White House petition

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Jan 4, 2013
A new White House petition submitted by a "Guido Fawkes" <br />
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http://1.usa.gov/WtRm8B<br />
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Cease employing logical fallacies in an effort to deprive law abiding citizens their inalienable right to self defense.<br />
Whereas key members of the Executive Branch continue to employ logical fallacies to further their desire to implement incremental gun control, until all citizens are unarmed.<br />
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We hereby call if the Obama administration to cease and desist all efforts to deceive the public in the furtherance of their agenda to disarm the law-abiding citizens of the United States. Furthermore, we welcome a debate of the issue on the merits of the ideas proposed by the administration without resorting to argumentation from repetition, false dilemmas, false attribution, and the many other techniques employed by the "campaign apparatus" to deceive and mislead the public.<br />
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Created: Jan 26, 2013<br />
Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Human Rights, Veterans and Military
Welcome to the forum

Welcome to the forum and thanks for contributing. Especially for an idea that I had not thought of - using the White House's own suggestion box.

It might be a good idea if it was not
1) Argumentative
2) Employing a number of logical fallacies
3) Calls for the Administration to confess to lying, therefore cutting its own throat.
4) Doomed to failure from the outset.
5) Radical to the point where anyone not already in agreement is unlikely to take it seriously.

I think it would be far better to petition dropping the anti-gun effort in favor of FIXING THE ECONOMY.

But if you want to make a point of the gun control debate, tightening the language and fixing the grammar would go a long way toward getting it read.

Lost Sheep

p.s. I came down a little hard on you. I think the petition is a good idea, but if better executed it would have a stronger impact (even though, considering the gatekeepers is has to pass, is a bit like tilting at windmills).

Did you think that your pen name might be considered threatening, considering the Gunpowder Plot of 1605? The current Administration's willingness to dispense with the Second Amendment does not bode well for its observation of the First Amendment.
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