Why do so many profess hatred of the US?

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The United States has twice come to the rescue of Europe (and much of the rest of the world in the process) and -- in the words of Colin Powel -- asked nothing in return but enough ground to bury our dead.

We also prevented Communism -- the greatest disaster ever to overtake the Human race, in the words of Zbignew Brzinski -- from over-running the world.

You can understand how they hate us for that!

And by the way, CornCod, if you hate this country so much, I can send you a list of other countries you might find more to your liking.
For a while, attacks on the U.S., our ships, our citizens went unpunished with no retaliation. We even gave missle secrets to China.

Now we are protecting what we perceive as our property. Now we need to secure our borders, round up illegals and send them packing, they have no rights to demand that we allow them to stay. Our policies should be set by U.S. citizens and not illegals and the U.N.

Not to beat up the U.N. too much but diplomats assigned to the U.N. should have NO special privileges once they leave U.N. or their countries embassy property. They should be subject to OUR laws.

I am reminded of a joke which went around the military in the...80's (?):

A bunch of people were protesting outside the gates of a US military base in a foreign country about the US presence there. Most were carrying signs demanding that we leave. A lot of the women were carrying signs that read:

"GI Go Home!
(and take me with you)"

As long as the US is carrying the baggage of whatever country is in question, we are tolerated. Once we stop, so does the tolerance (in most cases - a few countries still have some honor).

Those idiots (for lack of a better, more high road term) who try to blame it on Bush have no knowledge of history or ability to look at other countries critically. We have not done anything most other countries have done. We just do it bigger and better. And in front of a lot more unfriendly press.

Yes, we have made mistakes, as has every other country. But for some reason ours are held against us more. Maybe we are supposed to be perfect for everyone else?

Finally, if we are so bad, why do so few people leave the US and go to other countries to build a new, better life?
It's not jealously. The world isn't a comic book.

The US has been MEDDLING for a good part of the 20th century. Meddling was warned about in the Federalist Papers. Madison mentioned it..."she shall not go abroad looking for monsters to slay"...rememeber that?

Shame they didn't listen.

And the US needs to stop trying to pick puppet leaders. It always backfires, they always get bitey and turn into dictators.
I am not politically astute in fact I'm a dunce plain and simple
BUT there was an article written and read by a canadian whose name escapes me right now but in a nutshell it said we are the first to hand out aid when someone in the world needs it for disasters etc we have a free press and freedom to speak our minds,religious freedom to pray to what ever god or not pray
We have built the best of all most everything a medical system while not perfect is the envy of the world. We also have no problem in putting out our dirty laundry for the world to see.
Most dare I say all of the world do not have these luxuries.
I worked with a lady who was always bad mouthing the US for
what ever problem saying that this country was a terrible place to live to which I reminded her that people were willing to dodge
machine gun fire dance through mine fields and swim shark infested waters to get here if it sucks that bad why do they keep coming?
BTW the guys in the shop were going to take up a collection for her to go to say China to live for a bit but passed on the idea
Can't answer simply.

It is true that more people hated us when Bush is in office, and it is
mainly because of his style, perceived arrogance and meddling in the
wrong way and yes his, ineptitude.
Some hated us because of our always being onesided with Israel. Can't help
it, the Jews control on business and our govt is widespread.
There are those who will hate us no matter what, -Islamic extremists. They
will find an entity to demonized to justify their agenda.
Some people's hatred is perhaps justifiable. Most Iraqis hate us because
simply we bombed and destroy their country for no justifiable reason.
What would you feel if a stronger Canada bombed the hell out of Washington DC? I'll bet you will hate Canadians too!
Of course as the remaining Superpower, it is our responsibility to keep
everything in check, and that is very hard to do, and we will always annoy
somebody. The whole world is full of crazy people. It is hard to please
As I remember, we tried to stay out of a couple wars, untill we were attacked.
We have been involved in trying to bring some sort of peace in the mid east, untill the attack on our home soil. We had been attacked for 30 years. I think that is a great deal of restraint.
We have built up the economy of dozens of countrys, not for exploit, but for trade. We are not stealing oil we are buying it, and creating great wealth in those countries.

