Why did only the Israelis get warning of the bombs?

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Mar 7, 2005
It doesn't seem very fair, imo. If you ask me they should have told EVEYRONE with one of those emergency broadcasts, where they come on all the radio and TV stations and make an announcement. If I was a citizen there and they didn't warn me I'd be pretty PO'd.


"Terror warnings received before blasts

Associated Press
Thursday, July 07, 2005
CREDIT: AP Photo/ Jane Mingay
Tube passengers are escorted away from Edgware Road Tube Station following a blast in the subway on Thursday morning.

JERUSALEM -- British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before today's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city.

Israel was holding an economic conference near the scene of one of the explosions.

Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend, but the attacks occurred before he arrived.

A senior Israeli official says just before the blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli Embassy and said warnings of possible attacks had been received.

He didn't say whether British police made any link to the economic conference."
© Associated Press 2005

"Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast

Arutz Sheva | July 7 2005

(IsraelNN.com) Army Radio quoting unconfirmed reliable sources reported a short time ago that Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred.

The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit.

At present, train and bus service in London have been suspended following the series of attacks. No terrorist organization has claimed responsibility at this time.

Israeli officials stress the advanced Scotland Yard warning does not in any way indicate Israel was the target in the series of apparent terror attacks.
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"Today 08:48 PM
RileyMc The Third Reich is still alive and well, I see"

That's kind of offenseive, dude. Yea, I'm pretty f-ing sure I'm taking offence to that.
We only have an unattributed news report, with an anonymous "source", alleging that the Israelis received prior warning. All other comments from police, officials, etc. indicate that there was no warning. Therefore, unless and until the AP report is corroborated and backed up by authoritative sources, I'm assuming it's false. Easy, innit?
Joejojoba111 - You shouldn't be offended. Neither should you believe a false story from sources with an anti semitic agenda :)
Is the Associated Press a reputable news source?

I saw the same AP story on Yahoo news this morning.
Sorry Riley, I misunderstood.

But Marshall, it looks pretty solid. The 'sources' aren't anti-semitic, probably, because they're Israeli... So I kind of AM surprised!

And one author is named Arutz Sheva, I really don't think he's 'anti semitic'.

It sort of looks to me like the government didn't do it's job, they informed those that it cared about like high officials and foreign dignitaries, just in case the bombs happened, but didn't bother telling the public. :mad: It really really looks that way.
Or perhaps the British Intelligence information was that a threat was made against the Israeli Embassy.

If the LAPD receives information that they believe an attack is to take place against Dodge Stadium, do you evacuate LAX?

Just a WAG. There certainly isn't anything near enough information to support anything other then speculation.
"If the LAPD receives information that they believe an attack is to take place against Dodge Stadium, do you evacuate LAX?"

I'd sure like to be informed! Oh no, people might avoid the stadium, there would be a 70% decline in gross profits from beverage and parking sales for the day, we can't have that!

For pete's sake, credible threat of attack, that sounds good enough to tell the entire city. I don't care if some bureaucrat thinks I 'Need to know', I WANT to know. ALL that's happened, and the public STILL doesn't need to know? Fed right up with it.
Read your own report (which has apparently been debunked). They got word MINUTES before the attack.

Using my example, if you receive word minutes before an attack that one will take place against Dodger Stadium, do you bother notifiying LAX or do you go to the folks who appear to be the target?
Not starting a panic/stampede/general chaos would likely be the case.

(I won't comment on the veracity of this information at all, since none of us know for sure either way.)

Many times panic and disorder can cause as much, if not more, damage and casualties than a bomb - although not in this case.

Compare however to a soccer riot, for example - if it was just one smallish bomb (which, obviously, it wasn't), the panic and disorder could cause more damage.
I have issues with people as a general rule being so prone to fear and panic, but we can't exactly have reality as we like it, alas.

Your post does bring to mind a useful idea, that any countries leadership should have their own internal emergency alert system to simultaneously pass such warnings to the leadership so that they can immediately respond to the situation, both to protect themselves and the citizenry.

That being said, generally such leaderships hold on to the information too long for political or economic reasons, and this does tend to cause trouble.

We don't need more laws and more jackboots, we need to use our existing tools effectively, and the day you can get politicians to do that... welllll...

Nuff said,

Here is a cut and paste of my response to the same kind of thing in another thread:

it has since been reported that, like so many early reports after something like this, that that news report you quoted was a false report. Didn't happen.

Here are some quotes from this (http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satell...d=1120702712585 ) article:

"Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told The Jerusalem Post that he heard the ambulance sirens screaming through the streets of London and it reminded him of what he'd always said about terrorism. "The sirens that wailed in London today are a wake-up call to Europeans that they must unite to fight the plague of international terror," he said.

