What if....

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Aug 15, 2007
I just had a thought that I have to share. If Heller goes down on our side and then the 86 MG ban gets overturned, we could see military surplus m16s. It fits the Miller military requirement and would definitely help keep the militia well armed.
A nice idea--but I don't see that even IF the 86 ban went un-constitional (I doubt Heller will touch on it--but then again I said the SCOTUS wouldn't hear the case AT ALL--so what do I know) there are VERY strict de-mil requirements in place. Remember, the CMP's rifles are named by type in federal laws that allow them to be released for sale--but the DOD can just say--'no' anyway. A culture shift that might come with a sweeping ruling might help, but it would be a long stretch to see mil-surp class III's.

Besides---although I would (more and more) love an old triagle-handguarded 16-a1 just for the clean lines it offers next to the m-4, they were made by the lowest bidder---and MANY of the 80's-90's 16a2 JUST PLAIN SUCK in terms of quality.

Anyway, it is a nice thought.
Agree with Neo-Luddite, I don't think DoD will ever allow any type of full automatic weapon into the public UNLESS we can get congress:barf: to pass a bill such as they did with the CMP. Which will happen about the same time they pass term limits! MO.
But still, even if the DoD doesn't sell them, the inexpensive happy switch would be a good thing, huh? Would the Class III taxes spent be refunded?
Surplus title II stuff would be nice. I think I'd be even more excited about machine shops running 24 hours a day turning out brand new drop in auto sears that cost $200 or so instead of over $10,000 a piece. No reason not to give all your poor neutered EBRs the switch they so deserve.
That legislation would have to outlaw the practice of de-milling ammo and making US millsurp available to the US consumer as well.
Like a surplus M16 wouldn't be worn out anyway. I'd be more than happy enough with a drop in sear and a new position marked on my lower.
As this is the high road and all, i won't call anyone delusional.:D But....ain't none a that gonna happen. What many dont seem to grasp is that the left is, by and large, crazy as the proverbial sh*thouse rat. I mean, with these guys now, right is wrong, wrong is right, good is bad and bad is good. We all see on a daily basis these psychotic,agenda driven loons on TV spouting the most insane nonsense in spite of all reason, logic or evidence. They don't care how many supreme court decisions or constitutional amendments guarantee the RKBA, they'll continue to "think" how they want to think, and do their best to side step it in more and more imaginative ways. There's no chance, i mean ZERO, that we'll all someday be buying mil-surp rifles from the general store like back in the good 'ol days.
( rant over. move along now, nothing to see here..... )
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