Why aren't we compromising?

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Nov 7, 2011
Flyover Country
I realize when you get nothing in return, it is not a compromise. When the antis take less of our rights than they want, it isn't a compromise. Why is no one on our side offering up an actual compromise where both sides get something?

If they want "tougher" background checks, why not say sure, if they agree to open the MG registry for example. Why not more mental health support and universal background checks for the repeal of the '34 NFA?

My point is we aren't asking for and they aren't offering up anything in a compromise, and why not? I realize positive gains have been made in many states over the past several years but, are we content to keep things the way they are at the federal level?
1) Most of the stuff folks think they'd compromise for are truly not worth the crap we'd have to "agree" to take.

2) No one is asking what we'd like in return. That's not the kind of 'compromise' they like. We can tell them what we want, and we could even perhaps find enough "quisling" gunny folks to agree to further restrictions to get a bit of whatever their pet interest is, but the other side doesn't care at all and doesn't have "give them something in exchange" in their playbook. All they're into is "we'll take all if we can get it and half if we can't."
Sorry, repeal the '34 NFA? Are you serious?

There are no compromise issues that the other side will EVER agree upon. You can't negotiate with them, they won't budge an inch. It is only our side that has our rights compromised.

Negotiation in a serious manner is not their game at all, it is a free fall march towards tyranny. Gun control does not accomplish the stated goals that they state it will. There are other underlying goals that they do not make public that are at the heart of their agenda.
Well, I am not certain who "we" is. There are talks going on at the federal and state levels with some bills already passed and put in place in states.

There is so much going on behind the scenes that we can't possibly know what is being said and what compromises are being made.
I realize when you get nothing in return, it is not a compromise. When the antis take less of our rights than they want, it isn't a compromise. Why is no one on our side offering up an actual compromise where both sides get something?

If they want "tougher" background checks, why not say sure, if they agree to open the MG registry for example. Why not more mental health support and universal background checks for the repeal of the '34 NFA?

My point is we aren't asking for and they aren't offering up anything in a compromise, and why not? I realize positive gains have been made in many states over the past several years but, are we content to keep things the way they are at the federal level?
Put your poker face on; you're just waving your cards for all to see.
Because the antis don't want to compromise. That's just something they say on the news to dress up their tyrannical aims for the masses. They will never give something up. Their only plan is to take some liberty from us now, and some more later.

And more to the point; why should we be willing to give anything up at all? If burglar comes into your house to steal everything you own, and you catch him, do you offer to give him just your TV if he goes away for now?
So now we have MGs, but all your guns are registered. Good compromise. Then they confiscate everything and we have nothing. Why "compromise" when we all know gun laws don't make anyone safer. To spend more money we don't have on new laws and give up whats been given to us by God, and paid for by blood just to make some people happy?
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Well, I am not certain who "we" is. There are talks going on at the federal and state levels with some bills already passed and put in place in states.

Husker, I am aware NY had a bill passed to make life as a gun owner there pretty bad and I know other states are trying too. I haven't seen any compromise on state bills, I just see anti-gun politicians realize they have the necessary votes and ram legislation through before anyone has a chance to react like in NY with the SAFE Act.
On the federal level though, I haven't heard any talk of any benefits for gun owners, it sounds like just making further gun control legislation go away is the best we can hope for. However, it doesn't look like they have the votes to pass a bill even though we need to keep writing our reps to ensure any bill doesn't have a chance. "Compromise" doesn't even seem on the table, it is just give us what we want or else.
"Compromise" doesn't even seem on the table, it is just give us what we want or else.
That has been a factor of every gun control law, ever. The only compromise they agree to make is "we don't have the votes to quite kill the 2nd Amendment yet, so you can keep these crumbs."
I realize when you get nothing in return, it is not a compromise. When the antis take less of our rights than they want, it isn't a compromise. Why is no one on our side offering up an actual compromise where both sides get something?

If they want "tougher" background checks, why not say sure, if they agree to open the MG registry for example. Why not more mental health support and universal background checks for the repeal of the '34 NFA?

