Who's going to Camp Perry?

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People I know are leaving this weekend for the bullseye pistol matches at Perry.

I wish I'd gotten my act together and gone years ago. Now I couldn't handle the heat and the humidity.
I'll be shooting the Springfield and Garand matches on August 9 and 10. We are trying to pull a team together for the National Trophy Infantry Team Match.

I went with some buddies last year and had a blast. Your suggestions last year on TFL (I was 11.43x23) really helped us out - especially understanding the importance of doing a good job on pit duty.

We're all new to High Power and even newer to AR-15s, so our participation is strictly amateur, but it's a ton of fun just being there. Kind of like going to the Super Bowl and being able to play a flag football game.
I'll be there Aug 4-Aug 10. I'll be shooting with the IL contingent. I was going to shoot LR also, but I'm going to go blast prairie dogs instead. S/F...Ken M
I know I'll be too tired to continue after a week of CMP and a week of NRA so I'm going to skip the 3x600 Long Range event and drive home.

Ya'll email me and we'll all meet up somewhere.
My teammates and I were originally planning on competing in the pistol matches this month, but some stupid NCAA rule about competing as a team in the off-season ended that idea.

However, I think I might just have to drive up for the rifle events if you guys are going to be there. Maybe a group trip over to Kelleys Island or Put-in Bay is in order?

[regret] Yes, there are times when even I will dissuade a newbie from attending a match. [/regret off]


Woo boy....might be a little ambitious to go and participate if you're never
done it before. These are, after all, the National Matches. No one will have the time to explain how to get a 200, 300, or 600 yard zero, how to pull pits efficiently and correctly, or how not to crossfire onto several hundred target frames that look just like yours (we'll be trying not to do that ourselves!)

There is a Small Arms Firing School on Aug 1 or 2 and that would help you get a start, and if you want to attend any match you should consider the SAFS as a required class. Take a look at www.odcmp.com for more info on the National Matches. You can still get a packet and sign up, or sign up at the matches in person.

Please don't take offense at anything I've said. Its just that the Nats aren't the place for a newbie to just dive in, IMHO. I have been shooting Highpower Rifle fr two years and I am just now allowing myself to go to Nats with a clear conscience. A huge part of the game is providing pit service to other shooters and I wanted to understand everything about that as well. A pit puller can affect a shooter's score tremendously. Perhaps, instead, you should come out to Perry and watch, come down and check out the pits, and just get the general idea of the thing. I'l be there for CMP Highpower Rifle week and NRA Highpower Rifle week. That's from Aug 4-15 or so.

If you have a Garand you could shoot in the Garand match and NTIT with a Garand team, and that would be a great way to step into the game without drowning in the fast water.
didn't know it was that big'a thing! i'm definatly not shooting then, maybe the garand match though. i'd be just as happy to come and watch y'al shoot. just let me know a date and time and i'll try and make it.
Oh yeah, man...one match will have about 1300 to 1400 participants, on multiple ranges, and there are two weeks of those matches!

There is a big Centennial bbq/bash Sat evening (Aug 9) on the Petrarca Range and you could met a bunch of us there (Ready on the Right and EchoSixMike and I, anyway). IIRC the Garand match and NTIT is on Saturday anyway.

If you want to shoot the Garand match, you need to get in touch with the CMP ASAP and get squadded. Also, the Garand Collector's Association will field as many NTIT teams as possible, and they will provide ammo, match fees, and a t-shirt. You need to contact them about that.



See, I might dissuade you from stepping in the "big pond" for your first go, but I can at least come up with a good offering!

SAFS info: http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/matchInfo.cgi?matchID=175
I definitely recommend shooting in the Garand match at Camp Perry. It's set up for semi-newbies, but you will have to pull your weight and know what you're doing in the pits -- at least be an eager, fast learner.

They do have a pretty good 2 hour seminar before the event, too. There is also a Springfield match one day earlier.
I second Steve on shooting the SAFS, the Springfield and the Garand matches.

You also have to hit "Commercial Row" No shooter worth the name has the willpower to walk the row and not spend money. All the shooting, reloading and other stuff you could ever want, plus new stuff, experimental stuff and one year the Picatinny guys came out and showed off some toys. S/F...Ken M

If you are interested in Highpower, I HIGHLY recommend attending the ORPA (Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association) Spring Clinic. This is a two day event held in April of every year at Camp Perry. Saturday is a clinic that goes over the basics of shooting the M1 rifle in highpower. Sunday is a 50 round Garand Match shot at 200 yards. The cost is relatively low for juniors such as yourself. Junior membership in ORPA is $5 and the clinic is only like $20 for juniors. You can stay Friday/Saturday night at Perry, its like $5 a night for the old barracks and $20 a night for a real room.
hey thanks for all the info you guys, i'll be following up on all that and hopefully someday i'll be able to shot with ya there. best i can manage right now is that thing on the 9th, i'd like to meet y'al at the very least!
I'd like to see the sights someday, but yea, not knowing anything about pits or scoring is a deterrent. I can't find any "how to do it" descriptions in writing anywhere. Maybe they ought to videotape that 2 hour seminar and put it on the Web.

And is it possible to get a real hotel room conveniently nearby? Seems to me that renting an RV and parking on-site would be the way to go if you are spending several days, if they have on-site camping for RVs.

I though the NTIT was a military-only event. Do they let anybody form a team?

The Ohio association's spring clinic might be a good way to scout the terrain. Whats their web page etc?
InTheBlack, ORPA's webpage is www.orpa.net

They have real rooms on base that you can get for a night, or you can try finding a hotel in Port Clinton. That area is kinda toursity since it is close to Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, etc... so finding a hotel/motel should not be an issue.
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