What Senators are vulnerable in November?

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May 26, 2003
Phx, AZ
There are 34 senators up for election this November. Senator Breaux from LA is retiring as is Nickles of OK, so their seats will be up for grabs as well as these senators below. Are any of these senators realistically vulnerable? I believe Boxer may well face a very tough race. She'll have to answer for voting against thinning of forests that later burned during last year's CA wildfires. I think Feingold's siding with us today may have saved him, although we should vote him out simply for McCain-Feingold. But then he's got no real opponent from the GOP. I'm not familiar with the local politics of the others, so below the list, I will focus on Specter since he's one of my senators.

Bayh, Evan - (D - IN) Class III
Bennett, Robert - (R - UT) Class III
Bond, Christopher - (R - MO) Class III
Boxer, Barbara - (D - CA) Class III
Brownback, Sam - (R - KS) Class III
Bunning, Jim - (R - KY) Class III
Campbell, Ben - (R - CO) Class III
Crapo, Michael - (R - ID) Class III
Daschle, Thomas - (D - SD) Class III
Dodd, Christopher - (D - CT) Class III
Dorgan, Byron - (D - ND) Class III
Edwards, John - (D - NC) Class III - is he runnin for senate?
Feingold, Russell - (D - WI) Class III
Fitzgerald, Peter - (R - IL) Class III
Graham, Bob - (D - FL) Class III
Grassley, Chuck - (R - IA) Class III
Gregg, Judd - (R - NH) Class III
Hollings, Ernest - (D - SC) Class III
Inouye, Daniel - (D - HI) Class III
Leahy, Patrick - (D - VT) Class III
Lincoln, Blanche - (D - AR) Class III
McCain, John - (R - AZ) Class III
Mikulski, Barbara - (D - MD) Class III
Miller, Zell - (D - GA) Class III
Murkowski, Lisa - (R - AK) Class III
Murray, Patty - (D - WA) Class III
Reid, Harry - (D - NV) Class III
Schumer, Charles - (D - NY) Class III
Shelby, Richard - (R - AL) Class III
Specter, Arlen - (R - PA) Class III
Voinovich, George - (R - OH) Class III
Wyden, Ron - (D - OR) Class III

I believe Specter may be facing his toughest primary opponent ever in Rep Pat Toomey. For you single issue voters, GOA gives Toomey an A- and Specter a C-. Toomey is most definitely on our side. I would like to see Toomey win because I'm tired of Specter's votes for big spending, his obstruction of impeaching Clinton, his votes for expanding medicare, and the pompous undertone of the letters I receive back from him (if I get one). I believe Toomey can win if he can raise enough money to get his name out there. Feel free to swing by his website a donate or send for stickers.:D

After the primary, the likely (read almost definite) opponent will be Rep. Joseph M. Hoeffel. For all you single issue voters, Hoeffel is an anti to the core. He is a cosponsor of HR 2038, the bill which proposes to reauthorize and radically expand the AWB. I haven't taken the time to research more about him...that's really all I need to know.

I still support Toomey, but I believe Specter will continue winning until he decides to retire.
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Voinovich must go. Followed by McCain.

I realize there are one or two more RINOs, but the political importance of OH and McCain's notoriety (and his incumbent protection bill) mean that these two absolutely should be Public Enemies 1 and 2, even to the exclusion of Democrats, most of whom we know where they stand. At least Democrats didn't backstab us, since we knew they were planning a frontal assault on the BOR.
Remember guys...we're all upset over what happened today, but I'd like this thread to be about the handful we have a legit chance of overthrowing. I would prefer that it not become another bash the folks who didn't vote with us today thread. If you believe these senators are on their way out, let's hear why.

