Why can't we throw it back at them?

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Who said anything about misinformation? Who said anything about outright lies? Just, presentation.

If cold facts swayed people, we'd be out of this mess already.
You did:
The anti gun crowd constantly uses half truths and outright lies that are just close enough to the truth to get away with their propaganda. Why aren't we using the same tactics?
[emphasis mine]

What else am I supposed to make of that statement?
While her name escapes me now, there was and hopefully still is a women who did quite a bit work going around, testifying brfore lawmakers and so forth and told her story. She was licensed to carry concealed, but because of the rules of the place she was at had left the gun in her car. The unthinkable happened, some nut came in and opened fire. She watched both her parents killed and many others. She could have stopped him if she had her weapon. Talk about emotional rescue, this lady's story was VERY moving and persuasive as well. I will see if I can google her up...

Bdickens, I think I've clarified that I am not suggesting lying. More, in general terms, presenting the truth in a different manner. I suppose half truths are in there, but not misinformation. Not outright lies. That's a good way to get caught.

As for this woman, I don't see why the NRA and other groups don't run ads with her, and others like her, ads where she calls out lawmakers that restrict carry, lay the blood on their heads. I know for sure that if my family was killed because I couldn't have a gun, I would be laying their blood on the heads of every law maker who was to blame for those laws, and every law maker who tried to make more laws like them. And I would want to do it in a very public way. The media may not give us the advantages they give our enemy, but we have organizations who should be paying for these ads.
Put her name in youtube....all the testimony is there....now spread it everywhere social media can reach....facebook, twitter, I'm sure it will easily go viral again...

Here you go:


All neat and packaged up boys, spead it to the four corners! Just right click on the link, press copy, go to your facebook, whatever or where ever, right click again and hit paste.

Just click on it regular style to watch...

That's the point, we play on emotions, the same way our enemies do. They show guns killing little children, we show little children being saved by guns.

You remember the recent ads by (I think) MAAG? The little children sitting there with various items, one of which is a gun, and the caption "one of these is illegal"?

Well, picture the child, sitting just like that, with a gun in his/her lap, on a tv ad, with that innocent child voice, "Last week while Daddy was in the shower, a bad man tried to kidnap me. Nancy Pelosi wants to make sure that kids like me don't get the chance to tell our stories" Or whatever. You get the point.

Emotions, emotions, learn to use them, learn to stop making people tune out.
ChaoSS, this is exactly the kind of advertisement we need, keep up those great ideas.
The anti gun crowd constantly uses half truths and outright lies that are just close enough to the truth to get away with their propaganda. Why aren't we using the same tactics?

Others have already harped on this, but I'll toss in my two cents just to add my voice to the crowd.

Re-read your opening statement and see if what you said makes sense.

When you lie and use half-truths, you lose credibility AND you become burdened with having to remember all these lies and half truths.

Don't lie and you don't have to worry about being branded a liar.

Don't lie and you don't have to worry about keeping track of all your lies.

'nuff said.

RusselC, I like watching that stuff. Most people will not. They will glaze over it, and find something else to watch after 45 seconds. I would love it if the NRA or someone with the money to do it could put together some 30-40 seconds spots with her, something that grabs people's attention. There are plenty of people like her, and no one will use them properly.
I find it powerful when discussing the issue with people...once she gets to the part where the guy began shooting people, the antis light up...their face changes once she gets to the "who she is really mad at part, and how she would take the felony conviction to have her parents back"....As a criminal trial lawyer I have learned one thing, its all in the presentation....I certainly read/watch all the anti stuff!

We need to keep doing what we are doing, and add a little bit of emotional call to our message as people do respond to emotional callings. We also HAVE to change the way our schools operate. That is where the children are being programmed in the ways of "Big Government" and all other things that the ruling class wants. Don't be afraid to talk to the children in your area and teach them to "repeat what the teachers want to here" but keep an open mind outside of school. We need to teach critical thinking and reasoning again, but that goes against the assembly line mind-set that is being taught. A good example of this is go to school, graduate, get a job/college degree, go to work for 8 hours per day doing exactly what you are told to do with no more and no less, and make $20 per hour, go home and watch the news/american idol/dancing with the stars, go to sleep and repeat. There is little creativity and initiative in this, and the only place that the emotions are being fed is through the T.V. That is where we must break the cycle, we have to get them away from the T.V. and get them talking and learning how to think and reason. It is going to be a long hard fight as the school system has a 100 year head start on us, but in the information age we can do it. We just need to get a hold of the children and use them as the appropriate tool.
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