Or do you think a bunch of goatherds raised up refineries,wells and piplines out of the sand by themselves.
Lots of reasons,

Even though I am among the ignorant slobs, and hicks here in fly over country :rolleyes: I have studied history a bit over the years, and for those who point to America's meddlesome ways, well, I would like to point out that most all countries are meddlesome with their neighbors. Others are more powerful and have a farther reach, meddling on the global stage. Especially in the middle east. Revolt, invasion, assaination etc were and are accepted means of gov. change in the region. The biggest reason that America is so hated is success! We have become a super power through being successful in meddling, with technology, with finance, in every major segment of global society. No matter what or who we have come up against, we have been successful, and we have been able to flourish. Take Iran and Iraq. They have been fighting with each other and the vast majority of their neighbors for 1000's of years. To point to our "meddling" as the reason for strife in the region is to ignore a great deal of history! We may have poured a little fuel oil onto an already roaring fire, but that is all we have done, if that! The fact is they hate us, just as they hate anyone else who they do not believe they are able to fight and win. How many governments in the world today would not try to conquer the world if they had the resources that we do, arms, (Nuclear, and conventional) financial resources, technology, etc. ? Most all of your tin horn dictators would, as would many of those in some of your more "civilized" nations. It is still a dog eat dog world and we are hated because we are the biggest dog on the block!
You can't teach rugged individualism from the safe confines of the faculty lounge.

Oh, goody, we must be churning out Daniel Boones since we don't have one. :neener:

People hate America because we are powerful, fumbling, and perennially caught between justice and humility.

Worst of all, Americans hate themselves.
short answer: because they envy

Longer answer:
The are 3 separate 'groups' of cultures and societies
that cultivate the hatred for US

1) Europeans/Academics/Artists (group 1)

2) Muslims (group 2)

3) some Chinese and some Russians (group 3)


Group 1: > Europeans because they cannot understand
how a country where no one cares about 'last name' or the relationships to the 'knights and kings' of the past can do so well economically. They do not believe that 'meritocracy' is more important then 'blood relationships to some aristocracy'. And they did not like us before, Bush/Condoleze simply
put a face to the concept that they hated the most.
>Academics/Artists -- they believe that evil in the world
does not exist. There are only 'disagreements' that can be solved by one side understanding the other side. Utopian concept, but the theoretical ideal is nice -- therefore liked by people whose world is build around their thoughts and not reality....

Grop 2)
Muslims -- Ideology: that allows women to prosper on their own without the dependency on man is 'bad'.
Successful non-Muslims is 'bad'
Jews that are still alive is 'bad'
Successfull non-muslmis that profit from 'Muslim Lands' (that is consume oil) is 'bad'

The overall ideology is now so much embedded into
most Arab and Persian countries that it is hard to separate Muslims from Arabs. But in reality there is a separation.
There are over 100 million muslims in India, Indonesia, and now growing population in Africa (they are not Arabs). Iranians do not consider them Araps (they are the decendentes of the Persian empire). I think there are non-muslim Arabs, however I am not 100% sure as some of them live in northern Africa and probably some in Israel.

Group 3) Russian and Chinese
The government of those countries want to become
superpowers opposing US (therefore their position in UN, etc). They believe their countries are strong enough to do that and that them being the government would rip the benefit of being the governments of superpowers (basically access to infinite resources). To do that they have to
convince their people that
a) they can do that
b) that the people should 'trust' them on how to do that
therefore they get the 'support' that they need to exist.
That's why even more sophisticated Chinese or Russians
hate US.

However my answer to all the Americans that believe
that 'everyone' hates them. Do not believe that.
The only group that genuinely hates US is group 2)
The rest simply envy (or live in the world of utopia)

The testimony to that is that 98% of them want to come and live here. And the ones who cannot come, wish to work for a company that is either affiliated or run by US business -- why? because they want fair compensation and growth prospects -- and that's what US offers (because US consumers spend lots of money and feel 'guilty' for all those underprivileged chinese, russian, africans/indonesians, etc).
..or could be it that our government has a tendency to stick its nose into other people's business?

..could it be that our government is determined to play global cop?

..could it be that we Americans have let our government slip its lease and dig up the neighbors garden?

I'm with this guy on these points. I definately think it is NOT jealousy. I've been in Asia, Europe, lived briefly in about 5 other countries and nothing has so much as hinted that they're jealous or want to be us at all. That's just an indulgent feel-good answer to bloat the ego. It seems the idea rather disgusts them, they have the same pride in their country that we do.

