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Where would you go?

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Nov 12, 2007
Southwest Florida
If you were going to leave the USA and move to a different country, where would you go? Realizing that most places have much stricter gun laws than here, what would you be willing to accept?

Where to, and why? This doesn't have to be just about guns, but that's obviously important too.
I would have to be rich enough to buy my own island and be Queen. Nowhere else would work.
In almost every country, wouldn't you have to become a citizen to take advantage of their "largesse" in respect to firearms privileges?

I think the US may be the only country where legal resident aliens are afforded the right to keep and bear arms.

Someone check me on the above.

But: were I younger, and if I could retain US citizenship, I would say Switzerland, France or Belgium, in that order.

Because I like mountains, garlic, and I could get to like diamonds.
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Alaska is the only foreign country I would be willing to relocate to. The advantages? Almost all of them speak English as a first language and their laws reflect their appreciation to be left alone. If only I could take the cold!
I personally couldn't/wouldn't live anywhere else...

Unless my company was paying me some serious jack to move...And I still wouldn't like it.

BTW, why do you ask? Is this just a hypothetical or do you have a chance?
No, it's mostly hypothetical. I'm just curious as to how the other members feel. I was talking to a friend about living abroad today, and it made me think about such things.

I've gotta agree with Kim, I'd like my own island. Y'all can come visit if you like, but you've gotta bring your own ammo!
Lots of other factors to consider, but I've always thought favorably about Finland. Lots of woodlands, a healthy hunting culture, and fierce independence of their own.

Switzerland has a lot going for it, but with limited resources I don't think they are looking for immigrants. Swiss houseguests have told us that you must wait many years to get a place to park your boat on the lake. I don't think I've got that many years left!

Probably Suriname or thereabouts would be the best fit for me, but I like it here just fine.
Nowhere. I'm not jumping any boarders just because things might get rough.
Stay and push for change, make things better here. I can't see any reason
why I would not continue to call the USA home. If things got to the point where
I had to leave here, thats all the more reason for me to stay.
The Czech Republic would be a definite possibility. If I could learn the language. I hear the gun laws are fairly relaxed and Prague is one of the truly beautiful cities of the world.
I've gotta agree with Kim, I'd like my own island. Y'all can come visit if you like, but you've gotta bring your own ammo!

Give me a break you tightwad!!!

If you can afford your own island, you can afford to buy our ammo!:p
Sit tight. We need the liberals to win every so often so the rest of the sheeple remember what hell is like.
Australia. New Zealand.

Great Britain would be okay, esp. if you could live in Northern England or Scotland.

Why? English common law. Trial by jury.

Holland would be tolerable. No trial by jury, though.
Why? English common law. Trial by jury.
Soon to be replaced by sharia law! I would never move to any of thes eplaces permanently. If I had to pick a place to which to move, outside of the USA, it would have to be warm, and guns would have to be accesible if not necessarily legal, though I would hope for legal. Rifles and shotguns would be good enough for me, so maybe Costa Rica, Mexico, Brazil.
I'm not going anywhere unless I have the bankroll to live on my own terms, armed as I please. Preferably, if I'm gonna leave, I'd want to go to a nice, pleasantly anarchic 3rd world country, and set myself up as either El Jefe or at least "That Crazy Rich Yanqui with all the guns who has the police on payroll".

Short of that, or buying my own island and raising the Foxtrot Flag over it, I'm staying put.
If we all work together, I think we could actually take over France. They don't have much of a track record for stopping invasions.
Once you're a resident ,firearms ownership is not very difficult.Even visitors can get a permit with a little persistence and baksheesh.(payola)
Hundreds of gringos are legally packing in this semi-tropical paradise.
I say semi because it can get a little dicey in areas of Guat City and the mountainous regions.Baseball bats and knives are the weapons of choice ,but guns are becoming more prevalent among the glue sniffing teen BG's.
All in all,one of the few countries in the Western Hemisphere ,outside the USA, where its realistic to carry.


I hear its like a whole other country. :neener:

If we all work together, I think we could actually take over France. They don't have much of a track record for stopping invasions.
Sure you could defeat the French ... but then you'd have all those angry Muslim Youths you'd have to fight for it ... I expect they'll be a little tougher to defeat.

Seriously though, if things in the US get so bad that I'd be considering leaving ... I think there's a lot of things we're not supposed to talk about on The High Road that I would do first.
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