What states have you OC'ed in?

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Aug 25, 2005
This is not meant to be a debate about open carry. This thread is meant more of just a fun thread, for bragging rights for who has OC'ed the most.

So, yesterday I took a trip to Georgia, and open carried. I realized after I got home it was the first time I had done so outside of Tennessee.

I have OC'ed in Tennessee, and Georgia, two total states.

Where have you, and how many states have you open carried in?
I've only OC'ed here in my home state of Arizona and it's such a non-issue for folks here that I hardly even feel like it counts.
I open carried once in Louisville, KY (I live here and don't travel much). No one even seemed to notice.
Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, California.

I would've in Utah - I have a UT CCW, but couldn't get a consistent answer on if it was legit or not. I now believe it is.

The CA OC was in my garage, with the lights off, and the gun unloaded, the cylinder removed, and installed with a trigger guard, with ammunition in a separate building. Just as permitted by law. Rights? What rights?
Just Arizona.

I had to take the dog outside of our hotel room so she could pee. It was broad daylight, in a very safe area in the middle of Phoenix.

As a Californian, I just wanted to see what it felt like to walk around in the city with a SAA in a holster.:D

Sure, as a (lousy) hunter, I carry outside populated areas in California. When I think of Open Carry, I figure that means in a city.
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