What is it about the 5.7 that makes the ugliest civilian-legal rifles?


Oct 29, 2010
The P90 is one of the best-looking guns of all time. At the very least, it's iconic for its use in Stargate and Counterstrike. But the PS90? One small change from the P90, and you have the world's ugliest gun.

Or so I thought.

The Keltec P50 is another gun that wouldn't look out of place on Stargate, or even repurposed as a laser in any space adventure. It doesn't look exactly comfortable to shoot, but put it in the hands of some armored space alien, and that's a fine looking ray gun. The Keltec R50, which is essentially a P50 with a stock and a longer barrel, is challenging the PS90 for the world's ugliest gun.

There's an episode of Seinfeld where his girlfriend was either drop-dead gorgeous or absolutely ghastly, depending on the lighting. Maybe that's what the 5.7 is. Put it into a SBR or a "pistol" and it's a beautiful thing. Change the lighting to "rifle" and suddenly it's the "before" picture in every cosmetic surgery ad.

I just don't get it.
Oh man, that R50 makes may eyes bleed. I dont mind the 16" P90 that much though.

Other notable entrants for Worlds Ugliest Rifle would be the Calico and Gyrojet carbines, as well as the H&K G11 though it wasnt civvy-legal.
For me it is the Ingram Model 6. It looks like a dime store Thompson-inspired cap gun :barf:

Stay safe.
Other notable entrants for Worlds Ugliest Rifle would be the Calico and Gyrojet carbines, as well as the H&K G11 though it wasnt civvy-legal.

I'll agree with you on one of those three. I actually like the Calico, and the G11 is at least okay.
Only thing I really like about them is they drop brass into a little pile at your feet, if you are willing to suffer through the trigger pulls…

Well, the 5.7 is "in between"--not a pistol round, not a rifle round.
Was meant for compact PDW with circa 12"/cm barrels.
So, anything with a US-legal 16" barrel is already headed to "platypus" territory at best.

Being neither fish nor fowl, the designers know they need to appeal to "niche" buyers, so, they start from a premise of "hey, let's go 'super modern,' that will sell!" (Of course, it's long been obvious that Kel-Tec has Psilocybin mushrooms in the company cafeteria :D )
I really want someone like Savage to make a cheap little bolt action in 5.7. Something like their Rascal would be lots of fun
Yeah, this is why we only have 5.7 pistols. The Ruger is decent, really liking the PSA Rock.

I would definitely go for a 5.7 carbine styled like a Stribog or B&T, just a nice ergonomic & lightweight platform with a normal magazine in a normal location. Alas, nobody seems to want to build one.
Put it into a SBR or a "pistol" and it's a beautiful thing. Change the lighting to "rifle" and suddenly it's the "before" picture in every cosmetic surgery ad.
It's the proportions that are in close relation to the golden ratio, that you find pleasing to the eye - the bigger the deviation from that, the more "uglier" it looks to you. And I find all the guns mentioned rather goofy, but that's a different story...