What flavor is your gun?

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My Dan Wesson 709 tastes like Maker's Mark: smooth, warm, and always satisfying.

Ithaca 37 tastes like pheasant. Jeez I miss hunting pheasant.

The Omega tastes like venison tenderloin that is cut off the deer and plunked directly on the grill. Pure ambrosia.

S&W 17: Dad's cornbread. Was his gun, is his best dish. 'nuff said.

My Sigma tastes like crap.:banghead: Don't remember why I bought it, but now I'm stuck with it.

There are others, but they haven't earned flavors yet. I hope the Knight TK-2000 tastes of wild turkey. The bird, not the drink.
Why am I getting so hungry reading this thread? :confused:


Funny, I went to sleep thinking about this challenge last night, and woke up thinking about it this morning. Laid in bed for a half hour thinking about the metaphor of gun flavors.

I pondered using spices (which have recognizable flavors that most everyone knows) but that seems too simple. Guns are such complex little entities that no single spice seems to capture their essence.

So, I'm back to what most posters are doing: equating them with a dish.

I've got three of mine figured out already, but I'm still having trouble with my 870.

I'm going to go eat lunch and think about it some more. ;)

Thanks for all the Hellos.

Yes, this site is VERY interesting. This thread may very well change the way I purchase my next gun.

Shop Owner: "Sir, What are you doing to that gun?"
Me: "Oh... Um.. Nothing. just trying to... See what it... Um... well you see, it all started with this thread on THR..."
Careful, if you tell the dealer you want to see something that tastes like a warm cinnamon bun he might call the guys with white coats.
My Marlin 60 = Fried Rabbit

Winchester 1300=Thanksgiving Turkey

Smith&Wesson Model's 10 and 12=Fresh fried Hog meat.

Smith&Wesson Model 34= Rattle Snake cooked over a campfire.
Old bolt action single shot .22 of indeterminant model (probably coast to coast or searsroebuck)- the old barn gun, tastes like chocolate chip cookie dough, but just one small dollop.

Taurus 66 blued 357 revolver 6inch barrel, bought used. Cheap pink store brand hotdogs, microwaved until it splits open, tossed on a piece of white bread, and a pufftttt of 'kickers' ketchup (that stuff with some tobasco sauce added).

Winchester model 52 .22 boltaction, it's the taste of sticking your fork in your mouth to clean off the last little bit of the thanksgiving turkey, gravy and potatoes so it is clean(okay cleanish) and then the first bite of pumpkin pie and whipped cream (real) with same said fork...and a cup of coffee on the side.....with a dollop of whipped cream in the coffee too.

Dad's 12 guage pump also of sears and robuck. Pork potroast, potatoes and gravy, side of green beans.

Ruger 10/22. a big bag of M&Ms, kept in the freezer.

a few i haven't been able to pin down yet
OK, I'll bite!

- M1 tastes like steak, a rib eye simply seasoned with salt and pepper.

- .45s, perfect partners for an M1, have to be potatos. The Kimber is your basic baked potato (no sour cream or butter, just potato) and the Para LTC tastes like a fancier potato gratin.

- .22s taste like chocolate chips (small and a lot of fun).

- Finally, my FN BHP tastes like a simple pasta dish. I always associate the BHP with Europe and I ate very well the last time I visited Italy. I love the way a pasta dish can be both simple yet very elegant at the same time, like a BHP.
Okay, this really took a lot of thought to get these "just right" for me. Some of you folks have had some great flavors, and I'm feeling the pressure. But in the end I have to be true to my own guns and just say what I "taste" from each one.

My PT-145 Millennium Pro is a "Double Stuf" Oreo (at the point when you've just scraped off the "Double Stuf" creme and started biting up the crumbly chocolate cookie discs).

My Baikal SxS 12g.coach gun
tastes just like smoked beef ribs- a bit on the dry side, but with marbling of tasty fat.

My old Sig P229 was like a dark chocolate mint patty, but when my buddy got it he added a Crimson Trace, and now shooting it after that it seems like a mint chocolate liqueur.

SP-101 snub in "target gray". (Dang, this was the toughest.)
Like a small leftover piece of cold medium rare steakhouse steak from the fridge- almost better than when it was served warm from the night before. So peppery charred on the outside and meaty on the inside... and just enough to make you wish you had a bit more.

