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Why can't I carry an auto?

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Dec 24, 2002
Schodack NY
OK,I'm not one of those "old guys" who grew up carrying revolvers....but I do..I can't bring myself to carry an auto and I'm not sure why.All my autos are 100% reliable.I even bought a PT111 with the intention of carrying it.But for some reason,I always carry either my S/W642 or my Rossi 461.I know why I carry the 642(in pocket and you don't know it's there)...somewhere,subconsciencly(sp?)I must've gotten it in my head that autos are subject to the whole "Murphy's law"thing.
Admitting you have a problem is the 1st step in recovery
"My name is TonyB,and I can't carry an automatic.":uhoh:
anybody else have this issue?
Why do you NEED an autoloader as an armed citizen? Carry what you like and shoot best is MHO. I have both and alternate between them. I do not feel less well armed with the .38, frankly, though I really like the little pocket 9mm. Both always go bang and I don't have any such mental hangups. Oh, BTW, I AM one of those old guys that grew up with revolvers.:D
Keep carrying your revolver.

You're comfortable with it and apparently shoot it well. Keep with it until some auto comes along and supplants it on your "goota have it" list. If that ever happens.

Just as an example, I don't care for a certain brand of autoloader, the ergonomics are all wrong for me. They are hugely popular and lots of folks carry them. More power to them, they like them and can shoot them well. Same with you and your revolvers.
The first step on the road to recovery is to admit you have a problem

The second step I think is to surrender to a higher power. When dealing with auto vs wheel guns often times you can not find a higher power in the auto that you can reasonably carry as well as a revolver. There are no .44 automag shorts barrels, that I know of.

I like autos and carry a .40 G22 most of the time, the wife loves her Python and carries it. Who is better armed? No one can say for sure and we get along well enough that we probably never will find out.......
I'm a great fan of 1911s and sometimes I carry one More and more I reach for a 2" Smith just so I can stick in a pocket holster. I feel just as comfortable and it's a lot less hassel............Essex
Carrying a revolver??? How, quaint of you to carry such an an obsolete tool. :D





As you can see I am in the revolver camp right with you and I am not an old codger either. The fact is, for me at least, the benefits of a good revolver outweigh those of a good autochucker in MOST civillian concealed carry situations.

Here is to the obsolete :scrutiny: revolver. :neener:
If you feel more comfortable w/ your wheelgun, then you're better off carrying your wheelgun...it's all about minimizing variable & having confidence in your specific platform....don't worry about it!
Only real advantages to an auto over a revolver would be capacity and thinness ... well I don't know how to make a revolver thinner, but a S&W 327PC holds 8 rounds of .357mag ... can't go wrong with that :)
For the same reason that I hate carrying revolvers. I have a nice Mod 60 but I only use it as my to-the-garbage-dumpster-and-back gun (about 100yds each way). I feel woefully underarmed with only 5 shots and I despise a long double action trigger pull. I'm much more comfortable carrying my Kahr P9.
Hi I'm chip And I carry a j frame. The second step is came to believe a power greater than yourself could restore you to sanity. Don't think you need any restoring. In that area anyway.
If there's nothing broken, don't try fixing it.
You can probably handle you revolver even if half sleeping, so stich to it.
My god what is wrong with you! Get with the times, no one uses revolvers anymore! Jeez, don't you know the only good gun is an auto .40! :neener:

Ok seriously, just shoot what you like and be happy with that, maybe you just have to keep looking for that auto that finally speaks to you. Until then keep shootin the wheel guns!

I'm kinda the opposite, I can't seem to find a revolver that I really like, everytime I go the gun shop to buy a new revolver I end up walking out with a new auto! I guess autos just always appealed to me more, so why can't someone feel the opposite way?
There's nothing wrong with a nice wheelgun.

As far as less rounds . . . I suspect most of us watch too many tv shows where those anti-gun hollywood actors shoot 5,000 make-believe rounds in their jam-a-matics and engage in long running gunbattles with lots of bad guys shooting MP5s and such.

In the real world, this is not the reality we face.

I feel quite protected with either a six-shot wheelgun or my Kimber Ultra CDP officer's size .45ACP, along with a couple of speedloaders or .45 mags for the Kimber nearby.

