Where can I post an article I write?

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Mar 14, 2009
SE Michigan
I realize that posting massive essays and other such non-discussion topics are not exactly appropriate for posting on the forum. However coming at the end of the school semester I will be writing an essay regarding gun rights, the state of them currently, how they got there, and where I think they should go. I would like to provide this essay when its completed as a linked item somewhere because I intend for it to be a good starting point for an argument for gun rights.

I currently do not have any trafficked webspace.

What would be the best option for providing material of this nature to the community. Also I would not mind at all submitting material such as this to a moderator for their review and approval prior to publishing on the forum.

Also I believe there are probably many students besides myself who are probably also going to write similar articles, so I am asking this not only for myself but also for those who won't ask themselves.
If you set up an account on Triond.com you can get ~5 bucks an article (more if a lot of people view it).
Set up some space somewhere (blogger, etc) and post it there. Generate a one paragraph abstract and post it here with a link. I'm not a moderator, but that's my suggestion :)
Just do a blog, google should give you all the info, and the posting, for free. Download the google toolbar, and it will have a button that you can send the pages to your blog
College students from a blue state writing about gun laws.:barf: I would say to print them and put them on my desk, except the stack would probably keep falling over to the left.

I'm sure the OP'ers paper will be fine but the majority will be rubbish. After all this was the demographic that contributed heavily (with money and votes) to the current administration. :fire:

Why not post an abstract and then attach a pdf to the post?

Because that's such a good idea i couldn't come up with it on my own, thanks. Honestly i didnt know I could attach PDF's to posts.
I would be wary of posting anything you turn in for a grade online.

If/when they check for plagiarism the page will come up. Then you'll have to explain that your paper came before the webpage, and submit a bunch of electronic documents to them to verify your (true) story.

It could potentially be a future source of academic/dean's headache if you do.

I suppose if you publish it online well after grading, you should be safe, but who knows.
When you post, just scroll down and click manage attachments. A text doc should fit inside the 1.19MB PDF forum limitation no problem. Or you can just attach the doc file (assuming you are using Word) if the file is small enough.

I don't think google can index the context of a forum attachment. You may want to scrub any private info out of the document first.
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