What's next for zero tolerance?

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An adequate supply of common sense is extremely uncommon.

"Horse sense is what a jackass ain't got."

Now that I've vented: I really don't know of a legal sort of remedy. There's no way a law can insure that administrative people in school systems are rational and mature in their handling of the rules and regulations which they promulgate and enforce.

We here know as fact that shotgun shells in and of themselves are not dangerous devices. They are not harmful. None of us would pay any attention if we saw them or were informed of them. But we're of the Firearms Fraternity, and have this knowledge.

School administrators? Who has a clue as to their knowledge beyond a degree in education and some ability at office politics?
Except, like any sane person, she probably didn't think of them as "dangerous devices." This girl is an Olympic class shooter, she should be the star of her school's shotgun team and courting college recruitment offers.

Now, she'll likely have trouble getting into a good college, blowig her shot at NCAA-type competetion, and thus knocking her out of a future Olympic game.

They knew the rules and didnt follow them
Yes, by all means, let us all follow all of the rules, no exceptions, and you deserve what you get if you don't.
There is no such thing as a bad rule, just rules that are obeyed or disobeyed.

If it weren't for cases where people "broke" these rules, would we know about the stupid rules? Would we then be able to speak out about them, possibly getting them changed?
In the instance in OP, the most natural place to start is with the local school board (if that is the bureaucratic structure in this juristriction). If there is no relief there, then the answer is at the voting booth. The article does not, however, tell us if there is a higher regulation from Washington, such as may be contained in "no child left behind" (And to think, we chided Bill Clinton for looking for a legacy!:barf:). If no local relief can be found in the short run, then the private sector offers such options as alternative education. The old saying about not being able to fight city hall has come to fruitation! Don't even think about after the election of '08.:what:
Screw zero tolerance.


If I were her I would fight this all the way.
How would you "fight this all way", LAR-15?
Surely you don't believe that you can make the school see sense--they won't even listen to you.

Unless you have some serious connections, there is literally nothing you can do.
Fighting does not equal winning.

But it sure beats rolling over and getting screwed doing nothing.
My question still stands: what would you do? School admin will not take the time to hear you out, that is almost certain.
Yeah, you could write to newspapers and such, but no one (except for those already in favor of firearms freedom) will care--they'll just write you off as someone who did something against the rules and paid the price.
Two boxes of unopened shells in a parking lot aren't quite as dangerous as two parked cars with gasoline still in their tanks :barf:

Do any of their students or faculty smoke? My vote for the next item of zero tolerance is matches, lighters, and tobacco. I hope the teachers and administration will be held to their strict standards of safety, and will be forced to keep all the tobacco and related paraphernalia at home. Lets see whose rights are worth defending when they have to go a full work day without smokes. Not just 8:15 to 3:15 either, they have to smoke at home and their first opportunity to light up again will be when they return home. After all, nothing is allowed on school grounds, even locked inside your personal property.

No allowance for students recess, hall time, lunch, meetings, or travel. Anyone caught on school grounds with such should be dealt with in the same manner as these students. With zero tolerance.
There's no way a law can insure that administrative people in school systems are rational and mature in their handling of the rules and regulations which they promulgate and enforce.

Yeah, there is. We can get rid of the law.

It's already happening: no matter where you are, it seems, there's an alternative to public schooling, which is not even necessarily a religious private school.

I know quite a few home schoolers at this point: probably more than you'd think are out there.

The second all of you decide it's not worth it to punish the pro-freedom people who have removed their children from the equation by continuing to charge them for educations they aren't receiving, the system will right itself.

As soon as parents have a choice in how their education dollars are spent, you'll start seeing school sponsored shooting teams.
Zero tolerance for zero common sense used by school board members at their next election.

Zero tolerance for zero reasoning and judgement used by school board members at any potential civil actions brought against them.

Zero tolerance is a two-edges sword.

Do any of the school board members have alcohol inside their cars on anywhere on school grounds? What possible justification could they have for bringing alcohol onto school grounds?

Do any of them have a pocket knife on their person on school grounds? Why?

Zero tolerance goes both ways, just depends upon who's holding the magnifying glass.

(I really got to stay out of "Legal" on Monday mornings.)

Get a copy of The Well-Trained Mind. Even if you are not considering home schooling, it will open your eyes.

Forget about zero tolerance nonsense, forget about gun-free school zones. Public schools are a disaster by anyone's account. NCLB has made a sorry situation even worse as schools now tailor their curriculum for the specific purpose of receiving federal funds.

Yes home schooling will take time and effort, most likely one parent will no longer be able to generate income. The question we've had to confront is "is my child worth it". You can guess the answer. Many others are deciding to home school. It's likely you'll find a support group in your community.

At least in PA (don't know about other states) you even have the option of allowing your child to participate in public school teaching subjects of your choosing and home-schooling other subjects. The law requires only that your child pass basic standardized tests. Your child cannot be prohibited from participating in whatever activities your public school offers if you want.

School administrators do not want you to know this.

I'm looking forward to teaching "gun safety 101" and "basic marksmanship". :D

Edit to add link: home-schooling performance statistics
V35 Homeschooling
School adminstrators do not want you to know this.

Of course not. The public (read government) schools recieve Federal monies according to enrollment numbers. Due to the condition of public education here in Alabama, there has been a call for school vouchers, or the transferrability of the amount of money prorated for each student. It has been approved if the students' assigned school has failed to meet standards assigned by the Dept of Education, but only to other public schools. I feel it should follow the child, even to private or homeschool situtations. The only drawback is the Feds would attempt to control these schools if they help fund them. To keep this on topic, most all private and homeschools do not have zero tolerances.;)
We have, indeed, hit the tarbaby in our schools!:eek:
My prediction for the next restriction at schools is uttering the word (and associated words with) "gun".
heard as the thought police trotted the student...

out in handcuffs....

"I said we should pick up the clock!! the Clock!! not the Glock!"
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