My point is we aren't asking for and they aren't offering up anything in a compromise, and why not? I realize positive gains have been made in many states over the past several years but, are we content to keep things the way they are at the federal level?

You are right on the money.

I have put forth suggestions before, and you hit on one of them.

-Re-open machine gun registry
-Reduce minimum age for an FFL to sell a handgun to 18 (same for "other" like stripped receiver)
-Reduce processing time for NFA stuff from whatever they want (6-8 months) to 60 days maximum
-Get rid of the federal gun free school junk
-Allow production and importation of armour piercing ammo
Compromise: A settlement in which each side makes concessions.

We all know what they want us to give up, but just what is it that they have to give up? ~ Nothing.
No compromises. None. They must think we're a bunch of pansies?

Inundate the anti-gun legislators with coherent arguments that they are blatantly ignorant. Inundate the pro-gun legislators with our thoughts that any AWB or other ridiculous compromises are unworkable. We vote, let them know that. Careers are on the line here. Our Constitution is on the line here.

There is no fight more noble than that. Contact your state and D.C. representatives with your thoughts, and don't let up.

We must win this fight. No compromises.
OK, so by the OP parameters all the antis have to demand is EVERYTHING every time increased restriction comes up and then anything we agree to is a compromise until we actually reach the point of complete confiscation and outlawing of all firearms.
1) Most of the stuff folks think they'd compromise for are truly not worth the crap we'd have to "agree" to take.

A national registry or mandated coellescence of gun commerce (i.e. routing all legal transactions through a single system, database, form, etc.) is basically a nuclear option, as far as our rights are concerned. I'd honestly be willing to trade meaningless "feature bans" for reopening the MG registry, or allowing the tax-stamp price to float with inflation for a repeal of the '68 or '34 prohibiitions. But giving Uncle Sam the eagle eye over all gun purchases and gunowners--even if he promises not to abuse the authority--precludes all other "freedoms" we might win through that Devil's bargain*.

*or Faustian Covenant, if you prefer :D

No new gun control, no compromising our rights. The idea that we will "get" something in return for giving more and more and more until the 2nd amendment is effectively rendered useless.....

No! Tell them to compromise their own rights. Don't like ar 15's or 30 round mags? Good, then don't buy any yourself, but stop telling me and my family what we "need".

No compromises, keep your nose out of my business!
Conceding is like agreeing guns may have some part in violence. We will not give an inch. If background checks will stop murders, Feel free to put them on baseball bats. There are more people killed every year in america by baseball bats than guns, mostly due to the big box store loophole. If we can keep them out of the hands of felons, mentaly ill, and minors, we can have a big impact on crime and make america a safer place. Legal guns and their legal use are not a problem, so why would we change anything even if we could?
When the antis take less of our rights than they want, it isn't a compromise. Why is no one on our side offering up an actual compromise where both sides get something?

Well there's the oxymoronic answer right there. They have nothing to offer we want in exchange for anything of what we have left.
Compromise implies that both sides have entered into negotiations willingly. Would you call it compromise if someone broke into your house and you agreed to only have half your belongings stolen?

What the OP describes is not compromise, it is trying to get the bully to take less of your lunch money.
I think we should be pushing back.
repeal NFA '34.
make GFZ's illegal.
make any state's restrictions (ex: mag caps) illegal

they're shooting for the moon on their end. why aren't we shooting for the other side of the moon?
We should ask for fully automatic back. Since they took fully now they are trying to take semi automatic. In Minnesota they are labeling semi automatic as assault weapons and yes they are also referring to handguns!
-Re-open machine gun registry
-Reduce minimum age for an FFL to sell a handgun to 18 (same for "other" like stripped receiver)
-Reduce processing time for NFA stuff from whatever they want (6-8 months) to 60 days maximum
-Get rid of the federal gun free school junk
-Allow production and importation of armour piercing ammo

Why can't we get some friendly Congressmen to introduce these in the form of bills, so that at least they would be on the table when the serious "compromising" and vote-trading starts to take place? They could serve as "poison pills" if nothing else. After all, that's exactly what the antis did with the 1986 Hughes Amendment to FOPA.
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