When did it become okay to replace “model” with an “M”?

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Like the title says...

I was reading a post and someone mentioned an “M19”, meaning “model 19”, as they were talking about a Smith & Wesson revolver.

When did using an “M” become okay or is this internet laziness?
When I see an “M” in front of a number I think of military designations like M1, M14, M16 etc.

Sorry if this had been asked before.

Gee....I must be even lazier than most because I don't even use the letter "M". I just call 'em a "629" or "686". I also refer to my Harley-Davidson motorcycles as just "Harleys". Dang, I hope folks know what I'm talkin' about. Whoops....there I did it again!

Life is too short to worry about the little things

Seriously ? Are we running out of things to be outraged about.

I agree, but........it's been another amusing thread. Must be another slow internet day since the Grammar Nazis are about. Thank goodness we have Dick's and Walmart to bash, or odds are, there'd be no new threads here at all today. Always need another one of 'dem "what gun for bear?" threads I guess, or maybe another closed "Infernal Lock/Hillary Hole" thread. :(

Maybe I'll just go out and shoot instead.:thumbup:
I'm pretty much old school and still refer to most guns using their "Model" designation, like a S&W Model 10. Been doing it so long it's really more like force of habit than anything else.

The only one that really confuses me at times is Glock. Is it a Glock Model 17, Glock G17, or just plain old Glock 17. Still working on figuring that one out someday!
Get off my lawn before I get my M19, Model 19, G19, Glock 19 or 1911.

Let this die.
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