what products do you like best for bore cleaning

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May 8, 2006
I use Hoppes copper solvent on my rifle bores and hoppes #9 on my pistols (all over), however I'm thinking there's something better out there. My revolvers come home from a days shooting very dirty to say the least. With elbow grease I manage to get the little bit of ledding out of the barrels (not really a problem there) but the carbon build up etc all over is a pain. The rifles, I want to make sure I get every bit of copper from the barrels (I'm a nut about cleaning my equipment - I was trained in the service to take care of my equipment and it'll take care of me when I need it).

So - what products do all of you recommend - and why.

Slip 2000 Carbon Killer. Because it really works on carbon.

Eliminater bore cleaner. Because it gets copper as well as ammonia products without the smell etc. Works very well as a bore cleaner.

TM Solution. Because it's great on powder fouling.

Butches Bore Shine. Because it is an excellent all around bore cleaner, for folks who clean regularly.

There are others as well, but these are probably my favorite. Gunzilla works very well, but I dislike the smell.
I still use Hoppes #9 solvent, but I'm looking for something better. Specifically, I want something that won't react with or degrade the performance of Ballistol oil, which is thicker than Hoppes 9 gun oil so it keeps a better layer, and has some other properties I like such as water solubility (in short, it absorbs water instead of the water beading up in the oil, helping it retain its lubricant layer and decreasing the chances of rust in bad weather). I don't know what the solvent would do to Ballistol so I haven't used it on my gun since I first cleaned it with the Hoppes kit.

For my gun, I don't bother with the wet patch/dry patch/repeat deal that Hoppes recommends; it takes half an hour just to clean the bore and uses dozens of patches. Instead:
* one solvent patch through to pre-soak
* scrub the bore and breech with a wetted plastic bristle brush (works very well, will not scratch, and more durable than copper bristles)
* run another solvent patch through to "rinse"
* swab or dry patches until the bore's dry (usually just one or two until they come clean)
* an oiled patch to preserve

Wipe all rubbing surfaces with a slightly lubricated patch or Q-tip, an extra drop for the chamber and firing pin/safety, and reassemble. The action is a dream and beyond normal break-in there's virtually no wear.
Surplus GI bore cleaner. They tell me it causes cancer, but it sure gets bores shiny.

Hell, lead fouling causes cancer. If you're worried about that, wear gloves and a respirator when you fire and clean your gun.
Slip 2000 Carbon Killer, and BoreTech Eliminator becasse they work well and are NON-TOXIC and bio-degradable.
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Hoppes #9 for a course cleaning followed by generous scrub with Butch's Bore Shine.

Extra stubborn case: Bore Paste
I really like Mpro7 for routine cleaning. It is nontoxic, so that cuts down on the dain brammage.

When I have had really nasty bores with lead or copper fouling (usually from buying a used gun) I have used JB Bore Paste.
I used to be a Hoppes #9 guy.

I tried and rejected a bunch of other stuff.

I settled on RemOil for normal cleanings.

3 sets of alternating patches gets 'er done.
I use a cloth made by Kleenbore that is impregnated with a carbon/lead remover.I fire stainless steel big bore S&W magnums and it is the best product i've used for removing the carbon burn rings from the front of the cylinders; it leaves a nice finish on the stainless steel, it works fast and cheap,about $3-$4 per cloth and lasts for at least ten good cleanings.I use Sweets 7.62 for copper fouling in the barrels, it stinks but works fast...Happiness is a clean gun :D
Gunzilla is easily my fav. Cleans better that anything I've tried (only big-name stuff really). I'm not sensitive to smells though. I can sorta understand how some would dislike it. It does smell weird.

products i use for cleaning...

dewey for the rod, bore guide by stoney point, kroil, barnes cr-10, hoppes #9, shooters choice grease, and shooters choice lead remover. that's about it.
Another vote for BoreTech Eliminator.

I cleaned a rifle with some Montana Extreme and got a lot of stuff oout. The last patches came out pretty clean. I thought I'd try the Eliminator. Several more patches came out with a lot of blue on them. The stuff is just amazing, and I can clean in my garage with the door closed now!
I use Hoppes followed by CLP for the bore. I've been told a 50/50 mix of Hoppes and Kroil is really great. I haven't been able to find any Kroil locally to try it. Anyone use that mixture?
I like the Snake+#9 Hoppes.. I saturate the portion just ahead of the brush and pull repeatedly (its shiny after the first pull) at least 5 times.
I have 2 snakes one for
.44 thru .45 covers the 1911/'1860'Colt/'1858-Remington/44 Ruger Mag
second covers .32PPK and .308 Rifle
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