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What's Your Best CCW Tip?

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Dec 25, 2002
As someone pretty new to the world of CCW, I look to places like THR for CCW insights and ideas from the many "pros" who are nice enough to share their vast knowledge.

I think that with more and more states offering CCW permits, this information would be very useful and greatly appreciated by the many Americans who may be carrying a CCW for the first time.

With that said, what tip or tips would you offer someone who is new to CCW (other than, of course, having the proper training to use and carry a firearm)?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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Buy a good quality belt. Get a real gun belt, made expressly for the support of a handgun and its holster. Get a high quality holster to match that belt. Your carry comfort and concealment success will increase dramatically if you use good leather and a stiff gun belt.
Concealed means concealed.

Like in... Your gun, your thoughts, your presence... just kinda blend into the crowd and enjoy life, keeping your eyes and ears open and your wits about you.

Yep ...... the ''art of true concealment'' ... practice that as you would practice your weapon useage.

And as Wolf says .... always carry ..... not just ''when it seems a good idea''. I often feel like being ''free'' of the small burden .. but refuse to let that make me take it off ... it is only those ''no go'' places where that will ever happen .... and seeing as round here I am not school visiting too much .. it's pretty much a 24/7 deal. Even if in my quiet neighborhood some get a chuckle as they see me walkin around my office and home and yard with it!:p (cos at home I carry open).
Practice actually drawing and shooting from concealment. Too many people go to the range with an OWB holster, and never practice with the carry rig. :banghead:
If you can, practice with the ammo you're going to carry.

Don't act like everyone knows you're carrying.

Don't leave home without your carry piece.
  • Be humble.
  • Leave the testosterone at home.
  • Avoid confrontation.
  • Behave as you normally would, they don't know you're packing.
  • Be alert, be aware, be ready.
Know the law in your state, they city you live in and surrounding communities. Some states don't have pre-emption laws, which means ordinances can vary from municipality to municipality. If possible, find out the views and records of local DA and law enforcement. They will be the ones writing up any self defence incidents and deciding whether or not to procecute.
Spend the money on a quality gun belt. I makes a huge difference in carrying comfort and concealability. The less comfortable it is to carry, the more likely you are to leave your gun behind.
Continual practice.
Get used to carrying. Carry around the house so it feels natural. Many carriers give themselves away by figeting and touching their gun in public.
Choosing a gun or guns is another thread.
Allright, I'll amend that- Using MY choice of cover garment, it has been my experience that I can coneal a P220 or government size 1911 just as easily as a two inch J frame revolver. :D
B27........ clarification appreciated.

I just can't conceal a Beretta 92 quite as easily as Kel Tec P32 while wearing bermuda shorts and a polo shirt.

It can be done if I add an overcoat to that ensemble... but it makes me look like a flasher.
If you can run around in bermuda shorts you are a braver man than me!;)
I wear jeans every day and use a photog vest for a cover garment.
The vest goes on just as easily over a 1911 as it does over an airweight J frame.:D
carry a spare mag.

if you carry a back up or have a full size counter part carry the full size mag.

IMHO carry your spare mag opposite your carry rig. i carry my firearm on my right side so i carry my spare mag on the left. that way i avoid crossdraw if i have to reload. dont put any mag bigger than a 380 single stack in a fifth pocket (you know that little pocket that is on the right front of a levis.

this sounds stupid i know but try it. get in you get up go to your garage an roll around under your car (flat tire, somethin stuck see where i am going)

NOTHING WAS EVER more embarrasing than fixin somebodies car an my bersa fell out of my pants.

an it was pegged before but always practice your draws.

im surprised nobody said it yet. clean your holster an if its new leather wax it
when using restrooms, dont forget your gun in the stall. :D who'd that happen to? someone from here, or from glocktalk?
A good belt and holster is a must. But dont forget your outter wear. A bigger size shirt, button down shirt instead of tee shirt, shorts or pants that are a size bigger if you IWB carry.

I always take a look in the mirror before I depart to see if Im printing or showing in any way.

Dont let your ability to carry a weapon make you bold. Avoid trouble and keep your situational awareness sharp. Dont fall asleep at the wheel so to speak.

Practice with carry ammo. Dont just shoot FMJ cheapy ammo and then load with quality ammo for carry. Its imperitive that you shoot your brand of carry ammo too.

Carry a spare mag. If for some reason your mag fails or you expend and dont have another mag your handgun just became a blount object.

If your a lefty like me then find another alternative to concealing your weapon when your driving. Does no good to have it on your left hip when your driving. Wont be able to draw and fire worth a hoot with the bad guy right next to you. I use another holster strategically placed in the vehicle to put my weapon in so I can access it with my right hand just in case. But I have the best defense weapon buckled to my butt. The car.

If you use Kydex for a holster, clean it often. Cotton from your shirt or undershirt can get in there and pile up. Also sticks to your front site. So make sure you run a rag or something thru the Kydex to keep it lint free.

Put your wallet on the opposite side of your carry weapon. That way if you get confronted by an officer of the law he dont think your drawing your weapon instead of your wallet.
Again, a GOOD belt. IWB is nice so it doesn't 'peek', if you carry OWB, it's possible, but watch your movement.

1. Don't bend over, squat.
2. Don't 'check' your rig.
3. The bravest thing you can do is back down from a fight.
When choosing concealment clothing/garments, remember that...

1. Thick fabrics cover better than thin and multiple layers better than single
2. Busy patterns conceal better than solids
3. Darks conceal better than light colored fabrics
My best tip?

Don't panic!

As usual there is much good advice here. I agree with nemesis, Hkmp5sd and Croyance. This is not something to be entered into lightly, but don't worry. You seem to have the proper mindset, that is the first and biggest step.

As for equipment, poor quality or ill fitting leather is never a bargin. Spend what it take to get what you need to be comfortable.

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