What's the story behind your screen name?

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Just like my Mosin-Nagants. Even though my Springfield mil-spec 1911 is currently my favorite to shoot, and my .454 Casull is literally a blast... then there is the Glock. Glocks r fun. And who doesn't like shooting .357 revolver? I know I am leaving a few out here, BUT, ya gotta love shootin a M-N. Especially the M-44, spittin fire. Fun Boltactions.

Guy in my freshman football team said it looked like someone cut my hair with a bowl on it. so bowlcut stuck.... a few cutties call me bowlly, bowl head or the such. most the time its bowl tho. have had the nickname for over 10 years now and most everyone back home only know me by it. i even had teachers that knew me from aroudn the halls haveing to ask what my real name was. got to college and it kinda went a way with those guys, but old friends still call me it
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was an investigative hypnotist. Hence the name.

I still hold a certificate in clinical hypnotherapy. Don't look me in the eyes! :D
back in 1996 I was working as a First Aid Instructor at a Boy Scout Summer Camp. Some of the staff and I started our own Secret Society with an oath that was something like " I swear to remain ever vigilant in the mist of whiney campers and bitchy @$$ ScoutMasters" We did shots of Bourbon and joked, and made up our own tribal names for each other,
Hoppinglark was mine because i was so energenic and lively.
Boy Scouts shoot .22's this is firearms related!!!

my Marine Corps callsign is "SweetPea" but i don't use that too much....

It started out as a joke between me and a friend. He is in favor of stainless guns and I perfer the blued/parkerized variety. I would tell him that his guns would glow in the dark they were so shiny and he would say that I was just trying to be "tactical" with my black guns. For some reason that just popped into my head when registering. It is unfortunate though considering I have always loathed the word "tactical". :(
Got a handel on it.

12 = # of the county i live in here in Iowa.

34 = # given to me by the sheriffs department.

Hom = first three letters of my last name.

I love traditional archery! My bow is a Border "Black Douglas" made by Border Bows in Scotland. I began the journey across "the border" into a fullblown Second Amendment, Conservative, "gun nut" after learning in my Hunter Education class the outrageous fact that in my state (MA) it IS UP TO THE POLICE CHIEF as to whether you could obtain a concealed carry permit!!! This made me furious: the same rights and freedoms should belong to all of us law abiding citizens and not be subjucated to the arbitrary whim or reason of some authority figure!!! I had never even owned a gun before then! Now there is a "border" you can't cross with me: "from my cold dead hands!" and I now have many guns-and a concealed carry permit! :D

Hey HoppingLark,

Another former First Aid Instructor for a Boy Scout summer camp here!

Had a kid in one of my classes who was quite the cut up. I threatened to strap him to a canvas stretcher and stand it in the corner if he didn't settle down.

He didn't, so with the rest of the class' help, including his brother, I did. :D

"Ok, class, now this is how you secure a sick or injured patient to a stretcher for transport over rough ground..." :D

The little puke is now a minister...
It's the nickname of my favorite F1 driver (Besides, Schumey, his other nickname, sounds really stupid. Silly Germans, :rolleyes: ). Don't ask me why I added the date to the end of my username. I removed it for a brief period of time, and have since added it back on. [ I felt kinda/sorta naked with out it. :eek: ]
Mine comes from the name of a Character in one of my favorite series of books.
first off he's a troll (no comment about the 'net meaning of that please) which in that series of books means he's a "silicon based life form, aka a walking, 7-8 foot tall, humaniod rock"

when he first appears, he works at the roughest bar in town as a "splatter" (like a bouncer but troll throw harder :evil: ) then heads off to try his luck in the local equivilent of hollywood (this fails he goes back to being a splatter).

then he becomes a policeman, winds up adopting a seige-bow (nicknamed "Piece maker") as a sidearm, and a helmet that "cools his head" so that his silicon based brain works better.

figured of all the the fictional characters i've come across he fit "me" best. big, dumb, exterior, hiding a fairly decent mind (he not dumb he just over heated :D ), a gentle person who when riled can cause havoc upon those who would do him or his firends and loved ones wrong.
Those who have met me have no difficulty figuring out why I picked my screen-name.

I'm 69 years old, I've had ten wives (three of them mine), ten kids, seven grandkids and two (at last count) great-grandkids. I'm opinionated to the point of being somewhat rude to idiots who vote for the likes of Al Gore and Ralph Nader. If people don't like me or the way I look or sound they can make use of the rest of a vast horizon and turn their attention there. After spending six years with the SeaBees, I climbed mountains, rafted down rivers and crawled through some of the muddiest caves in the world. My eyes don't focus as well as they used to and my legs are starting to give out on me, but my wit is just as acidic as ever.

My present wife is 48 years old and a Methodist Minister. We have a 14 year-old daughter who all the guys in Portland think is 22. They also think I was born with a shotgun in my hand. My wife loves revolvers and my daughter has learned to handle my S&W 28-2 well enough to put six in the torso area of a silhouette target at 50 feet.

I AM an oldfart! I've earned the title and I'm proud of it!
...mine is from a film: 'enemy at the gates'. i'm half slav. i like shooting long range....the rest you'll get to know in time. ;)
I picked this incredibly deceptive screen name to throw off the blue helmets and the feds! :D
First name, last initial. Someone with 3 posts screwed me out of what i was going to use (Zach, my sn at 1911forum).

I used it just to annoy Zach S! :evil:

Just because I don't post much doesn't mean I am not here.

Heavy Haul is what I do for a living. If it puts the truck and trailer combo over 80,000 lbs and requires a permit from the state Dept of Transportation, I haul it. Mostly tracked construction equipment. Dozers, and excavators, mostly.

My nickname since my present occupation nearly 10 years ago. Seems everybody butchers my last name which is pronounced ray-hon. Since they can usually remember the first syllable, a co-worker tagged me with that and it stuck.
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