What do you carry when you cant carry a gun?

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I all honesty my two options are, carry a gun anyway or don't go.
Being told what to do is a real problem for me, plus it's an excuse not to go places that I did not want to go to anyway.
New guy here. This section looked interesting so here I am.
I agree with Fine Figure of a Man on this one. Truth is, I carry a chambered Glock 19 all day/every day. I carry it or I don't go - so I don't go to any of the blue states.
But my firearm is only one part of my EDC. I also carry a small OC spray, brass knuckles, and a sap. About the only time I leave my firearm home is if I have to go into a federal building.
New guy here. This section looked interesting so here I am.
I agree with Fine Figure of a Man on this one. Truth is, I carry a chambered Glock 19 all day/every day. I carry it or I don't go - so I don't go to any of the blue states.
I've worked in several places where I had to walk through a metal detector, and get wanded and patted down if I beeped- and places where carrying any dedicated weapon would be foolhardy AND a felony. Looking for alternative solutions is a wise exercise.

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For decades I traveled more than I was at home, 300+ days a year, all over the world. What I learned - Situation Awareness.
The number 1 rule of confrontations is avoid them when possible. Number 2 is; there’s always a weapon somewhere nearby. Don’t figure out what it is and how you will use it after it’s too late.
A PDW can and does oftentimes become a crutch. People get complacent, thinking in the back of their mind, “If it all goes to crap I can always draw.” Don’t be that guy. Make sure whatever weapon you carry really is an advantage. Practice situation awareness and ‘What- ifs?’ What if that sketchy looking guy pulls a knife? What if he pulls a gun?
I’m not advocating paranoia. But crazy situations are getting more common.
Now, after all that, my preference is a walking stick. Universally accepted pretty much everywhere. Especially if you’re obviously old and decrepit like me!
We all know the rules.
Street fairs, festivals, sporting events, schools, saloons, concerts, ......etc.

What do you carry when your edc pistol is off limits?

I have taken a liking to this large tanto linerlock. I wish it was a flipper instead of a thumbstud. It was a cheapo from Amazon.
View attachment 1009520
It marinated in the pocket of my swim trunks while I cooled off in the lake all afternoon on the 4th of July.
I like to just look around every now and then and think, “What could I grab if it starts popping off?”

Lamps, rocks, gold candlesticks, that kind of thing
For decades I traveled more than I was at home, 300+ days a year, all over the world. What I learned - Situation Awareness.
The number 1 rule of confrontations is avoid them when possible. Number 2 is; there’s always a weapon somewhere nearby. Don’t figure out what it is and how you will use it after it’s too late.
A PDW can and does oftentimes become a crutch. People get complacent, thinking in the back of their mind, “If it all goes to crap I can always draw.” Don’t be that guy. Make sure whatever weapon you carry really is an advantage. Practice situation awareness and ‘What- ifs?’ What if that sketchy looking guy pulls a knife? What if he pulls a gun?
I’m not advocating paranoia. But crazy situations are getting more common.
Now, after all that, my preference is a walking stick. Universally accepted pretty much everywhere. Especially if you’re obviously old and decrepit like me!
My walking stick is ultralight carbon, so it’s not a good weapon.


Why don’t they make a .32 ACP cane? The top handle is the “pistol” and the 100-round stick Mag is the length of the cane.

I’m always pointing the tip of my cane handle at problematic individuals and thinking If only this were my 32 ACP cane
My walking stick is ultralight carbon, so it’s not a good weapon.


Why don’t they make a .32 ACP cane? The top handle is the “pistol” and the 100-round stick Mag is the length of the cane.

I’m always pointing the tip of my cane handle at problematic individuals and thinking If only this were my 32 ACP cane