I DID, however, buy a Glock 23 recently, with an extra high cap. magazine. It's for my 28 year old son as a gift. He watches more tv than I do, so he needs a lot more rounds!;)

"He watches more tv than I do, so he needs a lot more rounds"

Thanks for starting my day with a sidesplitter. Gotta remember that one.
TonyB: I carry a 642 also. It is all quite obvious to me--you just understand that revolvers really do rule. ;) :D

Keep alert -- Keep safe -- Keep packin'
Rule #1 is Comfort and Confidence

Rule #1 = Comfort & Confidence. If you are comfortable and have confidence in your revolver, carry it.

For me, I would not be comfortable in a revolver...I like high-capacity, because where I travel to/from work, the overwhelming number of crimes are by gangs with multiple members. Shoot-out would involve mega-bullets. That said, my 2nd back-up is an NAA mini-revolver .22LR/.22 Mag. with 5 .22 Mag. shot-shells to "mark" the bad-guy for future identification.

As our Tactical & Advanced Tactical instructor said,

"Who says dead men don't speak? It's called 'mark' them. Be of the mind-set that you refuse to die before you 'mark' each and every last one of them so the police can identify them when they turn up dead in an alley or at the emergency room due to infection because you marked them!"

Primary: G19C
Back-up 1: P3AT
Back-up 2: NAA Mini-revolver

You want a rational reason? You simply don't believe in littering the ground with empty brass cases. ;)

As a kid I remember reading this very discussion in the gun mags of the day (60's). Everyone KNEW that autos were unreliable/problematic, less accurate and that revolvers were THE one true way... or so went the argument at the time. I remember asking my dad about it and why he preferred his .45 Auto (never called it a 1911 back then). "Good enough for Uncle Sam, good enough for me." Now two of my Uncles were, at the time, Cops and were dedicated wheelgunnies and they KNEW that their revolvers were much more accurate and dependable than my Pa's favored weapon.

Me? I like 'em both. Is this a great country or what?
I always say that I prefer my CZ 40B over any other carry firearm, until I get a P-01.

But sometimes when I grab my piece in the morning, I think about grabbing that Ruger SP101 revolver and find myself thinking over the "what if's" about a semi failing to function properly. Even though my CZs are the most reliable and accurate firearms I have ever owned.

Then I get over it and grab the CZ 99% of the time.

I despise a long double action trigger pull. I'm much more comfortable carrying my Kahr P9.

You've iterated exactly why I can't carry a Kahr, the long double action trigger pull...

I'm a tad confused.
Let me give you a good reason why I DON"T want to carry an auto.
Imagine a 300 pounds guy with a knife running toward you to kill you. At that time you draw your pistol and it jams!!!...good enough!!!
I dare anyone in this forum to tell me about a pistol that doesn't jam and how many times (if they are not a LEO) they have needed more than 5 bullets.
I can honestly say that over 12K rounds through my CZ 75B, it has never once jammed, never had a FTF/FTE, 100% success. I have pulled the trigger 12K+ times, and it went BOOM 12K+ times. Now... I don't carry that pistol since it is a full size, but my CZ 40B has not failed in it's 400rds I have fired it. Granted I just got it three days ago now.

The real point here is the round capacity. You are most likely correct that an individual would most likely never need more than 5-6 rounds. Odds are that I/we will never have to draw our weapons in Self-Defense either, yet we continue to carry every day.

I would much rather have 20+ shots with a smooth fast reload than 10 with a slow clunky reload.

Just my 2cents.

Spent Saturday on the range doing some advanced work with a revolver. There's no doubt in my mind that I am more accurate shooting a revolver, and I love the super-adaptability of revolver grips which can be customized to suit the shooter. I like the way revolvers feel in my hands, and I like the way they look.

I will never carry one.

Today, two days after shooting 500 rounds in a butter-smooth but heavy double action, my trigger finger is still sore and swollen. I had repeated trouble wherein I would fire three or four rounds and then literally be unable to get the trigger back for the remaining rounds in the cylinder. I'm not too sure that I'm not flirting with a permanent arthritis issue by shooting that much in DA, and I sure don't want to find out.

If I can't practice intensively with it, I'll never bet my life on it.

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