I agree though...McCain is gun owner enemy #1 in the Senate right now because of the gunshow loophole amendment he proposed, his acceptance of $2 million from AGS, and worst of all his McCain-Feingold legislation.
Voinovich needs to go, but the alternative will be Eric Fingerhut, and he's AT LEAST as anti as Voinovich is, so what choice does that leave? Not much. He's also in pretty good shape as far as political base here in Ohio. There was an opponent in the primary today, but he only received 23% of the Republican vote...it's not a pretty picture. (Fingerhut voted AGAINST CCW for Ohioans for example)
Fitzgerald is not running for re-election. We're having the battle of the millionaires for his seat. The Democrats are running two politicians and a couple millionaire businessmen, the repulicans are running three millionaire businessmen. It should prove an interesting race. All the republican candidates profess to be pro 2A, but without any voting record to grade them by who knows. The can't be worse then Fitzgerald was.

Voinovich is a gambit, meaning you trade for someone worse as an object lesson in the outcome of treachery to the defeated and his party. A republican primary means little, when you consider that it is republicans voting for republicans. If enough conservative groups got out their supporters to offer payback come November, then the automatons who vote straight Democrat should throw the election to the democratic candidate. Was this primary vote before Voinovich's betrayal on S. 1805?

McCain must go for the both the campaign finance boondoggle and his attempts to infringe upon RKBA (and not just today, either). I believe that many folks in AZ can't stand him and this includes republicans, some elected. A little push further toward the edge might be all it takes to reach critical mass in levels of voter dissatisfaction and McCain can't keep hiding behind his war record and POW status for too much longer.
Voinovich is a rat-fink RINO. And that is the very best I can say about him.

Eric Fingerhut is now State Senator, from the Shaker Heights area of Greater Cleveland. Definetly a gun-grabbing Dem-ole-rat, opposed Ohio CCW reform in every way possible, including the usual MMM/Brady Bunch 'quotes of fright'..."Blood in the streets....Dodge City....OK Corral...
yada yada yada private citizen CCW unsafe for Law Enforcement"

Fingerhut...about the same quality as the crapola you could buy from mail-order company of the same name (Don't know if related, though)

p.s. Did vote in the Repub primary, and selected the (R) guy running against Voinovich. Haven't seen final results yet, but as I understand he got about 24% of the vote. Didn't win, but does let Voino know that we are watching.
Hollings is retiring after this term. How will we make sure we replace him with a pro-gunner?

The following Senators are retiring in time for this election:

Miller (D-GA)
Edwards (D-NC)
Breaux (D-LA)
Graham (D-FL)
Hollings (D-SC)
Fitzgerald (R-IL)

Except for Miller, ALL of those Senators voted against us yesterday. We need to pick up at least 4 pro-gun seats in the Senate in addition to the one Miller is vacating to start passing contentious legislation.

Since we know all of the above Senators are leaving, those are prime areas to concentrate our efforts. If you can vote the antis out in the primary BEFORE they get to the general election, we may be able to choose between two solid-pro gun candidates, rather than the traditional "this guy is less evil than this one".

Notice also that 5 of the 6 are Southern states and good battlegrounds for a pro-gun campaign. Let's use that to our advantage.
I understand that Zell Miller (D/GA) is ready to indorse George Bush – If he hasn’t done so already. As Miller is well respected throughout the South this will make a difference.

McCain is in trouble – much more so after what happened yesterday. In Arizona, Republican candidates for statewide offices need to get substantial support from the rural counties – all of which have strong pro-gun components. Throughout this term McCain has been thumbing his nose at his own party and supporting Democrat positions. Apparently he thinks this will put him on the road to the White House. I seriously wonder if he will run. If he does I think enough Republicans will either vote for someone else or sit on their hands to insure his defeat. Then the office would go to a Democrat – and that may be what he wants.
Here in the PRMD, Babs Mikulski needs to go and good riddence. Every time the President appears in front of Congress, she and Billary take turns seeing who can scowl the most. The newcomer E.J. Pipkin has an honest chance of knocking her out of office and I pray it happens. To me she is nothing more then a loud-mouthed sack of crap. :cuss:
Doing a state search with Democrat or Republican Party will bring you to the state political party site. The state party site will have a link to each candidate for the respective office that is being sought at state level and above.

