What laws can be justified?

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Quote: Simply owning a tool that has the potential for criminal misuse is not the same thing as actually misusing that object to commit a crime.

Otherwise all of us could be in jail for prostitution.

Jury nullification is based on the idea that the letter of law is supposed to be in the service of the spirit of justice, and when the letter of the law or the application of the law violates the spirit of justice, it is null.
The simplest answer is the best answer. If you commit a violent crime and don't get killed in self defense by your intended victim, and have been convicted of a violent crime or committed to an institution, you stay locked up until it can be determined you are safe to be free among the people. It's constitutional, infringes no one's rights, and protects people from your proven propensity to commit violent crime.

Just think: No more BATFE, no more NICS, no need to license gun dealers, no reason firearms couldn't be mailed, no gun free killing zones, etc., etc.; and the big kahuna, the big casino: It would be that much more difficult for a despot, or a tyrant, or dictator wannabe to disarm you or the rest of us.

I like that last one.


The harm comes mainly in Uncle Sam's disobedience to abide the Constitution that created him. The Constitution is Uncle Sam's god. The minuet Uncle Sam starts disobeying his god, he embraces his devil. Uncle Sam's devil has many names: Tyranny, despotism, dictatorship, oligarchy, Fascism, Marxism, national socialism(Nazism), Autocracy, ochlocracy, monarchy, and more I'm sure. B.E. Wood
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