Where/how do you organize your mag/clip stash?

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My gun desk has drawers on the side:

Top drawer is common use mags and spare parts.
Second drawer is extra mags and mags new in packaging.
Third drawer is misc stuff.
Old Mil Surp ammo cans with all my boxes of ammo. The bigger ones for the guns I shoot more and the smaller ones for the guns I don't shoot as much.
There are a few extra mags in my range bag with their handguns. My loadout closet has a hard case with some essential emergency gear, including all the extra mags for those handguns and the p-mags.
Right now in a big cardboard box or a small wood and glass display case. Not sure how they ended up in the display case, they just did. Some are kept in my range bag/s and some are kept in my grab and go rifle cases. A few are even permanently kept in my vehicle.

Most of my auto rifle mags are in a small MILSPEC backpack. Not sure how they ended up there either. I really don't give it a lot of thought. I know where most of my mags are and can access them whenever I need them. But I don't give much thought to how they are stored in general. Other than bunched together for the most part and kept clean and accessible. I don't even know exactly how many I own.


Nothing special In regards to storage. Mine are all just kept on a shelf, grouped by what rifle they fit. Little ones, like 10/22 are kept with their ammo.

I thought I'd mention labeling mags, not the bins they're kept in, but the mags themselves. It's something I recently picked up on, and I think is a really useful idea. I number each mag with a sharpie or paint marker in an inconspicuous place, on the base or spine. If you happen to have a malfunction at the range, take note of the mag number, maybe even wright it down if you keep notes. You may find that you keep having problems with the same magazine and can repair or replace it as needed. A couple weeks ago I was shooting my AK and had a fail to feed. Not sure what happened, but I made a quick note "1 FTF mag 3" in my notebook. I'll keep an eye on that one in the future.
Most of my pistol mags are sorted by which gun they go with and placed in zip-lock bags. The bags then go in plastic shoe boxes. Have a lot more AR and AK mags where some are stored in the mag pockets of their respective rifle cases, in mag pouches, in surplus shoulder bags, and any remaining ones in plastic totes.
I've got an old 5 drawer chest of drawers in my gun room, a couple of the drawers have plastic bins from WalMart that I separate my mags into. Of course, it isn't to difficult. there's only 4 kinds - fullsize 1911, officers 1911, AR-15, and FAL. Carry mags are marked and further separated into zip lock baggies.

The rest of the drawers hold holsters, pistol rugs and soft cases, and other gear.
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