Netanyahu was about to leave his hotel to speak at an Israeli business conference when he received word that there had been an explosion near the site of the event. He ended up staying put. "

Doesn't sound to me like he cancelled due to advance warning.

Then on page 2 they directly address such claims:

"There were early reports that Israel had received a tipoff about the blasts minutes before they occurred, but that was flatly refuted by Israeli and British officials. "

WND has an entire article about it: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=45163

And here is a Yahoo article:
"JERUSALEM - Israel was not warned about possible terror attacks in London before a series of blasts ripped through the city, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Thursday.

A Foreign Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, had said earlier that British police warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terror attacks minutes before the first explosion.

"There was no early information about terrorist attacks," Shalom told Israel Army Radio later. "After the first explosion an order was given that no one move until things become clear. "

Israel was holding an economic conference in a hotel over the London subway stop where one of the blasts occurred. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to attend the conference, but "after the first explosion our finance minister received a request not to go anywhere," Shalom said..."

Do keep in mind how notoriously unreliable early reports are when there are hundreds of reporters grasping for information to report and there is precious little information available. All kinds of interesting, but false, tidbits tend to get thrown around and that is what it appears happened with this Israel story.
Sorry Riley, I misunderstood.

But Marshall, it looks pretty solid. The 'sources' aren't anti-semitic, probably, because they're Israeli... So I kind of AM surprised!

And one author is named Arutz Sheva, I really don't think he's 'anti semitic'.
I think the source he was referring to was the website you referenced, prisonplanet.com. A short perusal of that site shows a definate agenda.

As for Arutz Sheva, that is not a "he", it is a news organization that generally just takes stories off the various news wires.

As for the veracity of early reports, see the last paragraph of my first post.
It may also be important to note that if the Brits received intel that Netanyahu was in danger, or something equally parochial, they might indeed have called him first, and then spread the word to others. By then the bombs may have been detonated, making further notification a waste of time better spent on other things.

(Bear in mind, too, that if the Brits or the Israelis were the bombers, as I'm sure more than one conspiracy theorist is going to claim, the Brits probably wouldn't have taken a chance and called at all, and the Israelis would have briefed their people a long time in advance.)


Here in the US, I'm sure, there will be screams to disarm law abiding citizens who wish to use the subways & trains in places where they're not already disarmed. We really needed that.

Meantime, the Brits are now reaping what they've been sowing with regard to a large anti-US and anti-Israel Muslim population....

This is going to get interesting.

(The British will probably outlaw backpacks and packages on public transportation now....)

I haven't investigated this, but I know that similar stories get reported and repeated (and repeated) after every terrorist attack. An Arab friend of mine tried to convince me that Jews didn't show up for work in the World Trade Centers on 9/11. He said it like it was a known fact. I pointed him to the Snopes article (and others) and then he realized that the Arab media sources are full of crap. Obviously if you look at the list of names of people who died in 9/11, plenty of them are Jewish names, and yet this lie about Jews not showing up to the WTC is still circulating widely in the Arab world.

I guess it's not much different from other lies about Jews throughout history, like the "blood libels" and similar things.
The second this half-baked story came out, I knew it would form the basis for thousands of pages of Jew-hating conspiracy theories for years to come. I also love how the focus of the @$%#$! who spew this nonsense is ALWAYS ON THE JEWS. If you look at the article, it's apparent that the allegation is that the BRITISH GOVERNMENT knew about the attacks and was supposedly warning potential targets. But for the Jew-hater, the JUDEN is alway going to be the focus. People like that are a good reason to keep firearms handy.
Ok, good enough for me. Yea, I don't buy into most conspiracy theory "the gov't did it' stuff, too complicated. I do rather suspect that the government drafts unpassable legislation, then sits back and waits for a crisis by which to pass it, though.

...And when you see stuff like this British bombing happening, and you stop and realize that 10,000 illegal aliens flowed across the Mexican border today, and that people from not only central america but also the middle east have been caught - and released to try again... The whole world has a vested interest in stopping this, that I agree with Sharon with.
An Arab friend of mine tried to convince me that Jews didn't show up for work in the World Trade Centers on 9/11. He said it like it was a known fact.
Yeah, that is one that burns me up too. Having read accounts from and spoken to people who are Orthodox Jews who lost wives and husbands on 9/11 I don't have much patience for such lies.
Although I don't entirely trust Israel as an ally like Australia or Great Britain (they have their own agenda that happily mostly coincides with our own), I always find it a useful barometer of political insanity. Any group or individual who goes out of their way to blame everything on Israel or "the Jews" or "the Zionists" (not to mention " the neocons") is not to be trusted... this includes much of the mainstream media, the international communist movements, most of the "anarchists", a lot of the far-left in America and Europe (who think they are progressive), the white supremacists and neo-nazis in America and Europe, and, of course, the Islamists. They're all Statists and/or nihilists, and Jews make much better neighbors than any of them.
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