When are they ready?

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2 or 3 and carrying a knife? Seriously, am I the only one that thinks this is not only insane, but incredibly irresponsible on the parents part?

i started carrying a multi tool on my belt when i was 5, and then in the pocket while at school
congrats! we had our first in january. its a world of fun. being shes only 4 mos old now, i'm kind of still in the planning stages as you are. i definitely plan on oetting her shoot some eventually, and probably teaching her safety whenever she starts to ask questions and/or sees the guns. unlike my parents who did not like guns at all--i wasnt even allowed a bb gun, until i was 20. in another thread recently someone mentioned some coloring books that emphacize gun safety-- that sounds like a good idea
Thanks for the input. I kind of figured it will ultimatley depend on her. It is nice to have examples of some success stories of teaching a young child the joy of firearms, just so I know it is possible. Unfortunatley I don't have a readily available private area to shoot, so it will most likely be an air rifle to start. I guess all there is left to do is wait and see how it goes and watch her grow up. Looking forward to it.
Shucks. I've carried a knife since I was 3 or 4. Don't really remember exactly.

Shooting, I started personally around 9, I guess. But I grew up watching my older brother shoot his Single Six off the back porch. If I wanted to know, I just had to ask.

I'm a long way from kids, but I think they'll let you know when they're ready. I'd say answer questions when they're asked, and be honest. Don't downplay the danger, but do emphasize the positives. If they want to handle them, ensure they're in a safe condition, and let them handle them, emphasizing the rules.

Worked on me, anyway. Been shooting for a good while now, and received my first "own" gun for my 18th bday, another at Christmas, and I've bought myself a few since then.
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