended up going back. I've been farming for 35 years. I figure when I learn how to do it right it will be time to retire.
Sato Ord said: ShunZu, writing is as much of an addiction as shooting is. Careful, you might find yourself getting up in the wee hours of the morning and clacking away at the keyboard while the spouse yells at you to turn of that damn light!

Has happened MANY times, especially on this sequel that's nearly finished. Can't pull back that bullet. :) But at least my puppy keeps me company during those wee hours.
Nice to meet everyone...

Got a degree in Managerial Sciences from the University of Arkansas paid for by working at a Motorola 2-Way radio shop. Spent six years working for a music store, fixed all the electronic stuff and built custom guitars. Went to work for the City of Shawnee in Oklahoma in 1982 and retired from there two years ago. I was the commercial radio technician, I installed and maintained all the communications equipment for the City for 24 years.
These days I take care of my in-laws and try to keep the wife well, she teaches 4th grade and is recovering from pneumonia that nearly killed her last December.
Best to all,
I am a counselor in a Youth Development Center. Sort of like juvenile detention but is a minimum 6 month lock down program that focuses on rehabilitation.
Legislative analyst for a state law enforcement agency.

.....and aspiring voiceover artist.
Currently in the army...going thru a medical board right now to see if I can stay or have to get out...after that well who knows
I've worked in wireless telecommunications for one of the major wireless phone providers for the last 8 years. In addition to working full time, I am going to school full time to finish my Bachelor's degree in CIS (computer information systems).

I'm also a husband, father of two boys, and Kentucky freemason.

Oh, and I love to fish. Especially for them whiskered rascals. :)
Perfect time to introduce myself

I'm a psychiatric therapist in an inpatient psych unit in a city hospital in Bushwick, Brooklyn. I have held many jobs from construction to ditch digger for inground sprinkler systems to bar bouncer for six years while putting myself through school. I live in Queens Ny but have started to build a house in Pennsylvania and came upon your board while researching guns. I have a lot of expierience with shotguns but have just picked up a 22lr rifle to learn and shall get a 22lr handgun as soon as my move is complete.

SORRY FOR THE LONG POST. I have been reading the boards for a while but never felt like the right time to jump in.
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Half a**ed student in the process of joining the Army. But I can't ship out until late July/August. :(
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