What gun/ammo combo for rampaging basketball players?

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I wouldn't worry very much about basketball players, they fight like pansies. Same with baseball players, lots of shoving and the occasional wild haymaker, followed by running away. Now, hockey players, those are the guys to watch out for, well next season anyway.
I guess I would carry my JOHNNY COCKRAN MAGNUM!!! that's right, it's a blued six inch barrel with 6 cylinders of multimillion dollar justice. :evil:
NBA is a bunch of thugs.

Whatever happened to the class acts of years past. All they did was chase wimmen and play roundball.

what shotgun/ammo combo for flying beer cups and popcorn, with max effectiveness but minimal peppering of background fans?

00 Buck. Make sure to try to shoot the cup before it leaves the idiots hand that is throwing it.

NBA is a bunch of thugs.
Listened to a couple of talking heads on one of the sport shows yesterday. They were talking about the NBA and NFL, and one of them mentioned that about 20% of the players (he wasn't totally clear about which organization, or both, he was talking about) had felony convictions on their record. Hmmm . . .
Nothing. It was a fistfight, not a gunfight.
Besides, I could use some bling bling....and at the expense of an NBA player to boot.....I'd sue sue sue!

I think a couple of bananas would do nicely.
that couldn't be more racist if you tried.
I think the bb players were lucky that they didn't go up to a guy who could actually fight. Instead, they either picked on a fat guy or a real skinny and short guy.

I stopped watching bb after MJ left the Bulls.

I wonder how many of the worlds population that NBA players are responsible for? :neener:
Gravity is my defense.

The seats I can afford, the basketball players would exhaust themselves climbing that high. Waaaaay up there.

It's a good story to fill the news airtime with, now that Scott Peterson is off the headlines.

Naw, no gun necessary (or legally defensible) for a punchfest.

I think the best defense would have been to throw a few dollar bills on the floor and stand back.

Those primma-donna players would have forgotten all about the fight and jumped on the bills. They're more money-hungry than a college-town stripper.


WhiteKnight says... "I think a couple of bananas would do nicely"

To which Atc1man replies "that couldn't be more racist if you tried."

Actually, I bet it could be made more racist if he had suggested watermelons. But me being politically correct and all would never say something like that.
How bout "fried chicken"? Or maybe "white wimmin"?

Is the bananas comment necessarily racist? Is there another possible explanation?

(Can't come up with one myself)
If it were I

I'd throw my hand up and say "Wasn't Me Pal" and when they grabed and started to hit me my Delica in the groin will end that problem. But then I'll be in a cell looking through the Yellow pages under lawyers. So I'd try to run a wee bit and make it look like I'm trying to avoid a fight first.

But those guys are like wild dogs. They see you running and the give chase. No win for all involved I'd say.
Heh - i must be in the minority....

::disclaimer:: don't watch basketball - don't like it ::disclaimer::

Now - i hear a lot of the pandering - the lawyers - great lawsuits etc.... someone gonna get rich...

All this instead of wondering how it happened.

oh YA - some IDIOT FAN threw a beer cup at a huge tall muscular black man!

Doesn't this fall under "provoking"?

I'm NOT gonna say the player couldn't have reacted in a different manner, but i do find it hard to blame a guy who's level of whatever is already high - and then provoking him. Kinda like poking a hungry tiger... not something i'd do.

And the worse part is... it didn't stop there - MORE IDIOT FANS were showing thier truely ugly colors by tossing whatever they had on had down on players going to the locker rooms.

IF i were a judge - (which unfortunately i'm not) i'd throw the any damn (civil) case out the window - charge the people we could identify... w/ something(don't know what the relevant charges would be) - and charge the basketball player w/ assault... and no money changes hands.(between player/fans) I don't think that spectator had any more right to throw something than the player had a right to go up and hit people. (and for the record - i think the assault charge should stick to him JUST LIKE it would stick to joey smith "nobody"), not just some comunity service comercial... bleh.

Oh and the people that didn't have anything to do w/ it - should be suing the guy who DID have something to do with it. (guy who started it) Instead of figuring out how to get rich off of someone who makes money - maybe we should bankrupt people who are so full of themselves that they can't act decently at a public function. (might teach a few other people some decency too)

Mind you - all this in my not so humble opine... but i find it truely bafling how its "zoom in on the player" and not the complete idiots who think they can do anything because what is the guy gonna do to me... hit me? I'll sue!


Disparity of force and the force continum. Ever heard of them?
A 7' guy who works out 4 or 5 hours a day for a living vs. a 5'6" guy who looked like a CPA.....The little guy is not a threat and the big guy has no legal right to hit him. Onto the force continum....Big guy has the obvious advantage...so he has no right to escalate the situation.
Was it smart? No. Provoking people can get you exactly what happened here. However, by escalating the level of violence, the BB player deserves a good lawsuit or two. A good judge would make sure that the punishment fits the situation, though....this sure as hell ain't a million dollar lawsuit..maybe a couple grand...
I think if I were making $4,863,000 a season. That's what it will cost the guy that got the season suspension. I could take a couple of beer cup being tossed at me. Heck cosidering that most people will never see that amount (legally). I would likely be willing pose for nightly throw your beer at a me sessions. And smile while you throw.

That being said, 7'tallmultimillionaireprimadonathugNBA player walking up to assault me. There is one thing to do.
#1. Figure out what the hell I'm doing at a NBA game(I hate Basket ball)
#2. Duck/Absorb punch
#3. Find Knee cap
#4. Kick knee cap until it collapses
#5. File suit
#6. Buy hockey tickets
:confused: wait!! :evil: You could eat said bananas and thow the peals on the steps. Causing said player to slip and fall to the delight of many.... Let's face it Watching a 300lb 7 footer fall down steps would be pretty darn funny.. :confused:
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