Finn M39 on an Imperial Sestroretsk receiver - a well-aged Romano cheese, sharp, hard, and tasty.

Izhevsk 91/30 - hard black rye bread. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's really hard to explain...

9mm Hi-point - cheap yellow pre-sliced American cheese. A tasteless lookalike that will do in a pinch.

Marlin 795 - Corn chips. Not particularly flavorful, but you just keep eating...

Makarov - canned corned beef. Always reliably satisfying, but not fancy.

RIA 1911A1 - Chain-restaurant steak. Very American, unpretentious, and really not bad with some seasoning.

My TC Contender 357 mag always tastes of venison in the fall. 22lr version tastes of new brunswick stew w/rabbit or squirrell.

Contender in 30 Herret tatses of elk every once in a while.

Contender 44 mag and ruger sbh often smell of pork chops and bacon.

Ithica 37 12 ga of smells of the slowly baked phesant and occasional ruffed grouse.

Of course by the end of the season where I live....they all revert back to the smell of Hoppes #9 and tetra oil.


My TC Contender 357 mag always tastes of venison in the fall. 22lr version tastes of new brunswick stew w/rabbit or squirrell.

Contender in 30 Herret tatses of elk every once in a while.

Contender 44 mag and ruger sbh often smell of pork chops and bacon.

Ithica 37 12 ga of smells of the slowly baked phesant and occasional ruffed grouse.

Of course by the end of the season where I live....they all revert back to the smell of Hoppes #9 and tetra oil.

The exception

My guns are all comfort foods, solid and satisfying, but not very exotic, except for my Century Arms R1A1 Franken-Fal. It tastes like ....

Have you ever put the terminals of a 9 volt battery against your tongue?
It's like that.:(
You know, I was just thinking about this tonight! Not 'flavor', really, but smell. It's like you read my mind.

I noticed while taking apart my Swiss K31 that most of my guns have a unique smell. It's so weird, because I use pretty much the same chemicals to clean them all, so why should they have different smells? Yet, they do.

My K31 has a piney, almost tangy scent, like turpentine kinda.

My Swedish Mauser smells like cool sawdust.

My Marlin .22 smells like CLP (even though I don't use an especially great amount of CLP on it compared to my other weapons)

My Remington 870 smells like parkerized steel, which is a salty smell.

My SKS is very fragrant. It's hard to describe but it's a combination of cosmoline and car tires (no idea).
Most of my Mosins: Blini, except the Polish-kielbasa! and Type 53- Moo Goo Gai Pan

Star BM- no, not a BM, but paella.

RIA M1911- Apple pie baked in the Phillipines.

Yugo SKS -goulash

Chinese SKS-Moo Shoo chicken

Remington 870- Roast wild goose, or turkey, duck, venison, squirrel, etc.

My IJ Cadet .22 snubbie: Greasy spoon pork chop and fries.

Turkish Mauser- Nan,with bratwurst.

WWII era Win. 94 -Not so much a taste as a scent, a distant memory of a hardwood fire in a deer cabin fireplace, baked beans simmering on the stove, wet wool coats drying, boots set by the hearth emitting the faint aroma of the day's slog through tamarck persuing the 'tirty point buck' who slipped and gave you a momentary glimpse of his magnificent rack, every moment of that hard day's hunt rushing through your mind as his heart simmers on the stove next to the beans. :)

Now I'm salivating!:eek:
Turkey Supreme Combo

Roast turkey in the pan Is what my brand spankin’ new Mossberg 535 reminds me of. Like when the oven is hot and the bird has been in for about an hour, it’s got a ways to go but when it gets there you know it’s gonna be good. The smell of Bell’s seasoning and Hoppe’s No.9 fills the air, mixing with the apple pie which will follow, right as rain.

I put away a half box of 3" hi brass shells, thick and heavy as the yams in the oven with the bird. The yams are getting soft like the cardboard on the box after a day of banging around in my pack.

My wife pulls the bird out for basting as I open the safe to gaze at my new friend. The aroma of turkey fills the room and my heart beats a bit faster. Soon my new friend and I will be afield, where time is best spent and sometimes stands still.

