What if the Democratic party abandons gun control?

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Feb 3, 2004
This is an adults only thread. Please respect that.

Let's suppose for a minute that the Democrats are really just politicians (not true believers on a mission to destroy firearms) and they have learned that fringe platforms do not make a solid base.

Is it possible, the AWB was a tactical blunder and was misidentified as a mainstream issue. Now knowing that the 2A is held sacred by many, and a non issue to others, what would be the point be in going after firearms again? If you are a politician, and you want to remain in power, do you go after issues that have no upside or cache with the majority of Americans?

Is it possible that the Democratic party, after having been neutered by the extreme left, has begun to reject many of the previous ideologies and redefine itself.

What if the Democrats can:

A. Restore fiscal conservatism.
B. Secure our borders.
C. Restore and affirm personal liberty and rights
D. Leave RKBA alone.

Of couse this is speculative and the D's need to WALK and not just TALK but what if? Maybe our RKBA isn't in as much danger as some may think or may want us to think.

I don't believe there is any need for "Doom and Gloom" - just watchful oversight. Ultimately, I am confident in the American people to self correct if things get out of hand. This isn't the first time that a party has been put into "time out" and it won't be the last.
They won't do any of those things ... other than preserving the right to have sex with what/whomever you want and freely distribute the video of it* they don't have any interest in preserving any other rights.

They believe in Socialism, not "fiscal conservatism" and smaller government. They believe in open borders because they buy the notion that all brown people will automatically vote for Democrats (just wait until all those devout Catholic Mexicans start voting ... where will gay rights and abortion rights be then?). The oppose RKBA because they 1) want complete control of us and 2) are bliss ninnies that believe that if we just give the robber what he wants he'll leave us alive.

*thats not a criticism ... thats the only thing they do right as far as I'm concerned.
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The only reason for the Democrats to abandon gun control as an issue is if it becomes detrimental for them (think votes and dollars) to keep it.

They're not stupid and they can read FEC reports as well as anyone. When the NRA can raise and spend $8 million on a national election, and HCI can only come up with $100,000, as was the case this year, then they do start to see the light.

So, this year a few Dems backed off on the gun-control issue or even ran as pro-gunners, and they did well. We'll see if it lasts while they're in Congress. Given their history, I won't hold my breath.
Hell would freeze over.
bin Laden would turn himself in.
They'd find Jimmy Hoffa.

I say those things would happen first.
Dems are politicians, but they aren't stupid. If it's clear that gun control and socialism will lose elections, they will cut gun control and socialism from their platform, simple as that.
That's like expecting David Duke to forget about race, ethnicity and religion.

There something of the Hitler in anti-gunners.

Hitler was so committed to the murder of the Jews that trains to Auschwitz had a higher priority than troop and supply trains to the combat fronts.

Similarly, anti-gunners would probably turn over the House and Senate again rather than stop pressing oppressive gun controls.

My F rated anti-gun Republican Senator was replaced by a D+ rated anti-gun Democrat.

We shall see.
Dems are politicians, but they aren't stupid. If it's clear that gun control and socialism will lose elections, they will cut gun control and socialism from their platform, simple as that.

Not necessarily.

They have often expressed that they think the problem is in HOW they communicate, not WHAT.

Ditto for the Republicans.

"How can we make people understand that they really DO want what we want to impose on them?"
The only reason for the Democrats to abandon gun control as an issue is if it becomes detrimental for them (think votes and dollars) to keep it.

They're not stupid and they can read FEC reports as well as anyone. When the NRA can raise and spend $8 million on a national election, and HCI can only come up with $100,000, as was the case this year, then they do start to see the light.

So, this year a few Dems backed off on the gun-control issue or even ran as pro-gunners, and they did well. We'll see if it lasts while they're in Congress. Given their history, I won't hold my breath.


You nailed it. I really hope this is the case as I would prefer to have 2 parties that both support (or at least don't care enough to bother with) the RKBA. WALK TALK.
I don't think The Dems will completely drop there pursuits of Gun control, but it will take a serious backburner (see link on list of targets). The new wave a Democrats want to make a lot of other changes first. The problem is I think you will seen both sides move closer to center, which means the possible winner of the White House in 2008 will be a liberal republican like McCain or a moderate Democrat like Hillary Clinton ( she is not really, but she can play the role better than anyone). Both are not the best friends to RKBA.

The problem is I think you will seen both sides move closer to center, which means the possible winner of the White House in 2008 will be a liberal republican like McCain

If the GOP gets together and presents a unified, inspiring well-articulated, Reaganite opposition movement, then McCain will be totally marginalized. That's the only way they'll get the White House, I think.

If the GOP gets even weaker, we get Hillary.

Either way, McCain just saw his political future evaporate -- he can still be Senator, if he wants, but that's it. There's no room for a "moderate" leader in an opposition party. How many "moderate" Democrats have risen to national prominence in the past 12 years?
It's simple, really.

The Republicans prefer you to be stupid. The Democrats simply prefer you to be helpless.
Interesting hypothetical, but I don't see it happening. The iron is hot right now on gun control and all the new House has to do is get some momentum going.

Combine the recent rash of school shootings with the fact that the MSM is reporting local murders on the national evening news if the weapon used was a firearm and you have a pretty bleak situation.

My hunch is that they'll test the water with the "gun show loophole" and internet ammo sales and then go whole hog if those two things can be banned without public outcry.
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