If we all do our part about contacting our existing Congressmen and working with the challengers that need to be elected in order to get our rights recognized then we'll succeed.

1) Write to the politicians/donate to progun politicians
2) Put a sign or bumper sticker out for a pro-gun candidate the publicity will help.
3) Talk with friends and family about supporting the candidate
4) volunteer to hold a sign, work in the person's office etc to get more people to vote for the progun candidate

On the topic of letters, can we put together a thread regarding form letters and links to addresses where to send the letters to Congressmen and our state representatives that floats to the top of the politcal section?

Good luck with fighting the good fight.

Another Ohioan here.

Trying to make a choice between Voinovich and Fingerhut is like trying to make a choice between garbage and trash. :barf:
I'm glad Dorgan is up. Hey, you ND'ers (no not THAT ND!) what are the chances of you replacing him w/ a pro-freedom Senator? Ditto with Lincoln in AR? I figure Daschle and McCain are too well known nationally to be in trouble at home. I wonder if Tom Foley (the erstwhile Speaker of the House) felt the same way prior to 11/04/94?
Edwards of NC will either be on the Democrat ticket or he will becme the public head of the Trial Lawyers whose job will be to blunt any tort reform.

Hollings is moving into a well-deserved, too long delayed retirement.

Daschle is in trouble, big-time. He stands a very big chance of losing.

Over the years I've identified a key indicator of how a senator feels about his future. That indicator is is purchase of a big house in DC. It means they are giving up residency. They will begin the entertainment circuit. Edwards more than a year ago bought a big house even by DC standards long before he announced his not running.

Daschle did the same thing about the same time. Seems he is headed into the lobbying business as is his lobbiest wife.

Hint: check real estate transactions by senators of interest.
Citing his health, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado announced today that he will not seek a third term this fall.

Any of you Colorado folks have a likely replacement in mind.

I live in Ohio and I am going to vote against Voinovich becuase of his vote yesterday. I really don;t like Fingehut, but at least he is honest about ewhat he believes. The guy we have now is a Democrat in everything but name so we might as well have a Democrat in office.
Campbell annouced today that he will not seek re-election.

Molon Labe, Trash isn't the word I would have used for Fingerhut. The word I like starts with an S.
I live in Ohio and I am going to vote against Voinovich becuase of his vote yesterday. I really don;t like Fingehut, but at least he is honest about ewhat he believes. The guy we have now is a Democrat in everything but name so we might as well have a Democrat in office.

You don't have to vote FOR Thimble, just not vote for Voinovich. I suggest you vote for the pro-RKBA 3rd party candidate.
For my fellow Ohioans:

I inquired of Ohio Sen. Eric Fingerhut's campaign as to his stance on second amendment rights and the extension/renewal of the AWB...here's the exchange.

I would like to know Mr. Fingerhut's position on 2nd Amendment rights and the extension/renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban. Thank you for your assistance. Mark


Dear Mark,

Senator Fingerhut supports the 2nd Amendment and the extension/renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban. Thank you for your inquiry. Please contact us anytime.

Kimberly Chapple
Communications Director
Fingerhut for U.S. Senate
[email protected]

My Response:

Dear Kimberly/Senator Fingerhut,
Thank you for the prompt reply to my inquiry. Unfortunately, your reply is a most intriguing oxymoron. It is not possible to support the Second Amendment AND the extension/renewal of the AWB. The Assault Weapon Ban punishes law abiding citizens for the illegal actions of criminals while NOT preventing criminals from obtaining semi-automatic rifles. Furthermore, the number of "assault weapons" used in crimes is VERY low and is at the same percentage as prior to the AWB. It is a placebo measure that infringes on the rights of Americans and was entirely ineffective. Please feel free to contact me if Senator Fingerhut has an awakening and changes his stance.

fellow Floridians ..

Since Graham is on the outs (yea !) .. I think we shopuld take a good long look at putting Randy Johnson into our Senate seat ..

take a look at my thread HERE for more info ..

basically he's pro-gun .. good enough for me ..

anyone know when Nelson's number is up ?
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