The roasting pan lid is off now, browning the bird, as I clean the leafy camo’d stock. I find my self dreaming of roast turkey with marshmallow yams.

I stand my friend back in her place and close the safe. Supper’s ready.

Turkey season opens next month. Can you tell ? :D
Kimber TLE II - It tastes like that first good beer, that you bought for yourself, when you first turned 21. This was my first pistol that i liked.

Glock 26 - It tastes like that crappy, stale, "Eww barf!" beer that your friends bought for you on your 21st birthday. You know the beer. The IC light or the Milwaukee's best ice light, "bottom barrel" beers, because your friends are cheap, and it was fresh out of the bar's barely working fridge, so its almost lukewarm. (I got rid of it) It gets the job done, until you realize there is better.

FM BHP - Fish and Chips. English delight. Comfortable and down to earth functionality. Ease of use and good for anyone's stomach.

Browning Practical BHP - See above. Add some vinegar (or ketchup if you're anti-european) to REALLY bring out the flavor and appreciate the subtle goodness.

Ruger Mark II - It tastes like the first time I had a good whiskey. My father bought this gun for me as a gift, on my 18th birthday. Something to be shared with someone important to you. He's still alive, well, and healthy, and I'm only 26, but i know that hopefully a LONG time down the road, I'll cherish the memory of that day, drinking a ripe whiskey with my father on college graduation day, just as much as i'll always cherish this gun. Once i thought about selling it toward a new gun... for about three seconds.
(and here's the odd thing... He's not a gun person... OR a drinking person)

Colt Delta Elite - Tastes like the juicy filet mignon that some fool sold me for the price of hamburger. (See Glock 26 + $100)

Glock 20 - I'd rank it like a "Blue Moon" beer. Its not bad, really. But deep down inside, blue moon is still an american beer, trying to be something its not. Glock 20 is a simple gun, trying to be elegant and cultured via 10mm goodness. Wheat doesn't make blue moon a good belgian, and 10mm doesn't make a Glock elegant, but either one will get the job done, just not as sophisticatedly (There's no possible way thats a read word) as a 1911 or a Delerium Tremens

"Ultimate" Ruger 10/22 - Butterscotch candy. Smooth, sweet, gentle, and doesn't last long. Gets the job done in freshing your breath without being overpowering. Its cheap enough that you can always give it to your friends (or let them shoot it)

SAR-1 - Altoids. Powerful, sassy.

Bushy Superlight - I'm stuck on this one.
This continues to be one of the most creative threads I've read on THR.

Not the most informative, or even the most interesting, but certainly the most creative. Here's to more.

OK, so I've been thinking of this challenge for literally days. Hours spent on what I would post, especially when waking up in the mornings.

I think I'm ready. Here goes...

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--- Well, I left it up for a few hours, but then decided to take it down for some changes.

I dunno, somehow, it didn't feel as ... right on reading it again later on.

OK, I'll play with it some and probably put it (or some version of it) back either in this post, or somewhere downstream of this ...

I also want to spend a bit longer reading other responses, making sure I understand the overall vibe of this thread, and how I really feel (in part as a result) about how my guns really taste {that's metaphorically for literalist readers :rolleyes: ).

For example, do they taste like good food, or death & destruction...or both?

Interesting exercise, this is...;)


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dk-corriveau beat me to it.
-my M1 definatly steak, but i'd have to go with a nicely aged T-bone.
-1911 (next on my list of purchases) baked potato
adding to that,
-my encore- very expensive scotch. only to be had one at a time
-my win 1300 12 ga. tastes like bacon. the all purpose food.
-my win 1300 20 ga. bacon bits of course
-tracker in 44mag. burbon, shoot it too fast, you'll regret it. sip it slowly and it's smooth as silk.
-my hi standard sentinel in .22, cheap beer. the more you shoot it the funner it gets.
-my Hawken .50 cal- campfire smoke
my pt111- southern comfort out of a metal pocket flask. although i don't make a habit of drinking in public, it's there when i need it.

yeah we're all gonna get locked up in the loony bin.
I bought a S&W Sigma .380 a few years back. It tastes like crap, and I can't get it out of my mouth. Maybe I SHOULD have the gun in my mouth, just for buying it! ;) Every Smith semi I've bought over the years, ended up leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Now, their revolvers have all been delicious!!! :D
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