Where is our "Piers Morgan"?

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Dec 14, 2012
Every time I turn on the TV this guy is on there being anti-gun... unfortunately I can't say that about anyone who is pro-gun. It's very sad that many people learn how and what to think by watching television - but even more sad that seemingly no one on TV is offering a counter argument to Morgan's blathering.

CNN knows a person only needs to hear something on TV a few times before they believe it, and right now they are definitely only hearing one side.

Anyone know of a TV personality who is actually fighting the *good* fight that we could get behind and support? I watch the sportsmans channel in CO. and they have shows like 'Guns and Ammo' and 'TacTV' but no kind of commentary (at least I don't know of any) - I would love to see an eloquent person with their own show fighting FOR gun rights...
People with sense about the 2nd Amendment aren't usually seen on mainstream t.v.. They don't want them, because a calm person with knowledge will make the anti-gun nuts (calling ourselves gun nuts is counter productive, but it works fine for them) look like fools. It really is sad that we probably never will have anyone, but I can hope.
NRA must have a good spokesman and mediaman. That is very important , not just having them answer questions on TV. It should be an articulate spokesperson who is calm and collected .
Piers Morgan is a limp-lipped halfwit who cowers at the thought of Jeremy Clarkson giving him yet another richly deserved smackdown.

Our side doesn't need a Piers Morgan because our side already has enough idiots.

If you want to speak publicly in favor of guns, simply do so, at elevated volume in public and to your elected representatives.
Where is our Piers Morgan? Do we want a Piers Morgan?
If so; he would be an American, working for some British news agency, incessantly whining about UK knife violence and air rifle fpe regulation.

BTW: The solution to Piers Morgan's personal problem with firearms in the USA, is for him to simply return from whence he came.
It's hard not to share Jeremy Clarkson's opinion of Piers Morgan.
It's not the Ponce Morgan we lack...

What we lack are the producers, the network executives and networks in general who are neither dominated by nor in fear of the liberal, - dare I say it - new world order type of agenda.

Just as with everyone else we've whipped in the past, The Soviet Union is getting the last laugh. This week regarding privately owned firearms.

Just watched the Piers Morgan show in which Piers attempted to interview Jones. What a fiasco. Jones did more to hurt our gun rights than anyone I have ever seen. He was rabid and certainly set back our cause a long way. This is the type of interview that will be used against us constantly.
He portrayed himself (and us) as rabid individuals.
Not what we needed right now.
We don't have a Charlton Heston now and I don't know too many high profile people that would try to pick up the pieces after this Jones fiasco.
Now was the time for a round table discussion and all this jerk provided was a rant! Even Wayne L came across way to strong. Didn't expect him to back down from our positions, but he sure could have been little more conciliatory.
Like it of not! The tide is against us right now and it's going to take representatives that can clearly state our case.
Rants do nothing but paint us as idiots.
I expect this post to raise the ire of some of our members but wake up folks. Take a look at how you are being portrayed. If you think Jones helped our case I would beg to differ.
You really want someone as uninformed, crazy, and rabidly blind as Piers Morgan to push a pro-2A cause?

You had it last night. How about Alex Jones?
That's probably gonna be John Stossel.

There's William Bennett.

Of course there's Ted Nugent.

Not sure if my facts are straight here but I think maybe Dennis Miller has his head on straight here too...not sure about that though.
You really want someone as uninformed, crazy, and rabidly blind as Piers Morgan to push a pro-2A cause?

You had it last night. How about Alex Jones?

No, not a clone of that clown but someone who can address the masses on a daily basis on the subject and is PRO gun. Fred Thompson maybe? Jon Voight? Hell, Vince Vaughn?? Someone, anyone people will watch.

Everytime I have a conversation with an anti-gun person, at some point they usually use the phrase "I heard on TV that..." - it's so one sided at this point.
+1 on John Stossel.

The guy is brilliant, and not only with relation to 2A, but with economics and liberty in general. He's a former big-government-liberal-Democrat turned small-government-keep-your-liberty-and-money-libertarian. If you listen to them, the libertarians actually do have a lot of great ideas.

*Edit* His show is on the Fox Business channel
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Every time I turn on the TV
Why spend time listening to somebody tell you how you should think? Isn't that what the internets are for?

That's actually what my wife is for (so she thinks) :D
I personally prefer someone more stable, cohesive, and coherent, who will stick to facts and reasoned debate of the topic of deranged individuals bringing harm to the innocent in "Gun Free America" today as opposed to emotional ranting about an inantimate object that requires an operator behind the trigger to shoot fish in a barrel. :rolleyes:

YMMV :uhoh:

Failing that, I would nominate Ted Nugent for the role of adequately insane yet not, gun owner representative to match whatshisname's vitriol. But Uncle Ted has been known to stray pretty far into weird territory as far as mainstream USA Joe Citizen is concerned when it comes to firearms, and that scares some of them I guess. :D
I agree about John Stossel. I've never seen him do anything negative on guns, and he has a lot of great ideas in general.

John Lott and Larry Pratt were nice to see on Piers Morgan, but every intelligent thing they said was yelled over by personal insults, emotional rants, or over generalizations. John Lotts mic was actually cut off during one youtube video I watched that took place last month.
Why on this gods green earth would we want one?


Even the most ardent anti-gunners I know from the UK agree with us about Piers. They don't want him back! He has a terrible rep over there.

That said, it would be entertaining to sick Ted Nugent on him.
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