I think another factor is, they fear us. We think we're the good guys, powerful and compassionate. This isn't true in their eyes. The good part anyway. Only the powerful part is still accepted. Like schoolyard bully. Do you think the world views us as the good guys spreading democracy and freedom in Iraq? They see we act globally to serve our own goals, just like all the other countries, but throw up excuses to try to make it sound more noble than it is.
The British disliked us for a long time after the Revolution. They tried to snuff as out again in the war of 1812.
According to Historycentral.com...
The United States declared War on Great Britain on June 12, 1812. The war was declared as a result of long simmering disputes with Great Britian.
On July 12, 1812, forces under General Hull crosses into Canada at Sandwich. The invasion is quickly stopped, and American forces are forced to withdraw. By August 16, Hull surrenders Detroit.
American forces were defeated on October 13, 1812 at a battle near Niagara Falls, on Queenston Heights. The American officers were unable to convince militia troops to cross over to Canada and bring sufficient reinforcements to carry the day.
On April 27, 1813, American forces, under General Henry Dearborn, captured the British base at York, Canada. This is made possible by close cooperation between the Navy and the Army.
At the Battle of Crysler's Farm, on November 11, 1813, American forces are defeated by smaller numbers of British forces; 100 miles from Montreal.
British forces march on Washington. At a brief battle on the road, known as the Battle of Bladensburg; the British forces defeat the American forces, who withdraw in disarray, thus opening the road to Washington. The British burn the White House and the Capitol, but the rest of Washington is saved by a strong rain storm. The British, under orders not to hold any territory, withdrew.
On January 8, 1815, American forces, under General Jackson, decisively defeat the British forces trying to capture New Orleans. The battle, which takes place after the Treaty of Ghent has been signed, is the most decisive American victory of the war.

Foreigners envy us, hate the fact that we can advance and they can't.
Having spent considerable time in both the US, Canada and Europe, I have to say that the US is not exactly the picture of modern efficiency. Additionally, if a person drives 5 minuts from th US Capitol, you might think that you were entering a war zone. What's with that?:what:
razorburn, do you want to reconsider your views after the facts of who it is to be the first to help another nation after a disaster..who gives the most money to help other nations, even those who reject that help...and when was the last time another nation offered any help when the US suffered a disaster..do you want to look into the facts of history, esp. the last century before condemning the US as nothing more than self-serving...even though nations like germany and japan waged a war of aggression to dominate other nations..the US expended great amounts of money and blood to help defeat those nations and yet took no spoils but helped rebuild them and gave those citizens greater freedom than they had previously..who protected german citizens from starvation when the ussr was determined to blockade berlin right after the war...I could on for along, long time but it's late at night...maybe you ought to sleep on those many facts and reconsider before calling the land of liberty deserving of such hate...:fire: I've never been to Europe but lived in Korea for 2 years...that was 20 yrs ago and there was some youth ignorance then too..but the older Koreans knew better about the sacrifice the USA gave..

who the hell, taught you history.....
We are a great nation but I do see us turning into a third world nation if we continue to ignore our Christian heritage. This nation was founded on Christian-Judeo values and our founding fathers had a strong belief in God, prayer and the Holy Bible. Now our political leaders have no time for God, prayer or the Bible. If this trend continues, our Republic will indeed turn into a democracy and the America we all love will be gone. If you want to know the true history of this God blessed nation and what makes us special among all other nations then go to this website. http://www.wallbuilders.com/
We're the biggest kid on the block (for now). That makes us a target off the blocks. We have also invaded an awful lot of places, destroyed their governments and set up some really nasty puppets. Other countries do that, too. Such is life. But since we're the biggest and strongest we have the opportunity to do it more often and garner more resentment.
The US isn't hated all that much. For example, Serbs from Belgrade would have cause to hold the recent bombings against the US, yet those I know do not.
True. And the Vietnamese, Lord knows, have justification for a deathless vendetta against us that make the jihadis blush. But they still like Americans for the most part, even people whose lives were trashed by the war. I guess it's easier to be magnanimous in victory :)

But we have managed to get pretty seriously resented over the years. China is being much smarter about its foreign policy, particularly in Africa which has a lot of the resources it needs to feed its growing industries.
Hatred, or dislike?

Hm. Firstly, don't get it out of proportion. Most of the world can think of why they might dislike an American or two; but love a whole bunch of Americans and what they do.