I’m long-time retired and seldom have to go places where I’m not allowed to carry a gun. However, my wife still works part-time for our church, and one of her jobs is to collect the mail from the church’s PO Box. So if I’m in town, I occasionally do that job (go to the post office) for my wife.
It’s always awkward for me. I feel like I left my fly open or something like that when I walk into the post office unarmed. But I go unarmed because I don’t want trouble with the law; I could be arrested, have to spend a lot of money for a lawyer, go to jail and/or lose my legal capability to carry or own a gun in the first place. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out how carrying a gun disguised as a cane into the post office would be any different than carrying my Glock 19 under my coat or loose fitting shirt.o_O
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I’m long-time retired and seldom have to go places where I’m not allowed to carry a gun. However, my wife still works part-time for our church, and one of her jobs is to collect the mail from the church’s PO Box. So if I’m in town, I occasionally do that job (go to the post office) for my wife.
It’s always awkward for me. I feel like I left my fly open or something like that when I walk into the post office unarmed. But I do it because I don’t want trouble with the law; I could be arrested, have to spend a lot of money for a lawyer, go to jail and/or lose my legal capability to carry or own a gun in the first place. And for the life of me, I can’t figure out how carrying a gun disguised as a cane into the post office would be any different than carrying my Glock 19 under my coat or loose fitting shirt.o_O
OK, Mr Practicality

Give me my gun cane. In FDE
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Why don’t they make a .32 ACP cane?

1) We're the Non-Firearms Forum and cane guns are appropriate for NFA forum, not here.
2) There are endless problems with carrying in a prohibited area (even where knives are concerned).

My walking stick is ultralight carbon, so it’s not a good weapon.

3) Depending upon longitudinal strength it might make a fine thrusting weapon. Also, depending upon the lateral breaking strength it would be fast and a fast strike applied to the appropriate target points can be very effective. While mass is important for defensive impact tools, speed is as (if not more) important. The right balance of speed and mass make for the most effective defensive tools. If you know what you're doing with them.
1) We're the Non-Firearms Forum and cane guns are appropriate for NFA forum, not here.
2) There are endless problems with carrying in a prohibited area (even where knives are concerned).

3) Depending upon longitudinal strength it might make a fine thrusting weapon. Also, depending upon the lateral breaking strength it would be fast and a fast strike applied to the appropriate target points can be very effective. While mass is important for defensive impact tools, speed is as (if not more) important. The right balance of speed and mass make for the most effective defensive tools. If you know what you're doing with them.
Same rules apply for hitting a baseball. Thus the corked bats of old.
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If I cannot carry a gun or knife, I carry a pair of long gym socks also known as tube socks. Double up and insert the heavy object of your choice.
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1) While mass is important for defensive impact tools, speed is as (if not more) important. The right balance of speed and mass make for the most effective defensive tools.

Speed is no 1 in my book, and especially if you have to deal with more than one assailant simultaneously.

I'm too old to have to fight them with my hands and feet, but I can still walk fast and don't want to walk around with a cane. Also, a cane is just a tad bit too unwieldy (slow on the back-swing) to suit me. I decided one of these would be the best non-firearm SD tool to have handy:


Only the last (small) section (of the three) is steel, the two larger ones are aluminum. However, I don't have the arm strength I once did, so going with the heavier all-steel model would, I think, result in too much sacrifice of speed. This guy is about the max weight I feel comfortable wielding.

I always have a sharp Syperco in my pocket, but a knife requires me to let the assailant get closer than I want him to, not to mention the somewhat horrible thought of having to defend "knife against knife" if I do not have a pistol or cannot shoot due to being in a crowd of innocent bystanders. I may be wrong but I don't think the perp with a knife is going to be able to get close enough to cut or stab me if I have this baton deployed. He also is not going to be able to ignore strikes the way people will sometimes ignore knife wounds.

And speaking of deployment, if you swing it open the sound alone is going to stop a lot of perps. That would be fine with me.

Check your local laws before ordering.
...and with the Forever War's long-term personal effects, lots of younger guys need canes, too.

I just turned 33 and I have a cane for when my legs or back hurt. It is a folding cane so it isn't as ideal as a solid cane for self defense. But it will go in my luggage for a trip next month.
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Too bad I never picked up one of the paperweight revolver frames J&G was selling years ago. A cutaway K frame cane handle would be a conversation piece. An Amazon search "knob for cane" yields some interesting results as well.

I would bet that Gunny could conjure up something distinctive!
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I've found that if you need a cane for ambulation or support, those are the features you need to focus on first, rather than SD. A straight handle as opposed to traditional curve is better, material and construction is vital. My main walking stick is carbon fiber, with a steel putty reinforced handle, mostly for tapping icicles. Test the handle as hard as possible before buying one, if you can feel it give or move under hand pressure, it's not going to work for long in either environment.
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