I (Australian) started getting to know Americans in maybe about 1973 through Guns & Ammo magazine. Except before that I watched the Cisco Kid, F Troop, and Daniel Boone. Read Marvel Comics and Donald Duck as a kid, saw the usual movies everyone sees, read Steinbeck.

Even at that age you couldn't avoid knowing that some found certain Americans objectionable. The quote form WWII went 'Overpaid, oversexed and over HERE!'

Quite a lot of Australian girls married in WWII and went to the US; far more English too I am sure!

I heard a vet who was in Italy describe Americans using cases of canned peaches to get a truck out of a boghole. That was offensively wasteful. There are a whole world of stories about American waste. Australian soldiers would claim that Americans would say 'this rifle's dirty, gimme a new one!' I know that's bullsh*t, but the joke wasn't about rifles but abundant, and abundantly wasted, 'stuff' in the US military.

I have had some dozens of fantastic friends from the US, and want to visit there myself. My wife sang in Carnegie Hall with her choir, and has American family we love from being a Rotary exchange student. But the very few
Americans I have met who were objectionable are memorable because they confirmed popular prejudices.

-Ex US Navy guy I knew when in high school killed a policeman; he died in prison a few weeks ago after 27 years.

-American pastor came to my house when I was out and spent an hour abusing my wife for her sins - all kinds of stuff about our Christian lives that I had shared not knowing he was a f***ing lunatic. Part of his trouble was that he was spectacularly unsuccessful evangelising in Australia, and his US accent was a bit of a barrier - and I made the mistake of saying so when he was looking for ideas as to how to evangelise more effectively.

-Guy in Africa who was associated with the US Embassy (time of the 97 Clinton visit), telling us how he told his home security guard 'If anything happens get down fast - anything that moves is MINE!' - not a crime, just he maybe mistook me for someone who thinks shooting unarmed African petty thieves is OK. (Before the African embassy bombings, in hindsight a bit of gung-ho was a good idea.)

Americans? Fantastic people. America? Fantastic place, I want to go there. Prejudices? Yes, we all have them. Get over it.
It is complicated. It is not just our foriegn policy. Or not just that Americans no longer study and research and spend time understanding world politics in general and believe whatever the media tells them because it requires less effort.

It is also because our way of life, the one that replaced the old moraly based religious lifestyle even our ancestors lived. Where simple lives and uncomplicated lifestyles allowed people to focus on right and wrong and family flourished. People were mainly self reliant on material needs and therefore not ruled by a material world and define themselves by the quality and quantity of thier material possessions, or at least less so than in modern times. Sure there was the aristocrats that lived that way, but the average person did not.
But because of the advantages of technology and the time saved with modern methods the end result is cheaper and so the man hours required to make it worth less. So nations that become that way have the trade advantage. With thier currency worth more they are able to have much more influance and control, as well as generate more excess to be taxed and used to build stronger military or go into R&D to learn how to kill less profitable nations better, or at least be more of a threat and have a louder voice. So all nations therefore have to abandon thier own culture and way of life to embrace the western way of life that creates more excess, or be uncompetative and be abosrbed by the rest.
So many see it as a sort of forced culture spread mainly by American based businesses. This culture of course requires debt (credit and capital) which means handing the reigns over to another man. It is said that if your in debt to another person your not free and your life is not your own. People accept whatever morals or ideology is required to integrate to work effectively if they must make payments for debt. This really upsets religious fanatics because one cannot be loyal to most religions, especialy Islam without actively imposing it on others. It is only a modern philosophy popular with materialistic nations that they can be 'christian,jewish, etc' and live strictly by thier beliefs (which require being intolerant of those that are immoral, otherwise pressure to change is not being applied) without bothering others or jeapordizing ones career or standing.
It basicly says integration is more important than beliefs or ideology, right or wrong... it is simply more effecient at creating revenue. So religions either get watered down by changing how strong thier convictions are..so they accept more and more 'sin' or 'taboo' or whatever they call it, or their followers don't integrate as well. So like our current problem; muslim radicals are the ones unwilling to not really live by thier religion and simply refrence it, as we do in material based cultures where economic standing is more important than ideological standing. Of course them being militarized by intelligence agencies to undermine thier nations enemies through guerrilla warfare didn't help. The enemy we fight today was the one we designed to destroy the soviets. Religious fanaticism was encouraged because they maintain high morale past the point of normal soldiers against overwhelming odds. So morale is not a big concern. This fanaticism was then channeled and given the best training on how to effectely challenge a much better equiped 'superpower' through guerilla tactics and 'terrorism' that destroys morale and therefore the will of the enemy to fight. A fanatic that takes a lethal round and knows he is going to allah keeps on shooting or hits a detonator , while a normal soldier is shocked and spends those same seconds wanting to not die and for all intents and purposes ceases hostilities after taking lethal hits. So the fanaticisms acts as a force multiplier as well as a never ending source of high morale.

The ideology that was required to create a dedicated force to defeat the Soviet Union works just as well on America. Islam preaches intolarance of those that do not embrace it..quite strongly regardless of what anyone tries to tell you. Therefore it becomes a great tool to be manipulated for military advantage as well as spreads rapidly.

American CIA was very instrumental in helping Saddam come to power and remain in power. They wanted a counter for Iran. The west knew he had Chemical weapons because the factories made to create them were built by American/British companies knowing that was thier purpose. This was done to give Saddam a chance of holding off a Superior Iran. Because Iran was a threat to the west Iraq was made to counter and keep it occupied. They would have a long bloody war. The border between Iraq and Kuwait was not very well defined and Kuwait started taking pieces while Iraq was busy fighting Iran. So then Iraq seeing the opportunity and having the resources to gain not only the taken territory but perhaps even oil rich kuwait stepped outside its puppet role and dared to interfere with western oil. He was hit hard in the gulf war, but knowing he was well armed with chemical and biological agents, as well as having a strong economy to back a military campaign the west backed off then put sanctions requiring him to both show all his secrets, disarm himself and weaken his economy. When he was determined to be weak enough to destroy without even batting an eye after 10 years of sanctions America went in and crushed his entire military in a short time. Of course becoming the new Isreal (ie regions new magnet for all radicals that want to fight for 'Allah') was unforseen.

On a similar note Bin Laden and many like him were created by America to fight and defeat the soviets, the training camps, the lifestyle, the ideology, the economy based on selling Herione which allows a small amount of work to be translated into self funded guerrilla warfare. The same thing was setup earlier in the "Golden Triangle' in Asia so it was known to work well. Of course they knew these drugs are mainly purchased by the west..after all they only are worth a lot because they are contraband so selling them anywhere not highly illegal would not fund warfare...This is why I think the war on drugs is so important, drugs being illegal is what financialy supports most state sponsered guerrilla warfare in the world.
SImilar things exist in South America. After all if an intelligence agency can create its own funding they don't have to get permission to use tax $ and get a lot more freedom to do what they wish outside of scrutiny by the people or the politicians in office at the time.
So as people of other nations realize they are used as pawns it upsets them and they dislike the nation smart enough to protects its interests in complicated devious ways. If the west can get a nation to fight against another nation or against guerrillas it can make it borrow loans, putting itself into debt, meaning it becomes economicly enslaved to the banks of the west. Therefore it is conquered without military force. They have no choice in the matter, they either lose to the enemy that does go into debt or they do as well, either way they lose thier independence.

Combine this with American companies that need Labor going to whatever nation has the fewest laws protecting its labor force..it gives a negative appearance. Essentialy wherever slavery is legal. It is not considered slavery, but when a days salary only pays for the food of that day and gives no sense of security it may as well be.

So while I am glad I was born in America, and that I am an American able to enjoy all that America has to offer, it is easy to see why someone in a less fortunate state of affairs elsewhere in the world would dislike the most devious, successful, nation on earth. Unfortunately if these things were not done American might not be in charge. I would rather America be in charge than the alternatives...

The politics of the world are complex, knowing them and not liking them does not mean they are not necessary for the world as you know it to continue to function.
They are not allowed to hate their own government. Our government does not own them so they are free to hate us. You have to hate somebody or something right? What good is having an emotion if you don't use it :confused:
When I was in grammar school I was bigger than a number of my teachers. Biggest kid in the school. Bullies were forever wanting and trying to kick my butt! Why? Because they would build their own reputation by defeating me. I learned pretty quick friendship is based on common goals. No way did being nice stop some big goon from trying to kick my butt.

Too bad our elites haven't learned my lessons. :scrutiny:
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